V “Soon after becoming president,” some $5,000 behind the marketplace and the is 
"|n me men Of jnfmmmjun observed Ted Bates, an alumni member of the Community College faculty salaries some
munugemem We wen; from hmd|y UK Board of Trustees, “Dr. Roselle began to $2,000 behind.
unyone to ¤|mOSj everyone Using accent the excellence of faculty as basic to a Roselle infused the campus with 1  
(0mpUyB[S_" leading teaching and research university, a energy. Faculty, staff and students responded to i  
DA Mmy SUE {0/(Aman faculty that can attract both top students and his dynamo style. Academic planning moved  
‘ significant research grants. He strengthened forward with renewed vigor. The result was a     1
the morale of the faculty by reallocating comprehensive strategic plan to carry the  
monies to give long overdue, but still institution into the 1990s and a five-year  IA? ..
inadequate, raises, thereby communicating to budget plan focused on moving the University  Ag
them the University administrations regard toward fulfillment of the goals in the strategic y  
for their part in building a great University plan.  
and acknowledging their perseverance.” “He really did move the institution (ml
During the 1989·90 period, Dr. forward in some very dramatic ways,” said Dr. l wm;
Roselle’s priority of improving the academic Mary Sue Coleman, faculty member of the Comj
programs of the institution required him to Board of Trustees. i mess
make some very difficult management “In the area of information
decisions, observes vice president for management we went from hardly anyone to I
administration Edward A. Carter. Existing almost everyone using computers. He made
programs of the institution were adjusted by institutional decisions about networking that as Z
reallocating over $12 million during ‘88·`90. needed to be made. His rapport with the H6
That reallocation resulted in the elimination students and the faculty was exceptional. He fits
of some 120 employee positions in the was very good for the internal institution. He Al'
institution as well as several other significant really had a tremendous impact in a very short inl
adjustments. These reallocations were done to period of time.” Blu
reduce the level of erosion of faculty and staff Roselle`s popularity among students me
salaries in relation to the marketplace and to was demonstrated when students held a rally WO
maintain, to the extent possible, the support exhorting him to “Don’t Do Delaware”, a sm
environment for the faculty to do this reference to his candidacy for president of the sP€
scholarship. Even with these reallocations, University of Delaware. He accepted that job the
faculty salaries on the main campus may be in December 1989.
Sean Lohman, Student Government HD1
» -   ·  · V V _ president and student representative to the {YO]
` —~ .   A _ Board of Trustees, summarized, “Dr. Roselle’s mg
        ~   impact on UK went unmatched. He truly had Us i
·   AVN., ‘   _ , _   a dream and a goal for this University to PTC
    ts‘.  ” I.   increase the educational environment for
— , 6     V   ·’. _V I   students. In his term, Dr. Roselle saw UK cited RO*
» xi . » · V   . g  J ‘-_.· j ` ff   p   in a book on how to get an ivy league suc
‘ Ywf ‘ ‘¤   '   ‘ · ‘· 1 `T   K2 `   education from a public institution, saw the PY
V ~ E   `7 ' _ fi t~‘   `· ‘_`, r ff`? average ACT scores for freshmen rise Atl
°‘ K s r i °     *~ ‘‘‘   i,` V I  substantially, and saw UK listed as one of the (101
A.- _   ’}_ '   ·   '     best buys for a higher education in the country. wm
. _ . .. ..-   .' .     `   He created a respectable athletic program of has
A   V V ,.V. .¤  AA;     V I   which the student community is V€I`Y proud. Om
 A ‘       He traveled the state of Kentucky to raise fac
I    _       millions of dollars for UK, and whether 35S<
  5   .V,. l A   someone gave us $5 or $5,000,000, or just said i
_ ·A   Al `{   .3     ‘l support UK’ he has touched the lives of l On
  ` ‘ I  f`  `4  A   VV   thousands of Kentuckians and made people I dsc
 il. ' 4       more positive toward this institution." A H3
Jelierson County Alumni (lub president Kevin Connell with then-UK One of the messages Rvselle CO¤V€Y€d L RO:
president Dovid Roselle ond lock Guthrie ot the rlub's onnuol Spring regularly Was the FZCY that UK had toward l Ne
Spun; Bunquet dealing with academic success rather than COT
academic failure. Rentention rates climbed Wl
steadily and fewer remedial courses were being
taught because the need for them no longer
existed as the average ACT scores of entering
freshmen continued to rise.
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