The following regolutions were adopted by the 0oard fn
anei.--ously in meeting ctober 25. 1916.

     This 4 ord has learned with profound regret of the death
of Dr. Joseph floesing -tst1e, Director of the Experiment ztation,
alumnas, and for many years instructor upon the faculty of the
University of 'entucky.  In his passing, this institution has
been called upon to surrender one of the most prominent and out-
standiing figures in Its entire history and at the same time
loses a counsel that was wise and an allegiance that was loyal
beyond  the common experience of men. Few lives had been so
dedicated to human service as had been that of Doctor aetl e
and feb mern had reached so great prominenc - in the prectise of
their chosen professionl

     -hile we realize thnt for those who as students or instno-
tors knew. revered, and honored him, no word this body can coe
maend will express in trunt  1 the-3 abiding sense of loss tlhey feel
at hit passing, still this :ody tSakes melancholy pride I n re-
cording its deep, apopr.-ciation of the servicess, the character,
the exampOle of this manly man, profound student, able teacher,
poet, tanker,, philo-sopher and genius.

      ther records bear ampler testimony than this to tae work
of the hands of him who is now gone from us, hence no effort
here will be made recount what now are and henceforth shall
remain luminous pages in the history of scientific research
of our time throug-hout the world.

     hesolved- that In hie. -:*ssing in the very midst of his
labors, with hils life w3rk at full tide of useful fruition
Pen; promising endless w4Ccessien of even griater achievemenatso
the nation even Is called upon to  ive upone of Its most out-
stan-din:., rese-arceful sons, and the state loses one nf her
laeadinj scholars.

     Be 4t resolve:,9 therefore, thet this body hereby extend
to these who are bound to him by the closer ties of life, the
assurance of heartfult sympathy in tIheir Imme-asurable loss but
congratulates them upon the hertiage left to them b a work at
a life unparalleled in usefu9alness in thq entire commonwealth.

     Lie It resolved further that this testimonial be incarpor-
ated upon the minutes of the Executive 0oard of the %rustees
of the University of "entl.ck0,y and remain as an expreesecao
of ""Its lasting memorial to him.


                                        GOMMit tee

 oard adjourned to meet November 18, 1916.

                                    Snoah Grehan

Secreta ry