Schenectady, New York.
n S. C. Ebbert, ’II, President, 24 Glenwood Blvd., Schenectady, N. Y.
C. M. Roswell, ’o8, Secretary, 724 Brandywine Ave., Schenectady, N. Y.
South Africa.
H. W. Taylor, ’06, President, Rustenbiurg, Transvaal, South Africa.
J. du P. Oosthuizen, ,12, Secretary-Treasurer, Vredefort, O. F. S., South Africa.
St. Louis, Missouri.
A. C. Ball, ’11, President, 721 Chemical Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. ’
Washington, District of Columbia.
P. M. Riefkin, ’o6, President, Department of Interior, Bureau of Mines, Wash··
ington, D. C. _ _
W. G. Campbell, ,02, V1ce—Pres1dent, Department of Agriculture, Bureau of
Chemistry, Washington, D. C._
F: H. Tucker, '09, Secretary, Chemxst, Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C.
Members of_ the Association are requested to notify the Secretary of
changes in location and occupation and_to send any items regarding them-
selves or other members that may be of mterest.
The addresses of the following persons are not known to the secretary.
Any information concemmg them will be gratefully received.
Moses S. Cole. '77. G. O. Harding. 04.
Caleb S. Perry, ’7'l. C. S. Pierce, 05.
Henry M. Wright. '77. Fanny Weir (Mrs. H. Wilson), ’06.
Burton P. Enbank, 84. C. R. Wright '05.
R. B. Walker '89. H. F. Scholtz, '05.
Margaret A. Wilson, '90. R. P. DuVale. ’06.
U. L. Clardy, ’91. Mary L. Bagby, ’0'I.
John G Maxey, 92. Florence Maddocks. 07.
Cora. E. Ware, 98. W. E. Mosby, '10.
, B. C. Keiser. ’94. Paul Francis, ’11.
` W. A. Beatty, '9'I. J. A. Boyd, 11.
Leslie Hundley, 00. Lincoln McConnell (Hon.), *11. _
T. A. Jones, 00. Geo. A. Chrlsman, ’14.
Mary E. Neal. ’00. Wm. A. Wallace, '1Z.
L. O. Beatty. 01. John Rogers, '11
_ R. H. Amett, 'O4. R. H, Thomas, '13.
Lillian Austin, '04. Morris Roth, 13.
» Nancy B. Buford, '04 L. Covitz, 13.
l W. D. Gray, 'O4. Otto J'. Jones, '14.
· Bessie Lee Munson, '04. C. A. Duncan, '14. ‘
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