  The Departments of Study comprise the following : .
g Mathematics.
  Physics and Astronomy.
Q Chemistry, Inorganic, Organic and Applied.
Mental and Moral Philosophy.
  Civil History and Political Economy.
Agriculture and Horticulture.
a English Language and Literature.
Latin Language and Literature.
Greek Language and Literature.
French Language and Literature.
German Language and Literature.
Civil, Mechanical and Mining Engineering and Drawing.
Natural History-—Botany, Comp. Anatomy, Geology, etc.
_ Veterinary Science.
I P1·actical Mechanics. i
Theory and Practice of Teaching.
Book-keeping and Penmanship.
Military Art and Science.
Architecture and Landscape Gardening.
Agricultural C0urse—Comp1ete.
Q Physics and Astronomy.
j Chemistry, Inorganic, Organic and Agricultural.  
l History and Political Economy. I ·
l German Language and Literature.  ;
l Practical Mechanics.
i English Language and Literature.
I Landscape Gardening.
o Botany, Zoology, Comp. Anatomy, Geology. .
' Agriculture and Horticulture. _
i Military Art and Science.  _
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