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`°\ This manual is the first of a series issued by the Research and
Records Section of the Community Service Division in Kentucky. It is
· hoped to prepare similar procedural manuals for each statewide program
A in the near future. Provision is being made in each case for a flez-:~·
ible numbering system which will allow procedural changes to be incor·-
porated in each copy of the manual.
Full credit for   preparation of this manual should be given
to Tir. Laurence P. Jones, Project Technician, Indexing Projects, who
has developed the procedures outlined in actual operation of Kentucky
indexing; projects. The manual was also reviewed by lir. Ralph D. Brown,
· ‘ State Supervisor, Public Records Projects, and lir. John A. Berger, of
the State Office staff. Criticism by those using the manual is invited.
Donald P. Brown
State Supervisor
Research and Records Program