Great Britain (cont.)
    control of: Mississippi sought,
  xviii, xxi; northwestern tribes, xx,
  xxii; Ohio region, feared, xxx;
  west, xvii;
    danger from, to Illinois, 2I6;
    expeditions against: Fort Nelson,
  xviii, xxi, xxiii, xxxiii, xxxv, Ivi,
  43, n. I; Fort Pitt, xix, lvi, I89;
  Illinois, xx, 64; Kentucky, xliv, I5,
  44; St. Joseph, 28, n. I; St. Louis,
  xxii; Sandusky, xl; Wheeling, lii;
    influence of feared, 154; in-
  trigue suspected, 7i9; land of
  subjects sold, 344; Legras in ser-
  vice of, 35, n. I; losses at San-
  dusky, xli; officers of, 76, 85;
  orders Indian hostilities stopped,
  149, I7I; parliament of, resolu-
  tions, 78; peace with signed, 219,
  221, 229; plans for, 17, 82, I45:
  plans of ministry, 122, 220;
    posts: burned by Clark, 152-153,
  I57; destroyed, lvi; Indian com-
  munication with, 55; garrisoned,
  239; reduced, 418; surrendered,
  221, 228; Virginia reimbursed for
  conquering, 466, 468;
    prisoners of, 7I, n. I, 145; re-
  lations of with Indians, xviii, xxi,
  xxii, xxiii, xxvii, xxxiii, xxxviii,
  lvi, lviii, lxi, 74, 122, 204, 236, 237,
  241; sergeant guards stores, 146;
  sincerity of suspected, 213; treat-
  ment of prisoners, 104; troops of,
  xxxvii, 14.
Greathouse, H., assignee Of, 463.
Greathouse, Isaac, deed issued as-
  signee of, 463.
Greathouse, William, bounty land
  granted, 422; heir of, 463.
Great Island, removal of Indian
  agent from, 187.
Great Point, landing near, 235.
Green Briar, see Greenbrier.

Green, James, service of with Illi-
  nois Regiment, 286.
Green, Jarvis, losses of at Blue
  Licks, 94.
Green, John, bounty land granted,
Greenbrier County, distance from,
  to Falls, Pi endangered, 3, 65,
    militia: accounts, 280, 294, 338,
  360, 388, 409; ill conduct of, a72-
  173; rations for, 293;
    volunteers to be raised in, t2e.
Greene, General Nathanael, letters
  to, from Harrison, (referred to)
  xxix, n. a, (referred  to)  127;
  operations of in South, xxviii,
  XXiX, 12.
Greenup, Christopher, assignee of,
Grey, George, bounty land granted,
Griffin, Cyrus, commissioners re-
  port to, 465.
Griffin, William, deed issued as-
  signee of, 452.
Griggs, Daniel, losses of at Blue
  Licks, 94.
Grimes, John, bounty land granted,
  420; private, Illinois Regiment,
Grinding stone, left at Fort Jeffer-
  son, 326.
Grolet, Francis, bounty land claim
  disallowed, 42o; service of in
  Illinois Regiment, 26.
Grolet, Francis, Jr., bounty land
  claim acted on, 420; service of
  in Illinois Regiment, 26.
Grundy, George, sum due for ra-
  tions, 332, 409.
Guion, see Guyon.
Gun boats, carronades needed for,
  52; Clark ordered to build, xxxi,
  20; militia refuses to serve on,