Executive Committe eL
     University of  entucky,
          Lexington, Ky.


     As you will remember the Southern Railway Company estab-
lished the Williem .inley Foundation for the benefit of Agri-
cultural students in this University.  The Company forwarded
to me one thousand dollars ($1000.00 ) which I have deposited
in our bank. Under the terms of the foundation, this money Is
to be used to promote the interest of students studying Agri-
cultulre. I suggest the appointment by you of a Committee to
lend this money to students on suC:' terms and in such amounts
as they may find necessary, subject to such rules and regula-
tions, as you may in tour wisdom, establish.   t is my opinion
that the Dean of the allege of Agriculture sho-ald be on this

     The Woman's Olub of the University requests that the Board
allow them a sum of money not to exceed one hundred dollars
($100.001 to give the student body and entertainment Hallowelen
night. 'his has been done regularly by the Facalty, heretofore,
and it has been found to kee-o our students out of mischief.
The burden, however, is too heavy for the Faculty, and I suggest
that the University bear this expense.

     Professor George Roberts of the College of Agriculture
has forwarded to me a communication about that department which
I shall read to you and which explains itself.  He needs about
three hundred dyllars ($300.00) for general expense for that
department and   suggest that his needs be satisfied.

     I find that the Cafeteria has been running for six weeks
at a net loss of about niney-six dollars ($96.00). about fif-
teen or sixteen dollars per week.    shall explain this more
fully orally and recommend that it be continued for at least
another month in order to see whether it can be put upon a self
sustaining basis.

     I have a letter from Judge iumphrey of Louisville, con-
cerning a statue of  homas Jefferson. which is offered to us
upon the painent of transportation expenses.   1 make no recon-
mendation About this matter.

     I suggest that the appropriation of five thousand dollars
($5000.00) made to 'ean J.H. Kastle for the purpose of improv-
ing the campus and 'atterson Hall grounds, inasmuch as I t has
not been expended, be set aside and appropriated for other uses.

     Professor Mathews submits a letter requesting that fifty
dollars ($5o.oo) of the mnoney of his departatent be transferred
to pay transportation of students to the Apple bhow at f'olumbus.
I think this shou d be done as it will entail no additional
out-lay from the  niversity.

     1 also submit an account of Mr. Milward for the burial
expenses of r. RA. Milligan.