LOUISVILLE, Ky., July 13, I876.
HON. CHAS. D. JACOB, Mayor of Louisville:
   Dear Sir,-A pamphlet setting forth the resources and advantages belonging to
our city and state has been prepared under the auspices of our M. and M. Exchange
by their secretary, Col. A. Hogeland, designed for extensive home and foreign dis-
tribution. At a public meeting of our business men, held recently, the undersigned
were appointed a committee to arrange for its publication. We have received pri-
vate subscriptions firom a large number of our leading public.spirited business men
sufficient for that purpose. In order to secure for the work what its contents deserve,
the fullest possible consideration on the part of those who may read it, we respect-
fally request of you, and through you the honorable City Council, the appointment
of a committee of one or more from each branch of the General Council who with
yourself shall examine the said pamphlet and attach thereto an expression of their
sanction and indorsement if found worthy.  Very respectfully,
                                                         C. S. SNEAD,
                                                         J. NELSON HARRIS,
                                                         W. T. HUNTER.

                        OFFICE OF THE MAYOR, Louisville, Ky., Aug. I, 1876.

Messrs. SNEAD, HARRIS, and HUNTER, Committee:
   Gentlemen,-Responding to your request, I have the honor to state that I have
examined the "Citizens' Pamphlet," issued under the auspices of the Mechanics
and Manufacturers' Exchange, and take great pleasure in indorsing it as a full, fair,
and commendable exposition of the matters treated therein. It has also received
the official indorsement of the Board of Aldermen.
                                                 CHARLES D. JACOB, Mayor.