. 5 3 a
  538 Division of Chemistry. A
i Grams per Grains per
ANALYSIS liter. gallon.
Ferrous carbonate (FeCOs) ...r_r.r_r .0128 0.75
_ Calcium carbonate (CaCO:z) e,e,.ee.s. .2740 15.97
Strontium carbonate (SrCO:4) ..._ - ..r. .0498 2.91
Calcium sulfate, anhydrous(CaSO.i) - - 2.0507 119.55
T Potassium sulfate (KzSO.¢.) - ........ .- .2580 15.04
Magnesiumsulfate,anhydrous(MgSO.i) .1278 7.45
Magnesium chlorid, anhydrous(MgClz) 1.0965 63.93 3
Sodium chlorid (NaCl) r._,_......... 13.0939 763.37
. Lithium chlorid (LiCl) .r.r,......... .0540 3.15
Bi-omid 3 -- .3 3. - .......... ..-- ---- Notable quantity.· .
lodid .. 3- -- - --.----.-------- .- Marked trace. _  
Silica (SiO:) ----- 3 ---- -----..-. ------ ,,.0074 g _ggg W.43  
Total - ------. .3 ---------------- 17.0249 992.55_ l
' Total solids at 100" C. ----.------- 18.14 1057.56 .
_ · lgnited solids 3- --------------.----- 16.46 ’959.62 1
A good salt water which should have value medicinally both l
for internal and external use. It resembles some of the
_ foreign brines, such as certain of the sources at Homburg,
Kissengen and Duerkheim which are valued both for bath-
_ T ` ing and for internal use.
° LABORATORY No. 36764»Magnesian water sent by J. T.
~ . Foster, Louisville, Jefferson County, Ky., from a spring
seven miles south of Louisville, known as the Mitchell Deer
Lick Spring. Sample colorless with some very light brown
sediment Received October 29, 1912.
ANALYSIS One gallon contains 142.5 grains of mineral
` matter (2.442 grams per liter) composed of magnesium sul-
fate, calcium sulfate and sodium chlorid, with traces of iron,
silica. potassium sulfate, lithium sulfate and strontium sul-
_ fate. °
This is a moderately strong magnesian water and has some
medicinal value.