xt7s4m91cm2q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7s4m91cm2q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-02-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 06, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 06, 2007 2007 2007-02-06 2020 true xt7s4m91cm2q section xt7s4m91cm2q UK Symphony Orchestra plans to record 19303 ballet on
national label —— and perform it on campus SEE PAGE 4


WWW.KYKERNEL.(‘()M I t '1 SI ),/\\


CELEBRATING 36 YEARS ()l' lNlll l’l’NDENtl

j Player suspended from team following arrest

letcs that they represent themselves and the a l~
l'iii\ci‘sity in a positive light at all times "
In a court hearing yesterday at I
put. Strong appeared through c losed
circuit telev isioii. as he \vas still iii hill
on a 85.000 hoiid Since that time. he
has been released on bail. lliv isioii of
('oiiiniunity (‘orrections \llllvltll\
Would not release information regard
ing W ho paid Strong‘s bail or the time
of his release
When asked, Strong told the fudge
he had a lavvyer. btit the lavvyei Was
not at the hearing ludgc llruv c ltell
entered a temporary non guilty plea for Strong
until his laWyer can enter an official plea
Strong‘s nevt court date is lcb ii at .\ ill

f'EBRtlAm f) Joo‘



SG urges
students to
Capitol rally

year old :0! iron: out i! shit. vvlo .sas

UK soccerjunior returns
to court Feb. 15 facing
first-degree rape charge

Alice Haymond
ahayrnonkoykernel com

\isefiiig her sister, a l is strident ittwi‘ct‘ sh;
had been sc\tiallv .l\\t|lt.:\vi v.tll\ \.i'.
tiiday lk'l‘At's‘ll i and l m .l '2. \la

of 't is tum“

ills. assattll «it t

ly‘s' \lv‘Hlt'v'
lllli'l .i: re l s
iooin lll l’ilandatg lcht \lotiroc \clivi
ll\ l‘ttllvv' ltlt'lllills'il \lttlltt. as
athtvtcvyn: the

sItsi‘ccl .if'ci \itlitt;

and No \vitiicsscs. lici \l\l\| and her

Michael Alexander Strong. a [K soccer
player that Was arrested Sunday night and
charged With first-degree rape. has been susi

By BlairThomas pended indefinitely from all team activities.
btbo‘niasfik’yfirn‘ayéom . UK Athletics media relations director Scott

t . Stricklin said in a statement last night.
' Student Government Wants to increase the "This is a serious accusation." Stricklin
number of UK representatives at tomorroW‘s Rally said in the statement, “Anyone With kiiovvledgc

ststci’s iooiriiiiatc. Who Weic "l the

town: When the alleged :.;:x :i".'t‘.

\loiii-ic said

llltlc'i i\t.'lllllvk\ i.i\\ 'ti.- ,- .t\."‘li H
rap; :s .‘t'

prison and five \c’als of tillttllllt'lla. til\clt.tl-.

pcnaltv for first decree years .7-

for Higher Education in Frankfort. which had a is expected to cooperate fully With the :llllhtlrh
small UK attendance last year. ties. l'K continues to stress to its student—ath-

“Last year Was just sad." said Senate President
Brent Burchett at last vveek's Appropriations and
Revenue committee meeting. “There‘s nothing like
being there With all other Kentucky schools With
five people to represent all of l'K. it Was embar-

The main change from last year to help iii-
crease attendance is to make the event mandatory
for SC senators. Burchett said,

“We‘re providing them With a bus ride. an ex-
ctised absence from class. and l've promised them
We really do have fun." Burchett said. “There’s Jusl
no reason they shouldn't go.“

Not all senators plan to attend. btit most are try ~

"It‘s really hard to make an event like this
mandatory." said Sen. Tyler Montell. "There “'1”
alvvays be senators that Won‘t be a part of Student
Government next year vv ho don‘t alWays find an
importance in these mandatory activ ities,"

The rally is at the Capitol Rotunda tomorrovv at
I pm.

"I'm excited to go." said Sen. Brittany Lang-
doii "It is an important event that 80 should stand

The main toms of the rally is to encourage
Kentucky legislators to pass a bill giving public
universities the authority to assume their own debt
by issuing bonds.

Currently. the funding for projects at [K comes
from the budget of the General Assembly. lf bond—
ing authority is granted. l'K Will be alloWed to
raise its oWn fundxand decide hovv to use that

The issue of bonding authority has been defeat
ed over the past feW sessions of the House of Rep

Matt Ballard. chairman of the Student Lobbyist
(‘orp. in the SG evecutive branch. and SO Presi~
dent Jonah BroWn helped organize the event.

"There have been a lot of people Within Student
Government. especially Matt (Ballardl Who have
Worked really hard on this event." Montell said.
".-\s senators it is our Job to go and do our part in
representing ['K."

UK students are invited to attend this event ,-\
bUs Will leave from the corner of Patterson Drive
and Administration Drive at ll'30 am.

"The cheerleaders are going. the Wildcat and
Scratch tare gotngl." Burchett said. ”I think it Will
be a great time and a great improvement from last


Strong Was arrested late Sunday night after





Flyar: Muriel a i‘ t ..

Senate Presaliw t Say a 0.

86 offers students hot chocolate and an
opportunity to address rising tuition costs

By Ed Matthews

ematfhevysélkyker'iel row

legislators to the army
cost of cdttcatioit. saw‘ ‘s‘;
5(i l’lt‘slvlcfll ,ltitlali il: 'l.‘
tcr students Weic asked to-
dii'ectcd toWard all wreath. :s
(icncral \\\Ctlll\l‘ askiiw
the bonding l‘lli as a
funds Without
ment's bi annual budget
"lly granting ‘ioinhit;
lovv [K to taist
the money .is they secro le'
8U Web site
\atcd drums and dining 1.1

Student (lovernnient tried to help students
fight the cold as Well as rising tuition costs
yesterday afternoon in the (‘lassroom Building.

Representatncs from $0 handed out hot
chocolate and asked students to sign a letter
addressed to state legislators as part of the
statevvidc evcnt dubbed "Listen l'p l.c‘f.'l\ldr

The event. Which Was orgaiii/ed bv the
Board of Student Body Presidents and spon~
sored by S(i_ is part of a stateWide effort by
students of public universities to alert state

rcl'v in; in

funds on'

Students frcn‘ Kenturkv ouoltr rolleges gather in the
rotunri'r» of the stan- Capitol on let) 5, 2005 as part at
last year‘s Rally fu' Hgnn' l.{l-.ltalttlf‘u t" Franxfcd

”i Mi \lllvl‘c'il"-

updated and or t-evv slit 3. "

Turnout at season’s last ticket
lottery lower than expected

UK prof, colleague examine
child spanking 'predictors’

By Chris Miles

C rnrles@ltykernnl com

Last iitght marked the start of
the [K men's basketball team's
matchup Wllh No. l l'ilorida as
about 4.250 students braved the
freezing cold to attend the final bas-
ketball ticket lottery of the season at
Memorial Coliseum,

Lottery organi/ers vvere pre-
paer for a large number of stu-
dents as they had 8000 ticket
vouchers but only 5.000 student
tickets. The lottery sold tickets to
the final three home games against
Florida. Louisiana State llniversity
and Georgia. the last home game.

“This was the biggest lottery
this year." said Tony Blanton. the
associate dean of students,

Blanton said that if 8.000 stu-
dents had shoWn up. around 3.000

Wouldn't hay e received tickets

"We've oiily sold out tvvice in
ten years." Blanton said.

Susan West. an assistant dean of
students. said that if someone‘s
number is near the end of the lot
tery queue. they usually leave and
allow students who wall the full
amount of time to snatch tip the re
maining tickets.

“We‘ve never
aWay." West said,

The lottery offitially started last
night at 0.30. Doors to Memorial
Coliseum usually open at 900 for
basketball lotteries. but this time.
due to the cold temperatures. they
were opened before 8-45.

Students who Were called first
in the lottery Were able to pick from
three seating options. the eRupption
Zone. lower level and upper level

Psychology senior Angie Sinits

turned any one


W as among those called first

"It's aWesome.” Smits
".\1y heart dropped I had to thctk
my titket tvoucheri three times to
make sure "

for early tliildhood senior
Kendall Rhorcl. also called first, the
early ticket pickup meant a bit more
than ]llsl good seats

"I‘m escited because i gel to go
home." Rlioiel \dltl. “I usually have
bad luck at lotteries "

lllanton said a normal lottcrv
usually lasts a little past midnight.
if all runs smoothly

The final basketball lottery of
the season Was also the final lottery
of agricultural biotechnology senior
RdthCI Wallace's l'K tollcgv‘ ta

“I‘m euitcd I didn't lta\c to
Wait and got some good seats for
(invL'.” Wallace Mtltl "I lilk'u‘f ttl't‘
the last good seats ill get H


By Josey Montana McCoy

1"",LI‘ht 4,.

Religious affiliation and .lu .il'l.
environment torrid be predit'wi . at ha. i“
[‘tll'c‘flis \lltltl\v' ‘
I K professor and llt‘l

llie study. condor ted in \‘iel rm.- I ii».

’t‘ it‘ll‘tt'tl‘. :‘llll ~-


atvoitiing to tic-.coi «riitlv m .;


.issottatc professor of sottai vvoil- at l
and .\iitlrcW (hogan haxloi an is
professor at the l nivcisi'v of \llvlllL'J‘l ll»
\t‘sticatcd Wliat fatfot llllL‘lll
fo tisc spanking .is l‘tflllsllll‘t'lll for t h'ldit'
in the home

" \s riiorc i'escaith :s i|‘\ iisan our

t .tth‘ l‘.:lt‘ll'\

trons With the iist~ ot toiporal i‘lllll‘ll'“
We can see similar outcomes to “.1.“ ' w
inent.” this said

lhc sttidv ”lhc l’ictlzvtors of l'.tlclll.:‘
l'sc of ( orporal l’iinishnicnt ..
published in tlic Iotiriial I inizlv Rtlations
Interdisvipliiiarv li‘llllldl of \pplicd lamilv

‘s‘ its ls‘s c‘llli\

-ltl flt‘tl v4“
;li\s ta} E.
3““ \.i':.

s;‘ l'ii,l'l,'s .ii ‘lt ' "


‘llvl flltl'llt'l

' ct t‘lli‘lliw

r.\k"‘ sfiUkK‘r: i“
w? tviitn'a]
(V's tlltllil-‘;‘.if l\..s ..

- . o ..
-it'li‘ 'i i,"

as “i


lslllt‘l ;~



'tlt‘lll lot xx 1'


Newsroom: 28‘ 95 Advertising: .‘I ‘


 956.81 Tuesdai» Februau 512.907 ,































By (117111713 Black
1’11 1111: the adrentagn 1’1101‘1 the
17811 s‘ rating 1'0 1s the PJS/PSI 1717.11. 0
the most the/(917171.179
Aries (March 21— April 19H 111111
157 ((0017 17170111117. 111’ 17.71:
or s1: n17 718'711171705¢“t'1'1’1s1="121t
1075 111171 313 Make, sure 1.1171170
131777117111 711311 511 “1 751:101
Taurus (April 20— May 20) l1 1t
2s 1.17 ‘7’1‘11111/14111‘1‘11111s‘
11111 117111111111 1117111r (111‘111'111.1<'s ‘1117 11117
t1‘1111’1tt11rD1‘1‘7‘ V177 ‘1 11:71:.17177177
1111‘ 71:1111w‘ as 111111 1"”1‘117s1 yt11.‘




Gemini (May 21 ~ June 21) T17 711.1.

1s a 6 7111111711711171‘1101'171 7s
‘7711111171 11 171123l1211 _ (1111‘ No
1711711 {117‘7‘ ‘0: 111711." 11‘117 11.1.7171

(11“1;:11:T11‘v K0017 1.17:.1‘
Wfs 11l‘11‘1.t 1.111;

Cancer (June 22 — July 22) ‘11‘17111

'11“.'1.‘01. 111


1s a b l‘11111711l71‘11171 1s. 111171171110
st1ll 1711311 111711y1111171117t wantto 170
You want In r70 turned 111771111111
171711077 Better get y11u1’s suit ‘11 1117 71711
1171711711 171717 111111111711 171ss1r1t11vv‘17rk
11711 7717171 77171710

Leo (July 23 — Aug. 22) T111171 1s
an 8 l‘711711's1711t11111111 11s: ‘77uL‘7
tenston, 1717111131111 1.11111711S1‘ 1171. 111

getting S‘7717rt1‘11' P717111 t, 17y ‘1177 Try
11711 (:7 71x s‘.‘

Virgo (Aug. 23— Sept. 22) 77.1.71. 13

(1' 8

‘71117171‘711 "‘11? already

‘1“11‘ syt;s1'1y111‘11.‘,111171d

1113 CBLil‘ ‘7“ 1‘1] 114 W1“


a“ ‘V“

711.1 111111

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 2) Tudor 1s

‘1" 8 71.111 :711,t71'7:11. 797111711711
711511111113111'111‘: tasks :71
1711. D171 1’7 1731: 117t1zr0st 1711711111 11711

'7717511 .7 ("11

‘11sg177 111‘1ry1111'7‘ l;‘1‘1 11‘ 7101111712
Scorpio (Oct. 23— Nov. 21) 1111111

sgz {7‘ [1'1'71‘371771‘1‘ 1)111
‘11:: 11‘ 1....1111171 11:7 1.111


l'71‘ good news IS, there's no trouble
ligating out what you should 1711
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
Today 1s a .7 Friends help you 71nd
177:7r7y uses for your new skuls D17
111111171111 1.1 117117.1s1‘1171111‘711 11111111171171.
w.‘ try 11171111111170 17117ney
Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19) '11:»
.1171. 1s a 7 The person 117 17711111.»:
177 the money 18 feeling 1111111111715 it
11111 11:1 ”111:0 w'ncl‘. may not 7111171179.,
1. 11.1 1.111111111112121 171717113 D1’712'1‘171‘1k1:
11171 [17111,1s11t 7171s 170751717's1-‘xn11217s11
Aquarius (Jan. 20 ~ Feb. 18) T11
11.11 s a 71 ”77711131111111 1‘11‘11‘1'11 y171:
wa‘1ttt7 111‘. C.)“1‘.1 1111'1 tl11=1t'11-‘1st1
171-11111171111111 the, 711711111 1111y171=17
0711111111113 l'71s1s171‘17117t11‘y11f17d"1
Pisces (Feb. 19 March 20) 1‘1
day :s a 6111 ‘ 0111 1:.‘7 '1‘ .11 111117 11111
11st 11‘ contacts 111. 71111. 1‘ v1770 per son
W71; 1111's 1717717711711 7111‘, (A ('7111111
771717s111711’777wl‘1 l7: 17111111711111.1711:
1‘711“1 111117711 1711(1l11

’ 1' '~ 11111.: “.11.: 1317.13» ‘1:


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R1 st iiir int ind lounge

81!» Euclid Ave.




your daily dose of entertainment pop culture and fun Kama ‘ 0'

Jason Lewis:
Single and Sexy

'fl'le DiSI-l

The ex-Sex and the
City hunk tells Us
about his love life
—— onscreen and off

He captured the attention of
women everywhere as sweet.
goi‘geotis actor Smith Jerrod on
Sex and the City. Now Jason
Lewis is steatniiig up ABC's
Brothers 1%; Sisters (Sundays. ll)
pm.) as ('had Berry. another
sexy actor. The twist" His love
interest isn't Kitty Walker ((‘al~
ista Hoekhart). but her brother
Kevin (Matthew Rhys). The sin—
gle (since splitting from Rosario
Dawson -7 last l‘all) Newport
Beach. ('alilornia. native. 35.
dishes ((7 Cs

Q: Your character has a
girlfriend but is having an af-
fair with Kevin. What gives?

Although the surlace ol it is
about him being scared about
his lioiiiosesualit}. I think really
it's about when somebody does-
n‘t know themselves or what
the) really want. That's pretty

Q: More difficult to film: a
kiss with a man or the bed-
room scenes on Sex and the

l hadn't really thought about
that‘ I'm scared every time I
lime to kiss a stranger acting
or not. But it's probably harder
being naked. doing that \llll‘l.
You leel very vulnerable when
you're acting arid naked.

Q: Will you reprise Smith
in the movie?

I don't have a script or con-
tract or anything. but I've heard
rumors and speculations. I
would probably do anything

those folks asked me to!
They've been good to me.

~ Erin 01111717

Grey's' wild engagements

The newest al‘lliction sweep—
ing Seattle Grace?

Engagement lever! On
(lrey's Anatoiny's January 25
show. George (TR. Knight).
grieving from his dad's death.
got on one knee l'or ('allie (Sara
Ramirez). and Burke (Isaiah
Washington) ended his silent
spat with Cristina (Sandra Oh)
by popping the question. Will
these couples make it to the al»
tar'.’ 'Burke s is a rescue pro»
posal. He did it to save the rela-
tionship." says LA. psycholo-
gist Stac) Kaiser. "They don't
have a good chance.“ But
(leorge and Callie have hope:
“lt's a “replacement proposal.'
He‘s filling the void. But she's
been there l'or him that's
great for maiTiage."

. Airn110Agrest1

Scott Baio's steamy tell-all
The Charles in Charge star
is shopping around a book about
his celeb conquests
lirin Moran. Ol‘ losing his
\irgiiiit) at age 16 to Joanie

l_o\es Chaclii costar Moran.
now 411. Baio writes in
BaioWatch. according to ex-

cerpts on Radaronline.com. ”l
didn't know what to do. . . . My
thing was between the cushions
ol' the couch. . . . Instead of be—
ing inside lirin.l was humping a
corduroy sol‘al"

Heather Locklear. Baio. now
45. calls Locklear. also 45
(whom he dated from 1W3 to
1984). "the one that got away."
His tome also imparts this ad-


VICC about women: "When a
woman says. "I need time to
think.‘ it‘s over. You're l' - ked.
The train has lelt the station.
Cry for two days. then find
someone else."

Pamela Anderson. “One day.
Pamela came home and said.
‘l'm thinking of getting my
boobs done.” writes Baio. w ho
dated Anderson. now 3*). in
I989: they reunited and were
brielly engaged in “#93. “I
knew our relationship would
soon begin to crumble.' (Ander
son's rep had no comment.)

~ Eric Antlersso'i

Hollywood's Hot Designer

Just weeks alter ()prah Win-
l'rey introduced her on-air as the
next big name in fashion.
Rachel Roy 's NYC—based busi-
ness (launched in 2005) is busier
than ever before. “My Web site
went from 30.000 hits a week to
l million right alter the show
and 2 million within a week."
the Seaside. California. native
(who's married to Roeaw ear co»
l‘ounder Damon Dash) tells l's.
“It was huge for me?"

Chic clientele Stylish stars
Penelope (‘ru/. Lucy Liu and
Jessica Biel have also taken no.
tice ol‘ Roy 's sophisticated l‘t‘llll'
nine collection 6500-31000.
rachelroycom). And live recent~
ly wowed in the designer's
draped ivory Layla gown at an
NYC gala. "Rachel's dress ac-

cented the good and hid the
bad." the singer tells Us. "I got

so man) compliments!"
Carol MCCt1'1111‘1

77111111111311 5171‘? 111‘: we 3


(mesh CAMPUS


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We're Covering You‘





Building the Legacy

-l\'\" Students Rally for Higher liducation~

How do we get/4.1/C in the dorms, better
dining facilities, and an overall better
college life?

February 7, 2007—

Rally for Higher Education

1:00-2:00pm at the Capitol Rotunda

**l~'ree Round Trip Transportation Provided by
Student Government
**Board Buses at 11:30am from the corner of

( Government

va-qn» 1,1 Ier'11 -

www utter): org

Patterson Dr. and Administration Dr.

1C lass cxcusals available in the Student Government Oflicm

*Bring UK ID for buses and State Issue ID to get into Capitol*


m wanna








Continued from page 1


corporal punishment was used
more often in homes \th
Protestant affiliation than in
homes of those \yith non~Piotes-
tant affiliations.

(his and (iroganAKaylor
also discoyered that a healthy
home enyironment. “hlL‘lT al-
lovys children to think through
the consequences of their ac~
tions. leads to less anti-social


()tis' interest in this SUDJL‘L‘T
greys from similar studies she
had done relating child behavior
to criminal behay‘ior due to mal-
treatment at a young age.

“Implications can be seen
into adulthood." ()tis said about
both studies.

(‘irogan—Kay'lor's concern
for the effects of corporal pun-
ishment began more personally.

ln l999. (lrogan-Kaylor “as
a Visiting professor at UK and
“as Just starting his academic
career. At that time. his sort was
one year old and GrogarrKaylor
said he was doing all he could to

be the best parent possible. He
read and deeply studied the “Dr.
Lipschit/~esque" pediatrician
parenting books. \shich all
seemed to come out strongly
against spanking.

(iroganls'aylor vyondered
|Ust hots strong that research
was he said.

After studying thousands of
families across the country and
their use of corporal punish
ment. (irogan—Kay‘lor said prey i~
oUs research seemed to proye

“Spanking seems more neg-
atiye than I thought.“ he said.

MI K ( senter hos ts black history C\ ents

By Tyler Montgomery

['K’s Martin Luther King Jr. (‘ultural (‘enter
is hosting a number of eyents this month in cele-
bration of Black History Month.

()rgani/ers kicked off last week With events
strictly for the (ireek community. This week.
MLK(‘(‘ “I” start hosting eyents for the entire
student body.

Tomorroyy the center is hosting ”Waiting to
Exhale: Women's Fmprmerment." a discussion
on rape and \‘lnlclk‘c against women in the
African—American community from 5:30 to 7:30
pm in the center.

For Valentines Day. Feb. 1-1. starting at It)
am. and continuing until it) p.ni.. the center is
holding the Black Love Movie Fest. including
the movies "For the Love of lyy." “Claudine."
"(‘armen Jones." ”Jungle Feyer." “Brown Sugar"
and "Love Jones." All movies “ill be shoysn in
the center.

On Feb. l5. MLKCC is hosting a Black His»
tory' Scavenger Hunt starting at l pm. This
eyent “as de\eloped for students to learn the
history of the people and departments that haye
contributed to the de\ elopment and education of
minority students at UK. The Winning team will
receiye a cash pri/e ot $100. Teams vyill meet at
the center to begin the scayenger hunt.

“We believe that this \inI be one of our big-
ger eyeiits." said .\Il.l\'(’(‘ Director \eleashia
Smith. "but you ne\ er knoyy “ith a first time
eyent (like the scayenger hunti."

Saul Williams. author of “The Dead lzmcec
Scrolls." “ill be speaking on Feb 19 at 7 pm. in
the Student (‘enter (irand Ballroom. Williams
also a rote and performed in the moyie "Slain.”
Before his speech. l'K students \Hll display their
poetry talents.

“We hope that bringing Saul to [K will get

the community iny‘ol\‘ed with the events that are
taking place on campus this month,” Smith said.

l'K Student Government is helping sponsor
Diversity Dialogues. a panel discussion concern-
ing interracial relationships and interracial siti-
dents on Tuesday. Feb. 20 at 8 pm. The tllSL‘ltsr
sion will also include panel members ansvtering
questions from audience members. The location
of the panel dichssion has not been determined.

The next day. the MI.K(‘(‘ \yill offer a pre—
sentation called "Neyer Pass l'p an Opportunity
to Make a Difference."
three sophomore students at Texas Southern l'nii
y'ersity' that helped oust the uiii\ersity 's president
after discovering she misused school funds. It
begins at 7 pm. on Feb. 2! in room ill of the
Student (enter.

The lota Phi Theta fraternity is hosting a tllV
cussion Feb. 22 at 7 pm. in the center titled
“The Ne‘NOILI. “hth “ill discuss the history
and controversy of the emotionally—charged

Spoken yyord artists. poets and singers \Hll
shou off their talents at “Mi(‘heck" on Feb. 3‘
at 9 pin. in the (‘ats Deli. and Smith e\pects be-
tyy een 204) and 300 people to attend.

“It is always a bigger eyent for us."

The fin tl cyent. the Black Student \ddrcss
\Hll be Feb 3H at . p. m. ()rg uti/ers haye not de
termined a location [m the addiess.

“This is another panel discussion which \‘\|ll
inyolye a student. administrator and a person
from the community.” Smith said. "It “Ill con
cern media. academics and eiiipmterment It Is
de\eloped by Nikky Finney and I‘m hoping that
it vyill be one of otir larger eyelits ”

For more information about Black History
Month eyents contact the Ml.l\'(‘(' in the Stu
dent (‘enter at 1859i 257-4130


which tells the story of





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iiiui" iit‘t‘li Sittii‘ (III/'1!"


to Campus
iisffit't! with .-1[.]. .1

ltt/itl' ‘ipphomt’s
[iri’ li’or/t'oitl’ latching!
”,‘I’W'lm [lit/IiSpud/111mmliiiitllftis‘ii ((i/i/t




- UK Students for Life
Meeting, 8:00 PM, 115
Student Center
0 Cheap Seat Tuesdays
"The Departed", 8:00
PM, Worsham Theater
(Student Center)
0 UK Timmy Foundation
Chapter Meeting, 6:30
PM, Nursing Building,
Room 213
0 YMCA Center For
Achievement Tutoring,
5:00 PM, YMCA Center

. For Achievement
0 Students Taking Acton
Globally (STAG)

i Meeting, 5:00 PM, 211
Student Center

0 University Christian
Fellowship, 8:00 PM,
230 Student Center

0 Comedy Caravan with
Will Hardesty, 8:00 PM,
Student Center Cats

0 Bryan Station Middle
Tutoring, 4:00 PM,
Bryan Station Middle

0 Helping Hands
Meeting, 5:00 PM, 205
Student Center

0 Tyrone Wells and Wes
Meek (FREE!), 8:00 PM,
Worsham Theater

0 L.E.C.M. Food for Body
and Soul, 5:05 PM, St.

A‘s (472 Rose Street)



NAMENT, 6:00 PM,
Student Center Cats

0 The Dating Doctor,
8:00 PM, Memorial

0 Valentine's Gala,
9:00 PM, Grand
Ballroom, Student





0 UK Ultiii'iatoi
Otgmtizatioii 1


| PAGE 3

it'sitay 'i'ti't..ity ti







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(‘( ()II

Iiitramtim It- (is


 PAGE 4 | Iuesday 112111111111 6, 20111

UK Symphony to record


with classical music Iabcl

By Wesley Yonts
tea1ures@kykernel c0111

When the [K Synphon)
()rchcxtru 11nd I‘K \komcn‘x
(‘ho1r begin rcconhng their \cr
“on of (Icorgc l’rulrlck Nicki
111's "Epoch" todu), 11 mil he .1
milmtonc 1111' the I'K Sthool 111

UK 1.x one 111 on!) .11't-11 11111
wruncx to record \\1th the .\'.1\
UN RCCUI'tI l..il\‘l. tltk‘ttl'tllllg I11
John Nunlohllo. the 1l11ct'l11r 111
UFCIRNUAH .11 l'lx'. .\'.1\11~ 1x .1
pl‘t‘xllgltms cl.1~~11.1l 1c11111l111g:
label. hc \lltl

"Thu 1\ .1 1111111111.1111
thing 111111111111111c1’x111." \'.11'1I11
ltllo mid "Th1: I’K \‘111111l111111
Orchwtm 1\ one 111 1111l_\ 1l11t~c


college 11ltlk‘xll.1\ I11 L‘M'I l‘t‘
rccortlcd l1_\ .\'.1\11\ 11K t111111- .111
honor "

’l‘l1c ~11111c 11111~11 1h.11 1~ I11»
111g r‘t'cor‘tlt'tl 1111‘ tho (I). \1h11l1
\\1l| I1c 1'clc.1~1'1l 1l11x t.1lI. \11Il 11c
pcr'tormctl 111 c .11 7 111 11.111 I11
do) 1111l1c S111glct.11"\ (‘1'11tc1 1111'
tho :\11\ (11111 on II.1ll.

l'hc 11Ic.1 111 1ct1111l1115; .111tl
pcrlormtng 1l11\ 111ccc h.1\ l1cc11
11111|c1 t'1111\11l.‘1‘.1111111 1111 \1'1c1.1l
)t‘urx. .\'.'11‘1Iol1ll11 \.111l

lzwr) 111111: Nurdohllo made
11 11111 to the West ('1111xt on 1111517
1105. l‘t‘ul Mch). the \on 111
the compowr. would 11x}. Nurdo-
l1llo 11 1l1c orchestra could record
some 111 lth I‘uthcr'x pieces.

“llc h'.11l 11 \cr} strong 1111cr—
m1 111 gcttmg 11111111111 per
to1‘111c1l." NurtlohlIo \1111.

Iiu‘n though Mt‘K;1_\\ x1111
lt‘pCtllL‘tll} .ukctl Nurtlohllo to

If you go

What: UK Symphony
Orchestra and Women's Choir

When: Friday, 7 30 11111
Where: 81119113121111 (3121111111111
Arts Concert Hall

Tickets: $5 for students, $10
general 21111111351011

the 1111111‘ 111111 the \[111tr
lxght 11 “11» 11111 .‘.1~_\ getting: .1
l111|1.l 111 thc 111mm. l‘ht'
I1.11l11‘1 l1t'1‘11 1»I.1\ctl \1111‘1. 1l1c
l‘li11\.\.11‘1l11lrll11 \lltl. .1111l the}
l1.11l111"1l1:j1I1t‘11111\1-. 11111111 llit'
\\.1\i1111:_‘11111 \1‘1‘l11\t‘\ '-


1111-1 c



“I:1111cl1" 1.1m m‘tttcn to hon-
or .-\111c1'1c1111 l1t‘cxt}lcs 1111111 thc
c.1rl} 311th ccntur). Nurtlohllo

"’l'hc bullet \\;l\ 111111111 111
the "Ills or {111‘ '.l\ 11 t‘clchmtion
ot \c1c1'11l :\111c1‘1c;u1 poctx
I:1lg.11' Allen Poe. W.1It \Vl1117
111.111. .-\1I.1111 Sandburg 11nd Syl
11c) I..1111cr." Nurtlohllo \1llkl
"Ii.1t‘h ot the tour lll|)\UlllClll\ 1x
httxwl 1111 11111‘111x I1} c.11‘l1 111
Illcxc 1111011"

lawntI1ough"lipocl1" t'ocuv
C\ 1111 Illc ll\C\ 111111111111“ puck.
11 L'Ulllhtllk‘\ 111.111) 1l11‘1’c1‘cr1t as
pectx 11Itl1c ltiIh ccntur}.

"It .1Ixo 111111“ 11 I111 from the
1111l11\111;1l1/11111111 11ml \\C\I\\AIFLI
C\P.ll]\lnll the l'1111ctl States was
upcru‘nt’ing 111 the "Mix." .\'.11’-
tlolillo \1111l "It‘x got \11mc grout
111I1Ilc 11111x1c 11111l men ~11111c I'd/l
11111I l1iucx "

About 01) [11:1‘1111‘111c1x 11511.1“)
111.1l1c up the 111'1l1cx1111, but he,
cutlw thix 1x .1 1111111 111111.111 \\11l1
the \Vomcn'x ('I11111‘. owr llltl
11111~11‘i'.111\ \HII come together
Im’ the L‘1111t‘L‘I'I. \111'tl11llll11 \Liltl.

"It‘s go111gtol1c11g1'cut 11111—
14111111.“ Nurtlolillo \.111l "It\ .111

c\t‘11111g more."

\VaI-Mart opcns onlinc moVic downloads


By Dawn C. Chmlelewski and Abigail Goldman

()11 l‘trcx1l11_\, \\.1I \I.11'1 \tort-x I111. hccmx \1'll
111:; t1l111~1111l11112.1x1l1; 11*.11i1r1g \cllql 111 l)\ l)\
\'1ll\L‘\ .1 tl.11111 1111i11~c111crg111g Ill.lll\1‘l 111 :Il|1\i‘\'

l‘hc 1111111111
\\‘1\\\ \\.1l111.111 11111.1 11121~111I111111I11.11I.\
11111.1 1I1;:11.1l 111111 1t g1111.l1.1\1:\1111111.11l «wt-1111141111
II11II\'11111111 \1111l111\

'I‘l1c1111l1111- l)\13'11111lxt'1 1\ .1l11.'.11i\
\\11I1.11111111‘111111\ :111‘l11.l111:1 \1111l13.
\111.1/1111111111\ l 111111\. 1111'111111111 ..1l1i1, opt-1.11111
51.11/ l111.~11.1!111:11'111 \I.*111.1 (111111;‘- \ \1111;_'11 .1111‘

‘1l1‘lk'. {11111111 .11

1~ Iht- :11x1 111

k |11\\ tl\‘\l

111111111‘ 111113131

lL\\k‘l'l\ll\‘\\Il 11111111111.11I 1111\111 \1'11111-x x111l1.1\
\I1\\11'I111l\ .111151
.111- \11Il \llll},:‘.'llll‘_'

\\.11\l.11'1~.11111111111..:1.1'111'1\.1\11\t \111;'11 ~‘111'
I1\ [1 \ ,1. \
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\ \ 1111‘ \K‘1I11l

1 ‘1 1 l 1 -\ .
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Hillil'lt' It‘111\1\ \IHIL‘

;1_\ .111171-11411'11‘

11111I1~1111t~ 1‘1‘1‘.tl~ on huge. \1'II111g 1111\111I11.11I\ 111
11cm 111mm lk‘lC.l\L'\ 1111111 \I_‘. 8% 111 $1038 .1111l
11l1lt‘l IIII1.‘\ IUI V511 I311\\11l1\.11l\1il I\ \Ii11‘,\\ \CII
I111 \l.‘}t1.111cr11\11tlc

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tcthuolos} tl1.11 1\ 111111111'1t't1111\11111111§_' .1111l “11111-1

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I.11111!1\l111‘ .. I I

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:1111x11. 11111-1111:1.113111111:.'.11‘11c1 11111t'l111111‘1t'xt



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11,1’ 111




By Jonathan Smith
1511111thykerr1el corn

()111‘11 111111‘x durrng 11111‘1'-
\11‘\\\. I'K pl;t)1‘t\ “111 111111
111111111 111111. R111111‘1 111‘111111‘) 1\ 1111‘
1111111111 111111111g.

N11“. 11111‘1‘ 1111‘ .»\1‘l111111~11\
31111111‘ on Suturdu). Br