ui   l · ` . '
l 466 Bulletin N0. 168. z ‘ _· · p
. 3 ·   - V Co
. _ . * a -,TABLE I. M
,   E , I _
2 Name and Address of Manufac- - j
turer and Name of From Whom Obtained. .
E Brand. V
i ‘ ·•-7 ` ‘
cd . _
.  _
Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., » `
~ Memphis, Tenn.
38720 Beef, Blood and Bone Fer- · E
. · . tilizer ...................... Manufacturer ~ ........... V ........... .
p 39332 Olive & VValker, Marion ............. ·
. _ ~ 1
`·  38721 Royal Blood, Bone and Potash Manufacturer ......... .. .» .......... ·
i ` 38722 National Tobacco Fertilizer. . . Manufacturer A ......................
  39333 Olive & Walker, Marion] ............
L . _ 38723 Royal Tobacco Fertilizer ..... Manufacturer ........... ` ...........
  I 38724 Champion Corn and Wheat
Q ' Grower ................... L . Manufacturer , .....................
  ` 39114 i Scott’s State Standard Guano Manufacturer ..... l .................
  ‘ 39115 i Royal Vegetable Fertilizer.y.. Manufacturer ............... ` .......
Q, 39356 ‘ Eureka Special Fertilizer; ...." Manufacturer ...................... J
_.  Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., ·
; ~ Cincinnati, Ohio. y
fi 39361 t Bright Leaf Tobacco and ' _.
  Truck [Grower .............. Manufacturer ......................
  39362 l Complete Fertilizer .......... Manufa_cturer ......................
 ` 39363 A Wheat, Corn and Tobacco
Q3 ‘ Grower ..................... Manufacturer .....................
 _i 39574   R. H. Chrisman, Berea ..............
Ei *
ii . 3 ‘