Ob'cctivc. The our osc of WPA indexin` nro’ccts is to provid; an
improved and ··.‘ iodern system of indexing governmental papers, se that refcr~
ences to individual records can be made with a minimrn.of effort, tine,
and cost, bv officials, lawyers, .»l. and the general public.
an efficient index to these records is necessary for many reasons,
a few of which are:
l. To make an abstract of title in case the owner wishes to
sell or iortgapo his property.
E. To pcrwit ready reference to any particular instrument*
in order to establish o proportv line or an interest.
5. To locate an instrument and make a copv in thc event the
oripinal is lost or is not available.
Q. To save tin; and money for both the official in charg» of
the records and the public.
ln most counties where such projects have bbsn employed, the indexes
in use were of an obsolete tvpo, handwritten, and so worn and defacod as
to be nearl¢ useless. The title of all real urooertr denonds uvon the -
.r ; .L ., 4. .
• instrunents recordrd in the office provided by lax: for that purpose. lf
no cenvonilnt and reliable means exists for finding the paper or papers
affsctinv thrt ..’’ title the rirhts of the nroeertv omnnr are out in ”-onard*.
» J Q J. J. e L L ,
Th-re hav. occurred many cases in which the land owner has been unable to
Sell or o‘tain a loan on his property because a poor index made an abstract
and Zuirtntc, of title impossible.
* As us;d her in, "Instrument" is cefin E as meaning anv scparatelv
record d docrt»nt,