is under no obligation as yet to service to junited Stetes,
  understand from the Arosy and Navy Journal that there I s a
  comaittee of college presidents unt oriTete-   of the u.S. who
  con eliminate the eqXam1nation entirely of those who have gone
  throDuggh this course as stated above. He can alj ask for a
  gradrate course of sir months, for with Commi sason a.s tetobr
  ary second Lieutenant In the regular army. for which he would
  draw the ful I I pay al low.ed o f a. 2nd  i emtm--n.nat of on ly o n e hundred
  dollars per month Instead of full 2ad Lieutenant', pay.

      if he applies for temporary co-nt sseon and serves six
 months, he binds hi;mself to serve five years In time of war
 on in defense of Xresident when war Is Im-mtIent at the call
 of the aoaverngnent. if he does not desire5 after this tern, to
 re-main longer he is  .,vevn a. honora bl  dis soarge.

      Thli tis tho scheme In the rough.

      Everybody that i s physically fit will drill three hours
 a week as they drill now,  Shere will be a Ira yinng camp of
 siz weeks each year for two consecutive ye-,rs, ? a -man desires
 to pursue this course further, he can take a postgraduate course.

      4r. Stall0  ersonally I s!-m very meach In favor of the plan
 enggestod 'by Captain k-airfa.c, bu  In order to get the matter
 in preper shape, I move you,  r. 9hailrman, that the full details
 coupled with the official action of the Dar Departmsnt, be pre-
 pared by the 'rresdent of the University and Captain Fairfax,
 and be presented to this Board for action at Its next regular
 Meeting.   halt It is the saenwe of this 3oard that the plan be
 entered. into, but no action therein be tanker1 until the report
 of the  resident of the t   tivereity and %jnptainl 'airfn2 be pre-
 sented at the next regular meeting,- of this Board.

      otion seconded by ar. Johnston, carried.

                     If there are two separate units, who will
drill them?

     Captain Fairfax- 1f itis the sense of the andversity, I
shall drill them.

       would like further to state that %ngreso passed thtis
law ha June 3rd. but In a hurry to aedjourn, failed to provide
any money and the War Department will not be able to enter In-
to this before July first 1917, but they want to know the an-
ber they will have to provide forl

     Mr. Stofll 1hile we are on this proposittion, there tI a
ltourp   In the Cataloc on Military Science.     hat betng the case,
r.  resident,  Imove you further that the   residet of the
Uaiverrity and teaptain %irfax be authorized to revise the course
of Instruction In Ail tary Science at this U1iverelty and that
the eervi-ces of any of the other profensers In this instituttim
and the clasees t-, by them can be incor:'orated in this de-
partment. My r 'neon for thits i     that  take It that  oldiaer
ought to know something abeut civil enginering, know tomew-
thing about sanitation, taught by Doctor tryor, and a lot of
other things that can be tenht by other profesesrs in this in-
stitution, and for that reason, *    Imake this motion.