xt7s1r6n0t6j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7s1r6n0t6j/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station 1912 Title from cover.
Imprint varies. journals English Frankfort, Ky. : Capital Office, E. Polk Johnson, 1890-1948. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Annual report. 1912 text Annual report. 1912 1912 2011 true xt7s1r6n0t6j section xt7s1r6n0t6j   TWENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT
  Kentucky Agricultural
  Experiment Station

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 , Letter of Transmittal.
To His Excellency,  
Governor of Kentucky.
Sir:— _ _
Under the authority of the Board of Control of the
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, and in accord-
ance with an act ofJ,Congress, approved March 2, 1887,
and entitled "An Act to establish Agricultural Experiment
Stations in connection with the Agricultural Colleges estab-
lished in the several States under the provision of an act
approved July 2, 1862, and under the acts supplementary
thereto," and of the act of the Legislature of the State of
Kentucky, approved February 20, 1888, and entitled ‘“An
Act to accept the provisions of an Act passed by the
Congress of the United States, approved March 2, 1887.
for the establishment and maintenance of Agricultural
. Experiment Stations in connection with Agricultural Col-
leges established by the several States and Territories under
an Act of Congress, approved July 2, 1862," I herewith
submit the Twenty-fifth Annual Report of the Kentucky
Agricultural Experiment Station.
Very respectfully,
JosEi>H H. KAsTLE, Director.
Lexington, Ky., Feb. 1, 1913.

I State University _
Q { `
  `e“. I Chairman. .
  j » PRESIDENT HENRY S. BARKER, Member ex-ojicio.
» Al HoN. BARKSDALE HAMLETT, Supt. Public Instruction, Mem-
_» S ber ex-ojicio.
_   HON. CASSIUS M. CLAY, Paris, Bourbon County. I
Q,  HYWEL DAVIES, ESQ., Kensee, Whitley County. ·
  RICHARD C. STOLL, ESQ., Lexington, Fayette County.
  LEWIS L. WALKER, ESQ., Lancaster, Garrard County.
  RICHARD N. WATHEN, ESQ., Lebanon, Marion County.
  HON. JAMES BREATHITT, Hopkinsville, Christian County.
  THOMAS L. EDELEN, ESQ., Frankfort, Franklin County.
    HON. CHARLES B. NICHOLS, Lexington, Fayette County.
    HON. JAMES K. PATTERSON, Lexington, Fayette County.
  JAMES W. TURNER, ESQ., Paintsville, Johnson County.
  ROBERT W. BROWN, ESQ., Louisville, J eiferson County.
  HON. TIBBIS CARPENTER, Scottsville, Allen County.
  HON. WILLIAM H. Cox, Maysville, Mason County.
  DENNY P. SMITH, ESQ., Cadiz, Trigg County.
  HON. CLAUDE B. TERRELL, Bedford, Trimble County.
  e e

 5 SQ. ., F , .
1 3 5
C11 11C y g1'1Cll 111'& XPC 1II1€11 3 1011.
KtkA‘lt IE r' tStt‘
RICHARD C. STOLL, Chairman, Lexington, Ky.
CHARLES B. NICHOLS, Lexington, Ky.
' LEWIS L. WALKER, Lancaster, Ky.
HENRY S. BARKER, President of the University.
JOSEPH H. KASTLE, Director, Secretary.
JOSEPH H. KASTLE. Director and Head of Division of Chemical Research.
A. M. PETER, Chief Chemist, Head of Chemical Division.
H. E. CURTIS, Chief Chemist, Head of Fertilizer Division.
H. GARMAN, Entomologist and Botanist. Head of Division.
R. M. ALLEN, Head of Food and Druy:_Division.
J. D. TURNER, Head of Feed Division.
J. O. LaBACH, Chief Chemist, Food and Drup: Division.
MISS M. L. DIDLAKE, Assistant Entomoloeist and Botanist.
S. D. AVERITT, Chemist, Chemical Division.
l) O. M. SHEDD, Chemist, Division of Chemical Research.
MISS LILLIE LISTON, Chief Clerk. Food and Drug Division.
E. C. VAUGHN, Assistant Entomoloizist and Botanist.
GEORGE ROBERTS, Agronomist, Head of Division of Agronomy.
E. S. GOOD, Head of Animal Husbandry Division. (Beef Cattle, Sheep and Swine.)
J. W. NUTTER, Assistant in Dairying, Animal Husbandry Division.
MISS O. L. GINOCHIO, Secretary to the Director.
' I·I. D. SPEARS, Chemist, Feed Division.
MISS ANNA VVALLIS, Stenoeraphcr.
J. W. McF`ARLlN, Inspector, Food and Drug Division.
. E. KINNEY, Assistant Axrronomist.
WILLIAM   MATTHEWS, Artist, Division of Entomology and Botany.
T. R. BRYANT, Extension Work.
L. A. BROWN, Drug Chemist, Food and Drug Division,
W. R. PINNELL, Inspector, Food and Drug: Division.
C.   PORTER, Drug Inspector, Food and Drug Division.
B. D. VVILSON, Assistant Chemist, Fertilizer Division.
D. J. HEALY, Bacteriologist and Microscopist.
A. E. EWAN, Assistant to the Agronomist.
MISS MAY G. GINOCHIO, Clerk, Food and Drug Division.
WILLIAM RODES, Assistant Chemist, Fertilizer Division.
ROBERT GRAHAM, Veterinary Science, Animal Husbandry Division.
F. M. SURFACE, Biologist, Animal Husbandry Division.
L. S. CORBETT, Assistant in Animal Husbandry Division.
H. I·I. JEVVET'I` Assistant in Research Entomology.
H. R NISWONGER, Assistant in Nursery Inspection, Division ot` Entomology and Botany.
MISS It`. C. ROGERS, Stenoxxrapher.
G. C. ROUTT, Assistant in Animal Husbandry Division.
J. E. MASTIN, Assistant in Food Laboratory.
MISS LOUISE M. BEWLAY, Stcnotxrapher.
MISS E. V. T. CASVVALL. Stenographer.
I.. W. lVIcEI.YEA, Veterinary Science, Animal Irlushantlry Division,
G. D. BUCKNER, Chemist, Division ol` Chemical Research.
S C. JONES, Assistant Axxronomist.
W. D. NI(.`HOI..LS, Dairy Husllandry, Stock Feeds.
.I. S. Mt·I·lARGUE, Assistant. Chemist, Chemical I)ivision.
ELMER INGRAM, Inspector, Feed and Fertilizer Divisions.
W. SCI·IEI’l’EI.MAN, Inspector, Food and Drug Division.
E. F. VVOR'I`l~llNG'I`ON, Inspector, Food and Druil Division.
R. W. JONES, Inspector, Feed and Fertilizer Divisions.
H. B. HENDRICK, Extension Vtfork. Agronomy.
J. H. CARMODY, Extension Work, Horticulture.
J. J- HOOPER, Hear] of Animal Hushantlry Division. (Dairy Cattle, Horses and Poultry.)
G. H. NOYES, (Tonsultini: Meteorolopsist.
R. L. PONTIUS, Veterinary Science, Animal Husbandry Division.
B. F. SCHERFFIUS, Tobacco Expert. U. S. Department of Agriculture.
A. J. REED, Dairy Expert. U. S. Department of Agriculture.

   NT 1 · A  
I ._   at A In account with the UnitedStates Appropriations:
l     A I I l l Hatch Fund. Adams Fund.
i   T-___-__-_l?_?
  U Receipts from the Treasurer of the _
. ` . , United States as per appropria- »
yy · i tions for fiscal year ended June 30,
* 5 J 1912, under Acts of Congress,
3 approved March 2, 1887 (Hatch
` , Fund), and March 16, 1906 (Adams
  5 Fund _______ - ._.__.._._.., ,-— ..... $15,000.00 $15,000.00
_ _   ‘ Expenditures: - —
5   ._`,, {_ By salaries ____________ -- ______._ · 13,497.51 14,353.59
  Postage and Stationery --- ------- 366.74 9.00
    Freight and Express ------------- ‘ 198.82 ----- - ----
    Heat, Light, Water and Power --- 292.09 ------ _----
.·;-;Q§*€.§?¥l7 Chemical and Laboratory Supplies ---------- ` 122.97
 E? Seeds, Plants and Sundry Supplies 129.85 5.00
, T;   Q   Library ------------------------- _ 413. 49 ---------- ,
   ·. I? Furniture and Fixtures-- -------- 26.34 ------- ---
Y,  $   Scientific Apparatus and Specimens ---------- 349. 77
ggjjl { Live Stock ----------- _ --.-------- - ----. ---- 18.00
  g Traveling Expenses---- - --------- 44.95 V 63.67
#ii°lij;§ Contingent Expenses ------------ 25.00 ` 70.00
  Buildings and Land ---- , ---------- 5.21 L 8.00 .
 l $15,000.00 $15,000.00
  ` - r- - · - .-
  We, the undersigned, duly appointed Auditors of the Cor-
  poration, do hereby certify that we have examined the books
  and accounts of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment
  Station for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1912; that we _
  have found the same well kept and classined as above; that '
 T   if?

 Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. vii
‘ the balance brought forward from the preceding year was
nothing on the Hatch Fundand nothing on the Adams Fund;
that the receipts for the year from the Treasurer of the
· United States were $15,000.00 under the Act of Congress of
l March 2, 1887, and $15,000.00 under the Act of Congress of
March 16, 1906, and the corresponding disbursements $15,-
; 000.00 and $15,000.00; for all of which proper vouchers are
on file and have been by us examined and found correct, thus
- leaving balances of nothing and nothing.
And we further certify that the expenditures have been
solely for the purpose set forth in the Acts of Congress ap-
proved March 2, 1887, and March 16, 1906, and in accordance
with the terms of said Acts, respectively. i
` (Signed) C. B. NICHOLS,
_ Auditors.
Attest: W. T. LAFFERTY, Business Agt., Custodian.

 A · , viii Twenty-jifth Annual Report of the _ ·
. , ` I [ · ‘
F ` I ’ • {
  . OFM   1 n i
` 1,   . Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station ` I
  if FOR THE YEAR 1912 A
  1 The year 1912 has been an eventful one in the history of _
g   the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station,ipartly by -
gg,}  reason of the passage of an act of the General Assembly, _
  approved March 11, 1912, whereby the resources of the
 ji Experiment Station were increased by an appropriation of
  fifty thousand dollars per annum, and partly by reason of
 E the untimely death of the Director, Dr. M. A. Scovell, on the
  fifteenth of August, 1912. Immediately following the death
  of Dr. Scovell, Dr. A. M. Peter, Chief Chemist of the
    Experiment Station, was appointed Acting Director. In this
  capacity he served until October 26, 1912, on which date Dr.
  Joseph H. Kastle, Head of the Department of Chemical .
=:.f:!.-air 1
  Research in the Experiment Station was elected Dean ofthe
  College of Agriculture- of `the State University and Director
  of the Kentucky Agricultural _Experiment Station. It has
  been the aim both of Drs. Peter and Kastle, at least for the
  time being, to carry on the work of the Experiment Station
  as nearly as possible in conformity with Dr. Scovell’s original
 i Tilt? `
  : L;

 l Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. ix
· Among the items of general interest concerning the work
I _ of the Experiment Station for the year 1912, may be enum-
- erated the following:
` With the object of providin_g further revenues for the
maintenance of the Experiment Station and for the carrying
on of various lines of experimental work in agriculture, the
_ General Assembly at its regular session in 1912, appropriated
to the Experiment Station the sum of fifty thousand dollars
~ per annum. l
Section 1 of this act reads as follows:
_ "That there is hereby appropriated to the Agricultural
Experiment Station of the State University, Lexington, Ken-
tucky, for the current fiscal year and for each succeeding
year thereafter, fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) for the pur-
pose of making field experiments in the several sections of
` the State in order to ascertain by chemical and physical exam- ·
` ination of our soils and by direct experiments in laboratory
, and fields what crops and treatment are best suited to each,
whether the present methods are tending to best results and
whether to the preservation or reduction of fertility, and
what rotation and treatment will be most effective in retain-
ing productive capacities of the soils of the various sections
of the State; to discover and demonstrate the best methods
of orchard treatment, the culture and marketing of fruits
and vegetables and the most effective remedies for insects
and diseases of fruits and vegetables, and to make a sys-
tematic study of plant breeding and development by means
of crossing and selection of new and improved varieties of
fruits and vegetables; to enable said Station to conduct
investigations calculated to develop the beef, pork and mutton
‘ producing interests of the State, and especially to devise and
conduct feeding experiments intended to demonstrate the
most successful combination of stock foods, and to discover,
if possible, the most economical and successful methods of
maintaining animals and fitting them for the market, for
pathological investigations, and to investigate live stock
conditions both at home and abroad, in so far as they affect
market values; to enable the said Station to conduct investi-
gations for the purpose of developing the dairy interests of
the State, and including feeding experiments for production

 l»``   `Q ·
· x Twenty-fifth Annual Report of the _ `
Q U · of milk and butter, and the rearing of calves, and the study
S of contagious diseases for the purpose of iinding remedies ~ i
therefor; to enable the said Station to conduct investigations i
» for the purpose of developing the horse interests of. the
¤   State, including the best methods of feeding and breeding, =
f i » the study of diseases, and thorough scientific investigations i
{ * for the benefit of the horse industry of the State; for the J
  Z advancement of the poultry interests of "the»S‘tate, including ·
 3 , experiments in breeding for egg production-and methods ·
_     best adapted for hatching and raising of chicks, and feeding .
g { experiments and other investigations tending to the econom-
    ical production of poultry and eggs; for providing the ‘
».,;;'" ? necessary equipment and paying the expenses of the exten- ,
  ? sion work of_ said Experiment Station in order to bring the
X _, il scientific knowledge already obtained, and that hereafter
  · obtained, in the lines of agriculture and home economics, l
  L § direct to the farm and home by means of personal visitation, .
_ ‘3 - correspondence, co-operative demonstrations and experi- _
‘ % ments and the solution of localproblems by Station experts -
_— E visiting the locality and studying the prpblems on the farm; i
. , _ L towards the maintenance of said Station, and for the purpose ‘ {
_,   of enlarging the hog cholera serum plant now at said
    Station and for the production of hog cholera serum and l
,   virus in large quantities for the beneht of the farmers of the ;
    State. Said serum and virus to be furnished the farmers of
  the State at partial cost of production, and not to exceed ‘
  one cent per cubic centimeter and to be distributed through 1
  such channels as the director of the said Experiment Station ]
  #%gf~{l` may deem advisable for the protection of the swine interests
En ,r
:}*f¤:§· of the State." _ _ l
ig   A ’ » ` s
    While the funds accruing to the Experiment Station under (
  this act which was approved March 11, 1912, did not immedi- (
  ately become available, there has been a consistenteffort on (
  the part of all concerned to conform to the original, spirit ,
  and intent of the act appropriating these additional funds, `
  which has already resulted in the betterment of certain of i
  the agricultural interests of the State and a good beginning I
  has been made in several of the lines of work contemplated (
*6 *7   li . ,
  under this act. Thus, as elsewhere pointed out in this report, I
;   steps have been taken by the Board of Control of the Experi-
Y ifi ‘ ,

 · Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. xi
ment Station looking to the establishment of a number of
‘ experimental fields in different parts of the State and during
the past year, one such field has been definitely established
at Lone Oak in ll/[cCracken County. The soil survey of
Webster County has been completed and the results published
in Bulletin 162 and, as indicated in the report of thechemical
work of the Experiment Station, one hundred and seventy-
three soils have been analyzed in the chemical laboratory of
the Experiment Station during the past year, and also sixty
specimens of limestone for agricultural purposes. On the
various experimental fields which it is our purpose to estab-
lish throughout the State, it is proposed to study those sys-
tems of crop rotation best adapted to the particular soil type
for the development and maintenance of permanent soil fer-
I tility. A portion of the Experiment Station farm has been
definitely set apart for, horticultural experiments. During
the past year, an extensive survey of the dairy farms of the
State has been conducted by Messrs. Hooper and Nicholls, the
usual high standards of milk production have been maintained
throughout-the past year and valuable experiments have
been conducted on the rearing of calves by hand. Studies
have been made on contagious abortion in cows and a
simple diagnostic test for this disease devised. Experiments V
on poultry raising and increased egg production have been
carried on at the Experiment Station farm. The Department
of Agricultural Extension has been greatly strengthened
and every reasonable effort is being made to bring the
valuable results of Experiment Station work directly home
to theiman on the farm. As pointed out elsewhere in this _
report, one-fifth of the State appropriation for 1912 has been
definitely set apart by the Board of Control of the Experi-
mentPStation for the erection and equipment of a new and
— z

 I     xii Twentgwfifth Annual Report of the F G A
  S larger laboratory for the production of hog cholera serum E
I I, J and virus. In other words no pains have been spared to  
  carry out the provisions of the State act and every branch l
V I . 3 of station work has been quickened and strengthened as the  
  » { I result of these efforts. · I  
_ t·__   NEW BUILDINGS. In the autumn of 1911, contracts were I  
      let for the erection of a new addition to the Experiment  
  _ gg;   Station building, and work on this new addition was begun  
      during the late autumn and early winter of 1911. Work on  
  ;gY ·v`i   E this building was continued through the year 1912. On June  
      25, 1912, contracts were let for the construction of an animal  
I   evli   i_,·` ‘ ;   house on Graham Avenue, Lexington, Kentucky. Work on
    this building was begun at once and actively prosecuted
    $4; J   during the remainder of the year 1912. »
    On November 18th, a contract was let to the Congleton l
    Lumber Company of Lexington, for the erection of a new
QLENTG; _4,_`;   hog cholera serum laboratory on the Experiment Station
  ‘ farm. Work on this building was begun at once, but owing
•; :¤—=e$r·Ef€~  
lg  to the extreme cold weather, the progress of the work was
  seriously interfered with. Funds were also appropriated by
  the Board of Control for the erection of a new tobacco barn
    on the Experiment Station farm. ‘ `
  . .
    EXPERIMENTAL FIELDS; In compliance with the provisions
  of the General Assembly, approved March 11, »1912, steps
  were taken by Acting Director Peter and the Board of
  Control looking to the location of a number of experimental
  fields ill various parts of the State, and Professor Roberts,
  Head of the Division of Agronomy, was directed to proceed
    `_ . .
  to the extreme western part of the State with the object of
    locating such a field in the neighborhood of Paducah, Ken-
*<;a=a·~`?€     H
  tucky, and on October if-31, 1912, an experimental Held was
    located at Lone Oak in McCracken County.

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 Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. l xiii
The Act of the General Assembly approved March 11, 1912,
appropriating the sum of fifty thousand dollars annually to
the Experiment Station contemplated not only the establish-
ment and maintenance of a number of experimental fields
in different parts of the State for the study of the various
soil types represented in the State, together with the crops
best adapted to each, but also experimental investigations in
horticulture, feeding experiments with beef cattle, sheep
and swine, methods of dairying, investigations looking to (
the development' of the horse and poultry interests of the
State, and the general maintenance of the Experiment
Station. In compliance with the provisions of this act, _
therefore, it has been found necessary to extend our work
considerably in a number of directions. Accordingly, the
work in animal ,husbandry in the Experiment Station has
been divided into two divisons, namely, (1) Beef cattle,
V sheep and swine, in charge of Professor Good and (2) Horses,
dairy cattle and poultry in charge of Professor Hooper. The
latter has been made a member of the Station Staff.
Within the period included in this report, Mr. T. R. Bryant
was made Professor of Agricultural Extension Work and
` arrangements were made for the appointment of a person
to take charge of extension work in Home Economics and
also for the appointment of assistants in animal husbandry,
horticulture and chemical research. A plot of ground of
considerable size on the Experiment Station farm, was
definitely set apart for the horticultural work under Professor
/ Within the year 1912, the following appointments to the

 . _ xiv Twenty-fifth Annual Report of the A ·
  il Experiment Station StaH have been made by the Board of
Y Control: .» bl
l J T. R. Bryant made Professor of Extension Work, June A bl
. y . 28, 1912. . rtl
Q A Dr. A. M. Peter appointed Acting Director of the Experi- tl
  ` ment Station, August 16, 1912. -
    Dr; Joseph H. Kastle appointed.Dean of the College of tl
Q l >j Agriculture and Director of the Experiment Station, tl
` il,   Oct. 26, 1912. — A ( _ _
  Prof. E. S. Good to have charge of one Division of Animal H
  Q Husbandry, (Beef Cattle, Sheep and Swine) October
  A 31,1912. _ `
·é{ .`·_. ii   Prof. J. J. Hooper made a member of the Staff of the H
    · Experiment Station, to have charge of the second '
  Division of Animal Husbandry (Horses, Dairy Cattle F
  and Poultry) October 31, 1912.
`il;   Walter Scheppelman appointed Bakery Expert, Pure Food P
    and Drugs Division, October 31, 1912. _ _
    Dr. R. L. Pontius appointed Field Expert in Administra-
ix;  tion of Hog Cholera Serum, October 31f 1912. . Ol
  J. S. McHargue appointed Assistant Chemist, October 31, tl
 li G. Harold Noyes appointed Consulting Meterologist of the y,
  . Experiment Station, October 31, 1912. _ C1
  ‘ W. H. Moore appointed Night Watchman of Station Build- S,
  ing, November 4, 1912.
  Satisfactory progress has been made in all lines of Experi- ’ ai
  ment Station work during the year 1912, and a number of ne
  very important investigations have been completed. Among S1
  the latter may be mentioned the following: ci
  A study of the insects in certain localities of the State in if
  which pellagra isipresent, with the view of determining, if _P*
  possible, the part played by stinging and biting insects in '° _ L1
 J   the spreadof this infection, by Professor Harrison Garman. _ Df

 Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. _ xv
Astudy of parturient paresis (milk fever)` and eclampsia
by Drs. Healy and Kastle, in which the analogy is shown
· between these two diseases and in which it is proven that
they are due to toxic substances elaborated in the udder and
the breast at or about the time of parturition.
A soil survey of Webster County made in cooperation with
the Kentucky Geological Survey and Chemical Division of
the Experiment Station. ' j I t
· A study of the catalpas and their allies by Professor
Harrison Garman. `
A study of the etiology of infectious abortion in cows and
mares by Professor E. S. Good.
' The diagnosis of infectious abortion in dairy cattle by Dr.
F. M. Surface. 9 ‘
Studies on the cultivation of corn and soy beans by V
Professors Roberts and Kinney of the Division of Agronomy.
A general summary of the work of the several divisions
of the Experiment Station is given in the following under
the respective divisions. ` f
AGRONOMY. The work of this department during the past
year, has included studies on the following important field
crops, namely, corn, wheat, oats, barley, tobacco; alfalfa,
sweet clover and soy beans, including variety tests, time and
manner of seeding, cultural methods, harvesting, curing,
’ and threshing, and the use of lime and fertilizers. A perma-
nent soil experiment field was laid out on the Experiment
Station farm in 1911, having for its object to test the effi-
ciency of various -systems of cropping and methods of soil
treatment. Similar fields have been laid out at Burnside,
Pulaski County, and at London, Laurel County. On the
' London field, the yield of corn was increased from 14 bushels
per acre in 1911 to 39 bushels per acre in 1912, through the

   . `
I. xvi Twcntyjifth, Annual Report of ) the-
_-J.   use of phosphate and lime. Sites for experimental fields .
  ’ have been selected in Graves, McCracken, Logan and Muh-
  5 lenberg Counties. c _,
.4   Experiments in soiling versus pasturing dairy cattle have
    been conducted in this department during the past year.
  The tobacco investigations have been conducted as heretofore
  in co—operation with the Bureau of Plantllndustry, United ,
  States Department of Agriculture, under the guidance of
  R Mr. Benjamin F. Scherfhus. This work has included variety
  tests, the effect of fertilizers on yield and quality, the distri-
    bution of limited amounts of seed of purebred varieties of
  burley tobacco and the cleaning of tobacco seed free of
    charge to farmers and tobacco growers in the State. ”
  Q ANIMAL HUSBANDRY. Thework of this division has grown
  il " to such an extent during recent years that it has been found
  necessary to divide it into two subdivisions. Professor E. S.
,  Good has had charge of the work on beefl cattle, sheep and
 ' swine, and Professor J." JQ Hooper of horses, dairy cattle
 _ and poultry. Important investigations have been carried on
  during the past year on infectious abortion in cows and
  mares. Infectious abortion in the cow has been found to be
  due to the Bang bacillus and a simple blood test for the diag-
  nosis of this disease in the cow has been devised by Dr.
  Surface. l
  Anti—Hog Cholera Serum. An important part of the work
  of this division of animal husbandry has been the production
  of anti—hog cholera serum and the vaccination of hogs against
  hog cholera. This disease is the most serious menace to suc-
  ` cessful hog raising in Kentucky, at the present time. It has
  been estimated that the annual loss to the swine interests of
  the State, resulting from this disease, amounts to one and one-
  half millions of dollars. Realizing the enormity of th