biology of many type species, illustrated by photographs. (3)
Fish structure and physiology. (4) Fish culture and economic
ichthyology; care of fishes, aquaria, etc. (5) Special studies, such
as blind fishes, deep sea fishes, etc.

Prerequisites: Zoology 1a, b, c. (4) II (Allen)

114a-d~—ZOOLOGICAL SEMINAR. (1) Occasional presenta—
tion of the result of research by members. (2) Reports on papers of
technical or semi—technical nature in the current literature. (3)
Occasional book reviews. (4) Discussion of biological principles and
phenomena. (5) Correlation of zoological fields.
(1) I, II, III (Staff)

_ 157a—INVERTEBRATE ANATOMY. Lower Invertebrates.
(1) Systematic consideration of lower phyla, classes, orders and a
few families. (2) Dissection of a few types not previously studied.
(3) Identification and drawings of external aspects of many genera.
(4) Life histories.

Prerequisites: Zoology 1a, b, c. (3) I (Allen and Lincicome)

157b—INVERTEBRATE ANATOMY. The higher phyla. Con-
tinuation of 1573.
Prerequisites: Zoology 1a, b, c. (3) II (Allen and" Lincicome)

157c—VERTEBRATE ANATOMY. (1) Systematic considera-
tion of classes, orders, and some families of Vertebrata. (2) Detailed
dissection of types not previously studied. (3) Comparative organ-
ology and (briefly) physiology of the several classes. (4) Prepara-
tion of charts and diagrams of nervous systems, urinogenital systems,
and vascular systems. (5) Complete demonstration of the mam—
malian anatomy.

(6) III (Allen)

theories of. differentiation and a consideration of the genetic, en—
vironmental, and correlative physiological factors in differentiation.
Lectures, assigned readings and literature reports.
Prerequisites: Zool. 1a, b, c; 7a, b, c, or 106. (3) I (Brauer)

168~BIOLOGY OF SEX. The cytological, genetic, and physio-
logical problems of sexual differentiation. Such cases as herm-
aphroditism, gynandromorphism, intersexuality, and reversals are
considered. Lectures, literature reports, assigned readings.
Prerequisites: 2001. 1a, b, c; Zool. 7a, b, c, or 106.
(3) II (Brauer)

210a, b, c—ZOOLOGICAL PROBLEMS (Research).
Prerequisites: Courses required as undergraduate
majOr, or their equivalent. (4) I, II, 111 (Stat!)