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xviii Twenty—fifth Annual Report of the   I
V I Q accomplished during the year 1912, each dot representing
a herd of hogs receiving the serum treatment., i I I
p J V Important studies have been carried on in the feeding of
· g   calves and the summer feeding of dairy eows.` The model »`
I,. 5   j dairy on the Experiment Station farm, under the direction V r
  of Mr. John W. Nutter, has set ahigh standard for dairymen · _ ‘
2 I   QJ in Kentucky. At the International Dairy Showin Milwaukee,
P "    the Experiment Station milk was awarded fourth ·prize and `
_·—ey _ ;   cream from the Experiment Station, second, prize, and at the I
  Til.?    National Dairy Show in Chicago, our cream was likewise I
  i`~· ?`Yji§¥     awarded second prize in competition with a number of State
      Universities and eighty-two dairymen.
    * During the past summer; Professors Hooper and Nicholls  
    . , _ lmade an exhaustive dairy farm-survey of Kentucky, and a I
{_   *·»     large amount of valuable data were collected on the practices
    followed by successful dairymen throughout the State. A `
      large number of advanced registry tests havelbeen conducted `
  by this department. Information has.been furnished to F.
  farmers and dairymen relative to the construction of silos, I
  the remodeling of dairy barns, the rotation of crops best
  7 adapted to milk productionand in every way this department "
  has demonstrated its increasing usefulness to the farmers of I
  the State.   e
  In the poultry yards on the Experiment Station farm, five I,
  breeds of chickens are being studied and feeding experi- ,
  ments with chickens are now under way. r g
  Ya? · V
  CHEMISTRY. The work of the Chemical Division during the
  calendar year 1912 has included the analysis of 369 specimens
  · of various materials of which 173 were soils, 75 mineral
  and potable waters, _6O limestones, 7 phosphate rock, 11 coals. _ }`
  and 43 miscellaneous materials. In addition to the above, a
  large number of ores rocks minerals and other materials
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