Best Copy Available

The Kentucky Kernel


LEXINGTON, KY.. MAY 17, 1921


Kentucky Vassar Club
Holds Annual Meeting


J. J.

No. 40

Tuesday-Frida- y

Pres. F. L. McVey Edits
Educational Bulletin




The Kentucky Vnssnr Club held Its
The Department of Journalism Is In
receipt of a bulletin containing nearly
annual mooting in Lexington, Inst
U. S. EDUCATION HEAD Frldny night nnd through Saturday.
THEATRE 200 pages, edited by Pres. Frank ProMcVey on' the "Transactions nnd
Frldny night tho members of tho club
met at the Lafayette Hotel at seven
ceedings of the National Association
Occasion Is FurnFirst Man in Kentucky to o'clock and from there went to the Percy McKaye, Author of of State Universities in the United Music
ished by University Band
States of America." This Is the eighReceive National Appoint- University, whore thoy held their
Play Is Guest of
teenth volume of the procedlngs of
and Orchestra.
ment From President. . meeting In tho Little Thcntor. a Ant
enjoyable program, consisting of
the meetings of the various State uniMagi,"
meeting of which Pres. TEMPLE
play, "Tho Gift of tho
PLAYED TWO NIGHTS versities. has This
written, was held at the
dramatized and produced by Francos
Hotel New Wlllard, Washington, D.
Marsh, nnd acted by Mary Elizabeth
Direction of Mrs. Stout and
Was Rhodes Scholar and James, Edgar Gans and Kitty Conroy, Most Charming Production C, November 12, 1920.
Miss Blanding.
President of Kentucky nnd an Illustrated lecture on "The Staged in Little Theatre
A nominating committee was apWesleyan.
pointed and President McVey was
Pino Mountain Settlement School,"
A "Gymnastic Field Day" exhibition,
(By Katherlne Conroy)
elected secretary-treasure- r
given by Marguerite Butler, Vassar
and also
in which 250 girls of tho Physical
Dr. John J. Tigert, Lexington, head '14, was enjoyed by guests from all
"The Cat Boat," Percy McKaye's on a committee of tho University
Educational Department participated,
of the Department of Psychology at over Kentucky.
best known and most delightful play
was given .on Stoll Field Monday
was presented before a large audience
the University of Kentucky, was noml
afternoon under the direction of Mrs.
In the Little Theatre Monday night,
nated by President Harding for tho
Robert Stout and Miss Sarah BlandMay 16. The author himself was the "THE HOUR GLASS" GIVEN
office of United States Commissioner NEW KERNEL STAFF FOR
ing. The University band and orchesguest of honor for the occassion and
This Is not only a
of Education.
tra furnished the music for the exgreat honor, but a distinction, In the
NEXT YEAR ELECTED witnessed the piece with enthusiasm
and delight.
fact that Doctor Tlsert Is the first
The gymnastic program, which in
"The Cat Boat," presented by an all
man In Kentucky to be given a na
tlonal appointment by President Hard Griffin,
Editor - in - Chief ; star cast. Including Mrs. Matt Walton, "Food," the Next Play, to its entirety was most excellent, presented all phases of physical educaMiss Mamie Miller Woods, Dr. J. T. C.
ing. The nomination has been sent to
McNamara and Bomar,
Be Given Thursday
Noe and Mrs. B. F. VanMeter was orfe
tion. A Greek temple painted by an
the Senate, where confirmation will
Managing Editors.
English artist was erected on the field.
of the most charming and entertainfollow.
ing productions ever staged In the
Before this Greek temple the girls in
Doctor Tigert has known for some
Gerald Griffin, of Elizabethtown, a
play by
"The Hour Glass," a
Greek costumes danced.
time that friends sent' In his name, but Junior in the Department of Jour Little Theatre. The play has a fantas- Yates, was carried out in good stylo
Among the crowd who saw the exthere has been no effort on his part. nalism at the University, ana man- tic, whimsical finish which Is appeal by members of the class in dramatic
hibition yesterday were many
His claims were presented by Senator aging editor of the present staff which ing to young and' old alike and is work- production,
last Thursday afternoon at
visitors, including physical eduRichard P. Ernst, Covington, to Albert. prepares the Tuesday issue of The ed into an irreslstable fantasy.
The scene of the play Is laid In a three o'clock, in the Little Theater. cation directors from several neighB. Fall, Secretary of Interior, who se- Kentucky Kernel, the official student
The main characters of the play were boring towns and cities.
lected Doctor Tigert on his reputation, publication of the University, was little fishing town In northern Maine
and Mr. McKaye's flamilairity with the Wise Man, who had "overthrown
The complete program given foleven before a personal interview was elected to the office of
New England people and their cus- theology with the seven sciences," in- lows:
1920-2by a unanimous vote of the
terpreted by Eleanor Heath; Tig, the
When the Council of Education met staff at a meeting held Friday morn- toms makes the play ctonstantay real
and trueito life. Mrs. Walton, as Nike, Fool, who turns out wise, played by
1. March.
in Washington, Doctor Tigert was sent ing In the Kernel office. J. Burton
James Shouse, and an Angel, Imper2. Gymnasium Tactics.
representative. Prewltt, Mt. Sterling, was selected to the young Idealistic dreamer, the boy
as the University
sonated by Margaret Parrish.
3. Indian Club Drill..
While there; Senator Ernst took him act as business manager for the com who ispends his days In happy Idleness
The plot Is simple and never allows
4. Apparatus.
to call on Senator Fall, who was so ing year. Daniel Bomar, Versailles, has the opportunity to display her exPART II.
impressed, that he said, "No better and Irene McNamara, Mt. Sterling, traordinary talent, charm and grace. the interest to wane. The wise teacher
Classic Dancing.
man could have been found any- were elected to the positon of man- Her lines are full of naive, fantastic, is disturbed while studying by Tig,
beautiful thoughts, ithe thoughts and the Fool, who begs for alms and
1. Pipes of Pan.
aging editors.
ideals of the dreamer that she is pro- - speaks of heavenland angels. "Away ! "
2. Fire Flies.
Doctor Tigert has been a member
Donald Dinning, Franklin, retiring traying. (Mrs. Wialton has taken part says the Wise Man. He will have
3. Spring Song.
Continued on Page 2.
presided at the meeting In several other plays which have been none of it. But Tig has scarcely gone
?. Wood Nymph.
and spoke of the improvement of the
when an angel visits the Wise Man
Continued on Page 3.
Kernel in the past school year and with
and informs him that as soon as the
much commendation to Robert Raible,
last of the sand In the hour glass, COMPETITIVE DRILL ON
TOUR former editor, for being the promoter CLARA WINS INDIVIDUAL which is before him on the table falls,
of the movement which Inaugurated
the Wise Man shall die because of
issues of the Kernel.
his false teaching; that his only hope
To Visit Perdue, Ohio, Illi- He complimented and thanked the
MEET to reach heaven after long years in
staff for their splendid work and conois, and Wisconsin
purgatory is that he find before his
Prizes Offered by Univeroperation during the year, and, after
Kentucky Runs Fourth At death Wise soul that believes in God. sity
the Best Drilled
conducting the elections, turned the
Man calls his family and
Sewanee With Sixteen
Company and Cadet.
In accordance with the invitation meeting over to the new editor. Grifpupils, but none of them believe in
extended by the Board "of Trustees fin thanked the staff for their support
God because of his teachings.
and President McVey, the party of and expressed his plans for making
The University of Kentucky unit of
Wise Man Is In despair, but as the
leading Kentuckians which is to make the Kernel even better next year.
The University of Kentucky track last grains of sand fall in the hour the R. O. T. C. will hold a competithe tour of inspection to this and other
Griffin Is a Junior in the College of team placed fourth in the finals of the glass, Tig enters and expresses his tive prize drill on Stoll Field, Mon
universities for the purpose of com- Arts and Sciences, a captain in the S. I. A. A., track meet held at Sewanee, belief In God. The Wise Man dies, day afternoon, May 23, at 3 o'clock.
paring the conditions at other leading University Corps of Cadets, a member Tenn., Saturday.
State with the hope of salvation, and ad The judges who have been selected to
' schools with those at the University, of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity, University, with a total of 34
points monishing Tig to pray for those he determine the most capable and best
arrived at President McVey's office Mystic Thirteen, honorary Junior fra- including four firsts and one tie for leaves behind.
merited company in the battalion are:
May 16, at eleven o'clock, and began ternity and Alpha Delta Sigma, honor- first, won the meet. Mississippi A.
The next play of the series will be General Roger Williams,
the tour.
ary journalistic fraternity. He Is also and M was second with 32 points, and given next Thursday afternon at four Charles Morrow and Colonel White,
Sewanee third with 2G
After the meeting in President Mc- prominent in all student activities.
o'clock in the Little Theater.
The head. A prize of $65, donated by the
Warren Clare, Captain of the Wild- name of the play Is "Food," a
University, will be awarded the comPrewitt, a Junior In the College of
Vey's office, the party was conducted
by the committee to the different Agriculture, a member of Phi Delta cat Track Spuad, was the high point tragedy of the future, by William C. pany showing the best training, skill,
buildings on the campus and at the Theta fraternity, Mystic Thirteen, Al- man of the tournament, making 12 DoMille.
The leading parts will be accuracy, appearance and deportment.
Experiment Station, for the purpose of pha Delta Sigma and Lamp and Cross points for Kentucky off two firsts and taken by Charles Mahoney, Lula Bla- A prize of $5 will be awarded the best
inspecting the buildings and their honorary fraternities, is well known a third. Helm of L. S. U.. who scored key and John Allbright.
This play drilled cadet in the battalion.
equipment. At 6:35 in the evening, to all students In the University. He 10 points on two firsts, was his closest will bo given on next Wednesday evenThe program given out by the Deing "before the' engineers at Dicker partment of Military Science and Tacthe party, accompanied by President is a member of the Strollers dramatic rival.
Clare flowered the S. I. A. A. track Hall.
McVey and Herbert Graham, secretary organization and acted In the capacity
tics for the exhibit follows:
of the Alumni Association, who will of business manager during their suc- record for 120 yard high hurdles
3:00 p.m. .the. parade of the batThe last play of the "Little Theater"
a second when he skimmed over the
act as publicity manager, and repre- cessful dramatic season this year.
series is entitled "Hunger," and vill talion.
Oough-ll- n
Bomar, a Freshman In the College sticks in 15 5 seconds tfo beat
sentatives from the leading newspapers
3:20 p.m., competitive Individual
of Sewanee. Tho mark ho smash- be given Thursday a week in the Little drill.
of the State boarded a special Pull- of Arts and Sciences, a member of
Four men from each platoon In
L, S. U., in Theater.
man en route to the sister institutions. Kappa Alpha fraternity, has geen asso ed was set by Burris, of
each company to determine
1915. In winning tho 220 yard low
The schools to bo visited were Pur- ciate editor on the Friday Issue of tho
drilled cadet.
hurdles Clare equaled his town S. I. A. Five Honor Students
due, Ohio University, University of Kernel.
4:00 p.m., competitive drill by Com25
seconds, set last
Miss McNamara, a Sophomore in A. record of
Illinois, and the University of WisconPledged by Home Ec's panies A, B and C for tho prize of $65
year. He finished third in the
sin. The aim in view is that of being the College of Arts and Sciences, Is
donated by the University.
yard dash.
able to present intelligently the needs a recent pledge to Theta Sigma Phi,
4:45 p.m., musical drill. Butts ManAt a service held In the chapel,
Dave Thornton repeated his perforof the University to tho legislature women's honorary journalistic fraterby especially selected company of.
mance of last year by winning in tho Friday morning, the Home Economics ual
when It meets in 1922, at which time nity at the University, and for the
Honorary Sorority pledged the follow cadets.
half mile run, which he did In 1:59
the University will make a plea for past year has been doing reportorial Snyder was responsible
5:00 p.m., review of the battalion.
for the other ing: Mary King Burrler, Pearl Mor
an appropriation which is vitally work on the Kernel.
The sponsors will be present and on:
Kentucky point when ho finished gan, Fannie Heller, Bernlce McClure,
needed to carry on its work. Each inthe field with their respective
Elizabeth King.
fourth In tho quarter mile event.
stitution will be carefully examined LULA BLAKEY IS CHOSEN PRESIduring the exercises. Governor
The Home Economics Sorority Is a
The order of the finish in the meet
and comparative notes will be taken.
for the 16 schools is as followts: Louis- local organization which is petitioning Morrow has wired that if nothing inThe Lexington Leader was repreLula Blakey was elected president iana State, 34
Mississippi A. and tho national, Phi Upsllon Omlcron. tervenes to prevent he will be present
sented by H, Giovannoli; the Herald, of the Woman's League at the meet- M 32; University of the South Sewa- Tho active members of the local or to witness the field day drill of the
probably by Charles I. Stewart; the ing, last Friday. Margaret Smith was nee), 26
Kentucky, 18; Vander-bll- t, ganization are Katherlne Christian, cadets.
Courier-JournaLouisville, by Thorn- chosen
Adelaide LongTulane, Mrs. D. Y. Dunn, Anne McAdams, Eliz
17; Georgia Tech., 13
ton Connell, a graduate of the Uni- est, secretary, and Frances Renlck, 5; ClemskKi,
Center. 4; Alabama, abeth Threlkeld and Maude Asbury.
versity. The tour will extend over the treasurer. The newly elected officers 3; Mississippi 2H; Oglethorpe 2;
greater part of the week.
will assume their duties at once.
Georgia, 1; Tennessee, 1; Florida, 0.








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