1 4 _ t:i£’   ' "
. nl `xl . ' V '
_ . _ 468 Bulletin No. 168.   ’  
3 . .. FTABLE I. ' 
- · — . _» Com
. E - ·
» E Name and Address of Manufac- .
‘ · , :1 turer and Name of From Whom Obtained. i .
O Brand. ‘ _· »  §
1 _ @.nmmF%_¤m_.-n-____m.é,_. E
. . Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., `»
39364 Champion Corn and Wheat » ·
Grower ..................... Manufacturer ......... ,. .; ......... 9 7
_ . . 1 8.0
4 39365 Standard Wheat Special ..... Manufacturer ., .................... 12 O
· . ¤ 11.0
` 39366 Star Brand Grain Grower .... &Manufacturer . .............. .` ...... 1 B 5
` V - ‘ 8.0
. 39367 Royal Tobacco Fertilizer ..... Manufacturer .......... 1 ........... 9 7
t . . . 8.0
- . 39368 National Tobacco Fertilizer. .iManufacturer ...................... 8 9
V . · . Y . . 7.0
39369 Beef, Blood and Bone ........ 5Manufacturer ...................... - 7 9
  1. _ 8.0
Y ` ' 39370 Royal Blood, Bone and Potash;Manufacturer ...................... »
5. . 39575 QR. H. Chrisman, Berea ............... ‘  
I ‘ l . 0 8.0
  39381 Royal Vegetable Fertilizer .... jManufacture1· ...................... 1 8 5
Q -   8.0
39382 Scott’s State Standard Guano._Manufacturer ...................... 8 1
\ ` .
· _ — _ l — 8.0
l 39383 Tip Top Tomato Grower ..... Manufacturer ...................... V 7 7
. _ p 7.0
j 39384 Diamond Potash Formula for
_! Wheat and Corn .... . ...... Manufacturer ...................... 9 6
fl i 9.0
  " 39385 Game Cock Grain and Grass . ·
  Grower ..................... Manufacturer ...................... 10 7
  1 6 _ 10.0
g_ » 39386 Game Cock Wheat and Corn .
  Compound .................. ‘ Manu.facturer ......... . ............ H 0
  . . · 10.6