° under a Chairman and Secretary of tl1eir own choice, whose t
  successors are elected on the last Tuesday of eacl1 month, and v
i who serve for one month. At the business meeting held on lz
  Tuesday night of each week, the weekly dues, $2.25, are paid. li
  The Boarding Department is managed by a Board consisting
of the President of the College, the Treasurer, who is a mem- t
E ber of the Faculty, and into whose hands all the weekly dues t
if are placed when collected, the Matron, and the Chairman and
‘ Secretary selected by the students. It will thus be seen that ` t
{ the Boarding Department has no official connection with the €
· College authorities. The College, as such, does not board the l
Z students, and is in no sense responsible for any debts created C
V by the Boarding Department. Two members of the Faculty, J
in their individual capacity, assist in the management of its  
1 funds. .
Expenses. C
The necessary expenses of a student while at College need
not exceed the following estimates. As a rule, the less pocket
money allowed by parents or guardians, the better it is for the
pupil. VVhen supplies of money are kept short, the opportu- ¤ ,
nity for contracting vicious habits is correspondingly dimin- ,
. ished. Students should not be allowed by their parents to
* create any debts. All moneys intended for the use of the stu-
dents should be deposited with the Commandant.
For county appointees occupying a room in the dormitory
and boarding in the common mess, the necessary expenses are
as follows:
Tuition . 2 ............................. SO OO
Room foe ........ . ..................... 5 OO
V Matriculation .............. , ............. 5 OO
‘ Fuel and   ...... . ...................... 8 OO
i Cost of furnishing room, about ...... . .............. 10 OO
{ \Vtl5l1lllg' .............................. l0 OO
l Board, 38 weeks, at $2.25 per wool:. .................. 85 50
i Books, about. .............. . ............. l0 OO
[ Total ............. . ................  
4 Each room must be provided by the occupants thereof, al Meir
; mm 0.2y2c2z.s»<, with neat and comfortable bed and bedding, three
I comforts or blankets, one pillow, three pillow slips, four sheets,