STATE ooLL1cc1~; 011* KENTUCKY. 55 i`
l?l1€ 124. No cadet shall visit the 1*00111 of another during study -
“d‘ hours. 4
3iP· 125. No student shall throw any thing from the windows o1·
doors, nor any missile in the vicinity of the public buildings.
?€1`· 126. No student shall pla.y upon ally musical instrument in
itS· study hours, or otherwise disturb the quiet of the quarters.
127. Students shall walk the halls and pass up and down
ters. y stairs in study hours in a soldier-like and orderly manner.
ant. Loud talking or laughing, scuiiling, and all other unnecessary
)m‘ noise in the buildings, are prohibited at all times.
nce 128. No student shall post any placard or notice upon any of
the the College buildings, fences, or other i1nprove111ents or places,
nit, or ailix to the walls of his room any map, picture, or piece of
une w1·itten or ·printed paper, without permission from the Co111- I
l mandant.
l to 129. Students are forbidden to take or have in their quarters
’”`i· any newspapers or other periodical publications without special _
permission from the President. They are also forbidden to
lust keep in their rooms any books except text-books, witl1o11t
fPS» ` special permission from the President.
If 130. No stude11t shall mark, c11t, or in any manner deface or
lt is injure tl1e buildings or other property of tl1e College.
171. Any student having an explanation to offer for 1111 offense »
mst for which he has been reported, will express it in writing ac- V
by cording to the prescribed form, a11d present it to the Comman-
dant of the Corps witl1in forty-eight l1o11rs after its publication. .
Wm lf satisfactory, the Commandant will erase the report; if 11ot
satisfactory, he may refer tl1e explanation to the reporting
the officer, who shall i11dorse ll]_)Ol1 it such reniarks as may be
mm pertinent, and ret111·11 it to the Commandant.
» 172. No explanation will be received after the lapse of "
ade f0rty—eight hours, 1111less sickness, absence, o1· some other 1111-
avoidable cause, which must be fully stated, has prevented its
Wm Pl`€S€I1t2ll]lOl1 within the prescribed time, i11 which case it must
the be presented as soon as possible.
173. VVhenever a student is absent from any duty, or absent
BPS from quarters after taps, or at a11y Ol}ll€l' time longer than thirty
ininutes, he will be p1111isl1ed as if beyond the College li111its,
. lllll€SS his absence is satisfactorily accounted for. I