
















These See

The Special Shoe Co.

206 W. Main Street
Indiana Team Playing Best Class Football to Succeed Hardest Game of Season
Varsity Games for
of Season, Overcomes
Saturday When Kentucky
Two Weeks

Lexington, Ky.

Tackles Ohio

Lay It on the Weather Man!
Old Jupiter Pluvius evidently had
it In for the Kentucky Wildcats when
he sent the torrents down on Stoll
Field all the morning and in the early
afternoon Saturday, for it prepared
the way to victory for the husky Indiana University Crimsons. The results of the second game of the Kentucky eleven was a decisive, hut by
no means a disgraceful defeat for the
Wildcats, the score being only 24 to 0.
Indiana in Prime Condition.
Dame Fortune also smiled on the
visiting team by giving the Crimsons
other advantages, beside the heavy
field. The Indiana coach said that his
squad was better than it had been for
years, and that its members were in
much better condition for the Kentucky game than they were for their
opening contest, which was with
Centre College. Kentucky fans admit
that the Crimsons outclassed the Wildcats in the recent struggle, but it is
encouraging to know that the Indiana
coach said after the game: "If my
team had put up anything like the
game of football against Centre College last week that it played today we
would have swamped her." Indiana's
star player, "Red" Williams, was allowed only a few minutes in the
Centre game because of his weakness following an operation.
game WilIn the Kentucky-Indianliams was a terror to the Wildcats.
He was one of the heaviest men on
the field, and had plenty of energy, so
he smashed through the line for many
gains. Indiana had other heavy men
upon whom they could rely for gains
Minton, Pope,
on the heavy field.
Bowser and Faust were others who
were in a great measure resposible
lor the Crimson victory. Mathys was
Tight there when it cajne to dropkick-Ing- ,
as was demonstrated in the second quarter when he placed a neat
one between the goal posts from the
thirty-fiv- e
yard line. After each of
the three touchdowns his toe never
failed to add the extra point to the
The Kentucky team was in fairly
good condition, but its light backfield
put it at considerable disadvantage
against Indiana on a wet field. If
there had been a dry field Saturday
there might have been a different tale
to tell. Shanklin, Mcllvain, Hite, Riddle and Culp would have been able
to show the Hooslers a little Kentucky offense. The Kentucky line was
not up to the standard, while the backfield did considerably better under the
Culp, Mcllvain,
adverse conditions.
Heber and Server were the outstanddefense.
ing stars in Kentucky's
Downing, although causing his team
to be penalyzed because of his eager-ne-s
to get otf and at 'em, was a tower
of strength in the line. Colpitts came
nearer scoring for Kentucky than any
other player when he broke through
the line, received a forward pass from
Hite, but he was tackled before he
could gain an open field.
game was
The Kentucky-Indianwitnessed by a record crowd which
filled the stands to overflowing. Many

(Continued on Pace 7)

While the Wildcats are nway for a
couple of weeks the Wlldklttens will
be given an opportunity to furnish the
football fans of the University and
Lexington with several
Monday afternoon, October 20, at 4
o'clock, the Freshman squad, wearing
the green, will trot out onto Stoll
Field and stack up against the sober
and serious Juniors, bedecked in their
new crimson Jerseys. The stands will
be filled to their capacity with a cheering mob of sympathizers, some for the
Freshies and some for the Juniors.
Class cheer leaders, wearing their re
spective class colors, will each endeavor to make his representation
keep up the most fuss and yell the
loudest. Members of other classes will
take sides and assist in the yelling
and rooting. Banners with numerals
and class colors will be in evidence
The spirit of class rivalry has permeated the whole student body. Every
body's wild over the subject of class
supremacy, tug o' wars, and football


(Continued on Page 7)

In connection with our prospects for
track this season we firmly believe
that if Coach Buchheit would pick out
a few of the returned soldiers to run
the various events and have some one
make a noise like a
shell for
a starter that there wouldn't be a
chance in the world to lose, we speak
from experience.
six-inc- h

The University of Kentucky Wild
cats and Coach Gill will leave Lexing
ton Friday afternoon, headed for Columbus, Ohio, where they will meet
Ohio State University eleven Saturday afternoon In the third football
game of the season.
Ohio State is a new rival. The preceding Wildcat teams have not seen
fit to tackle such nn outfit as the big
eleven from Ohio State. But those
who prepared the 1919 football schedule believed that nothing great could
bo accomplished without undertaking
great things.
So the Wildcats are
journeying to iColumbus to show the
old heads how the game is played.

There is much speculation among
the squad members as to whom the
Coach will take on the trip into Ohio.
He says he will take as many men as
possible, but that every man who goes
will be in condition to play a full
game, and that every man will be used
sometime during the game. Several
of the first stringers will not be able
to accompany the team because of
incurred during recent
Both Shanklin and Culp,
star backfield men for the Wildcats,
may not be in the Ohio State game
for these reasons.
Ohio State appears to have a winning team this season. Last Saturday
it defeated the University of Cincinnati eleven by a score of 4G to 0. In
this game the backfield men, Willa-maStinchcombe, Harley (Capt.),
and Bliss, starred. The Indiana squad
appeared pretty large last Saturday,
but the Ohio State bunch is reported
to be larger.

In regard to the item last week conThe Kentucky eleven is stronger
cerning his lunch in the cafeteria, Mr.
Thompson wishes to make the correc- than ever before. Recent
have shown decided improvements In
tion that it was seven pies he ate inteamwork and In the Important methstead of four.
ods light, fast teams must use to win
victories from heavier teams. If the
For the benefit of the ladies who
field is dry Kentucky will have a good
have not yet had the pleasure of meetin
ing him, Mr. Mcllvain wishes to say fighting chance. Riddle should be
much better condition than in the last
that his business manager, Mr. Helck,
game. If Culp is in condition for the
will make the necessary arrangements.
game his pep should go a long ways
Mr. Helck can be found on or about
toward winning the game. Mcllvain,
the campus any time from eight
Heber, Server and Downing are alo'clock in the morning until supper.
ways dependable on any kind of a
field. The team is going to Columbus
A gentleman, speaking in Chapel the
with the determination to avenge the
other day, said that he did not think
by Indiana, and It is freely prethe student body as a whole showed defeat
dicted that Ohio State is to receive a
the proper spirit of loyalty to the foot-- !
good walloping at the hands of the
ball men. Now It might be truo about
fighting Wildcats from Old Kalntuck.
the student body as a whole, but If
The following is a comparison of
he could see "Dude" Downing strolling
weights of the Ohio State and Kenabout the campus with his flock of
female admirers ho would change his tucky teams. The figures of the Ohio
State team were clipped from a newsmind.
paper and are unauthentic, but serve
The only thing our friend Mr. Hite as a basis of comparison with Coach
has ugalnst football is that it takes Gill's figures.
Ohio State
him away from the Lexington Drug at
1950 lbs.
the most interesting time in the after-- , Total Weight
173 lbs.
Average Weight
180 lbs.
Average Weight of Line
Concerning the wonderful influence Average Weight of Backfield 1G8 lbs.
that football has over the sleeping
1870 lbs.
powers, it is known that the lady Total Weight
170 lbs.
where Mr. Combs rooms has to hire a Averuge Weight
180 lbs.
small boy with a klaxon horn to come Average Weight of Line
at two o'clock In the morning in order Average Weight of Backfield 152. lbs.
to get that gentleman up in time for
his breakfast at seven.

In Selecting a University
For a college education, there are five things
to be taken into consideration :

The men at the head of the Insti-


The scholastic standing and ability
of the Teaching Staff.
3. The location and advantages of
Equipment, buildings, laboratories
and libraries.
5. Cost.

In all these respects the University of Kentucky commends itself to those seeking a higher
institution in which to carry on their education.
All Departments, including Liberal Arts,
Sciences, Agriculture, Law, Education, Mining,
Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering.
The Government needs trained men and
women; college training will bring the result.

Lexington, Ky.
University of Kentucky

A Hit With Young Men
Beauty always draws the young man's eye and in
the Shoe line there's nothing that makes such a hit
as this new model just received with our Fall goods.
Rich shade of Autumn tBrown .Smart Flat Last,

Medium Heavy Sole, Invisible Eyelets.

Come in and ask to see the Wellington
name of this new winner.

That's the

PRICE $11.00



High-Clas- s

Shoe Repairing

Done While You Wait
We also have a line of new high grade Shoes for
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