xt7sbc3svf6v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sbc3svf6v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1972049 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1972-04-may9. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1972-04-may9. 1972 2011 true xt7sbc3svf6v section xt7sbc3svf6v 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, Tuesday, May 9, 1972

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in regular
statutory session in Room E on the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower
on the University campus at 2:00 p. m. (Eastern Daylight Time) on Tuesday,
May 9, 1972, with the following members answering the call of the roll: Mr.
Jesse M. Alverson, Mr. Thomas P. Bell, Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, Mr.
Stanley Burlew, Mrs. Robert 0. Clark, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mr. Richard E.
Cooper, Mr. George W. Griffin, Mr. Eugene Goss, Mr. James H. Pence,
Mr. William B. Sturgill, Mr. Floyd H. Wright, non-voting faculty members
Professors Paul Oberst and Paul G. Sears, and non-voting student member,
Mr. Scott Wendelsdorf. Absent from the meeting were Governor Wendell H.
Ford, Mr. Wendell P. Butler, and Dr. Lyman V. Ginger. Representing the
University administration were: President Otis A. Singletary; Vice Presidents
Alvin L. Morris, Lewis W. Cochran, A. D. Albright, Glenwood L. Creech,
Lawrence E. Forgy, Jr. , Peter P. Bosomworth, and Robert G. Zumwinkle;
Dr. Charles Wethington, Assistant Vice President for the Community College
System; Dr. Donald Clapp, Director of the Budget; and Mr. John Darsie, Legal
Counsel. The various news media also had representatives present at the

      A. Meeting Opened

      Mr. Clay, Vice Chairman of the Board, presiding in the absence of
Governor Ford, called the meeting to order at 2:00 p. m. Following the
invocation pronounced by Mr. Clay, Mr. John Darsie administered the oath
of office to Mr. Stanley Burlew, Mr. William B. Sturgill and Mr. George
Griffin. Mr. Burlew and Mr. Sturgill were appointed by Governor Ford for
four-year terms ending December 31, 1975, to replace former Governor
Albert B. Chandler and Dr. N. N. Nicholas, whose terms expired on December
31, 1971. Mr. George Griffin was reappointed for another four-year term to
end December 31, 1975.

      The Secretary reported a quorum present and the meeting was declared
officially open for the conduct of business at 2:04 o'clock.

      B. Executive Committee Elected

      At the request of Mr. Clay, Mr. Pence, chairman of the nominating
committee composed of Mr. Pence, Mrs. Clark and Professor Sears, placed
in nomination to serve on the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees
the names of Mr. George W. Griffin, Mr. Thomas P. Bell, Mr. Richard E.
Cooper, Mr. Eugene Goss and Mr. Albert G. Clay. Mr. Alverson moved that


nominations be closed but before a second, Mr. Wendelsdorf placed in nomi-
nation the names of Professor Paul Sears and Mr. Scott Wendelsdorf. There
being no additional nominations, Mr. Clay requested the Secretary to
distribute ballots to the voting members of the Board. Following a count of
the votes cast, the Secretary announced that the members of the Executive
Committee for 1972-73 will be Mr. Griffin, Mr. Bell, Mr. Goss, Mr. Clay,
and Mr. Cooper.

       C. Minutes Approved

       On motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Wright, and passed, the
reading of the Minutes of the April 4, 1972 meeting of the Board of Trustees
was dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as published.

       D. Resolution Adopted

       Mrs. Robert Clark read a resolution of appreciation for the three
members of the Board of Trustees whose terms expired on December 31, 1971
and who have now been replaced by new appointees. She moved that the
resolution, a copy of which appears at the end of the Minutes, be approved,
spread upon the Minutes of the meeting, and copies sent to former Governor
Albert B. Chandler, Dr. N. N. Nicholas, and Mr. J. Robert Miller. Her
motion was seconded by Dr. Sears, and passed. (See resolution at the end of
the Minutes. )

       E. President's Report to the Trustees

       After reviewing some of the items in the President's monthly report to
the Trustees, President Singletary recommended that the report be accepted.
Mr. Clay accepted the report for the Board and it was ordered filed.

       F. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       There being no questions relative to the recommendations in PR 2, a
copy of which had been in the hands of the members of the Board prior to the
meeting, on motion by Mrs. Clark, seconded by Professor Sears, and passed
without dissent, PR 2, Recommendations of the President, was approved as a
whole and ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See
PR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )

       G. Appointments and/or Other Staff Changes (PR 3, IV)

President Singletary explained that the items in PR 3 concerned matters



which had not been brought to the Board's attention prior to the meeting and
suggested that each item in the report be acted on individually.

       He called attention to Item IV, Appointments and Other Staff Changes,
and recommended that approval be given to the appointment of Dr. W. D.
Ehmann as Chairman of the Department of Chemistry, effective July 1, 1972,
and that the appointment by the administration of Professor Louis Swift as
Acting Chairman of the Department of Slavic and Oriental Languages be accepted.

       On motion by Professor Sears, seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and passed,
Item IV of PR 3 was approved. (See PR 3, IV at the end of the Minutes.)

       H. Appointment of Dean of Architecture (PR 3, I)

       Explaining that since Dean Charles Graves had requested his return to
professorial status in the College of Architecture, a request acceded to with
regret by the administration, a search committee had been seeking a re-
placement for him. The committee unanimously chose Professor Anthony
Eardley, presently on the staff of Cooper Union for the Advancement of
Science and Art, and recommended his appointment. President Singletary,
saying that he concurred wholeheartedly in the committee's selection, recom-
mended to the Board of Trustees that Professor Anthony Eardley be appointed
Professor of Architecture (with tenure) and Dean of the College of Architecture,
not later than July 1, 1972. Mr. Bell moved approval of PresidentSingletary's
recommendation. His motion was seconded by Mr. Sturgill, and passed. (See
PR 3, 1 at the end of the Minutes. )

       I. Affirmative Action Office Established
and Coordinator Named (PR 3, III)

       Stating that the recommendations he was about to make were in further
implementation of the Board's clearly established policy of providing equal
opportunity for all members of the University community, President Singletary
recommended that an Affirmative Action Office be established under the Vice
President for Administration and that Mrs. Nancy T. Ray be appointed as
Coordinator of the University's Affirmative Action Plan, effective July 1, 1972.

       On motion by Professor Sears, seconded by Mr. Wendelsdorf, and with
all present voting "aye", the recommendation was approved. (See PR 3, III
at the end of the Minutes. )

       J. Legal Proceedings Authorized Relative to
Collective Bargaining (PR 3, II)

Mr. John Darsie, Legal Counsel of the University, explained that because



of the ambiguity of the Kentucky statutes relative to the collective bargaining
rights of public employees, it would be desirable to obtain a declaratory
judgment to determine the rights and duties of the Board of Trustees regarding
collective bargaining for its employees. After brief discussion, it was moved
that the University's attorneys be authorized and directed to institute legal
proceedings netcessary to obtain a declaratory judgment determining the rights
and duties of the Board of Trustees regarding collective bargaining with its
employees. His motion was seconded, and a roll call vote was taken. The
following members voted "aye": Mr. Thomas Bell, Mrs. Rexford Blazer,
Mr. Stanley Burlew, Mrs. Robert Clark, Mr. Albert Clay, Mr. Richard
Cooper, Mr. George Griffin, Mr. James Pence, Mr. William Sturgill and
Mr. Floyd Wright. Voting "no" were: Mr. Jesse Alverson and Mr. Eugene
Goss. (See PR 3, II at the end of the Minutes. )

       K. Approval of Degree Candidates (PR 4)

       Without discussion, on motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Pence,
and passed, the President was authorized to confer upon each individual whose
name appears on the list attached to PR 4 the degree to which he is entitled
upon certification by the Dean of Admissions and Registrar that said individual
has satisfactorily completed all requirements for the degree for which he has
made application and as approved by the University Senate. (See PR 4 at the
end of the Minutes. )

       L. Budget Revisions 1971-72 (PR i)

       There being no questions, on motion by Mrs. Blazer, seconded by Mr.
Griffin, and passed, the budget revisions for 1971-72 recommended in PR 5
were authorized and approved. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes. )

       M. Fee Schedules Confirmed and Effective Date Established (PR 6)

       President Singletary explained that the Council on Public Higher Edu-
cation has the duty of determining the amount of entrance and/or registration
fees for admission to the Commonwealth's public institutions of higher
education. The fees for the University of Kentucky were established at the
Council's meeting on April 11, 1972, and the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky must now establish the effective date for the fees. The adminis-
tration recommends that the new fee schedule become operative to coincide with
the opening of the fall semester. He continued that the higher fees will work a
hardship on certain groups of students. To offset this in some measure, the
University has increased the budget for student financial aid by over a half
million dollars during the coming biennium. Mr. Wendelsdorf commented that
he wished to call a problem to the attention of both the administration and the



Board relative to the fact that the Financial Aid Office has been critized for
channeling the maximum amount of financial aid into low need level and
overlooking others, thus leaving many people perhaps not so needy out in the

       There being no further discussion, on motion by Mr. Pence, seconded
by Mrs. Blazer, and passed, the fee schedule established by the Council on
Public Higher Education was confirmed and the effective date of the new fees
was set to coincide with the beginning of the fall semester 1972. (See PR 6
at the end of the Minutes. )

       N. Bachelor of General Studies Degree Approved (PR 7)

       Since the Board members had had an opportunity to examine the re-
quirements for the Bachelor of General Studies degree prior to the meeting
and since no one had any questions, Professor Paul Sears moved that approval
be given to the new degree in the College of Arts and Sciences, Bachelor of
General Studies, on an experimental basis until June 1, 1980. His motion was
seconded by Mr. Griffin. Prior to a vote on the motion, Mr. Wendelsdorf
moved that the requirements for the degree be amended by striking the follow-
ing sentence in the second paragraph of the proposed requirements for the
degree: "In order to receive the Bachelor of General Studies degree the
student must complete at least 30 hours of credit after officially entering the
Bachelor of General Studies degree program. " Professor Oberst seconded
Mr. Wendelsdorf's motion, and after considerable discussion the question was
called for. At the request of Mr. Wendelsdorf, a roll call vote was taken.
Those voting in favor of the amendment: none; those opposed: Mr. Jesse
Alverson, Mr. Thomas Bell, Mrs. Rexford Blazer, Mr. Stanley Burlew,
Mrs. Robert Clark, Mr. Albert Clay, Mr. Richard Cooper, Mr. George
Griffin, Mr. Eugene Goss, Mr. James Pence, Mr. William Sturgill and Mr.
Floyd Wright.

       The motion to the amendment having been defeated, Mr. Clay called
for a vote on the original motion and it passed unanimously. (See PR 7 at the
end of the Minutes. )

       0. Graduate Residence Center for Teacher Corps Cycle VII (PR 8)

       Without discussion, on motion by Mr. Sturgill, seconded by Mr.
Alverson, and passed, approval was given to the establishment of a Graduate
Residence Center on an experimental basis for Teacher Corps Cycle VII in
Louisville for a two-year period. (See PR 8 at the end of the Minutes. )



       P. Internal Budget for 1972-73 Approved (PR 9)

       Before recommending approval of the internal budget for 1972-73,
President Singletary made the following points which were shown graphically
on charts prepared by the Budget Office:

       1. Budget based on biennial budget request approved in November

       2. Budget provides for continuation of existing programs by
          meeting fixed costs, providing cost-of-living increases
          averaging 5. 5%, and current year enrollment increases

       3. Budget does not provide for all of the critical needs in terms
          of new and expanded programs nor for catch up dollars

       4. University only institution in state which did not request
          increase in debt service costs

       In conclusion President Singletary commended Don Clapp, Budget
Director, and his staff who have been preoccupied with the budget for some
time and who put forth an extra effort to prepare the budget for presentation
in the short period between the Legislature's approval of the University's
appropriation and the May meeting of the Board of Trustees. Mr. Clay
seconded President Singletary's complimentary remarks on behalf of himself
and the other members of the Board.

       The members of the Board having had the budget document in their
hands for a week and having no questions, on motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded
by Mr. Wright, the recommendation for adoption of the budget as presented in
PR 9 was approved with all present voting "aye. ". (See PR 9 at the end of the
Minutes. )

       Q. Board Meeting Dates for 1972-73 Established (PR 10)

       It being customary to establish at the May meeting each year the dates
for meetings for the next fiscal year, President Singletary called attention to
the proposed dates as shown in PR 10 noting that the March 13, 1973 meeting
should be changed from an Executive Committee meeting to a full Board

       On motion duly made, seconded, and passed, PR 10 was approved with
the correction in the March date being accepted. (See PR 10 at the end of the
Minutes. )



       R. Amendment to Governing Regulations Presented

       Mr. Wendelsdorf distributed copies of a proposed amendment to the
Governing Regulations which would alter the composition of the University
Senate (University System). Pointing out that this proposed amendment would
change student membership on the University Senate from 17 to 25, Mr.
Wendelsdorf noted that the University Senate had passed it by a substantial
margin at its meeting on Monday, May 8, 1972.

       Since all proposed amendments to the Governing Regulations must lie
on the table for a month, Mr. Clay received it and ordered it placed on the
table for action at the meeting of the Executive Committee in June. (See
amendment at the end of the Minutes.

       S. Student Code Revisions

       After reminding the Board members that at the April meeting the
Committee on Student Code Revisions had been asked to review some of the
recommendations in the committee's March 1972 report in light of Vice
President Zumwinkle's memorandum to President Singletary under date of
March 31, 1972 and calling attention to the report of the committee relative
to this review, copies of which were made available to each member, Mr.
Griffin moved that the Student Code be amended effective August 15, 1972 in
accordance with the majority report as amended by the Code committee. His
motion was seconded by Dr. Sears.

       The Chairman, noting that there were two minority reports to be dis-
posed of prior to taking a vote on Mr. Griffin's motion, called for a motion
relative to the second minority report submitted by Mr. Bell. Mr. Bell said
that he wished to withdraw his report from consideration.

       Mr. Clay then called for a motion on the other minority report sub-
mitted by Mr. Wendelsdorf. Mr. Wendelsdorf indicated that he would withdraw
his minority report from consideration but moved that the majority report be
amended by adoption of Recommendation 6, 3. 29 of the minority report (see
March 21, 1972 Minutes). The motion died for lack of a second. Mr.
Wendelsdorf then moved that the majority report be amended by adoption of
Recommendation 7, 3.316 (see March 21, 1972 Minutes). There being no
second, the motion died.

      After Mr. Wendelsdorf indicated that he would offer no further
amendments to the majority report, Mr. Clay called for a vote on the original
motion made by Mr. Griffin, and seconded by Professor Sears. On voice vote
the Student Code was amended effective August 15, 1972 in accordance with the
majority report as amended by the Student Code Revision Committee. (See
amendments appended at the end of these Minutes. )



        Mr. Griffin requested permission from the chair to speak further on
behalf of the Student Code Revision Committee. Permission being granted, he
read the following statement:

        In conjunction with the change of its recommendation on Section 3. 31
        to involve no modification at present, the Committee on Student
        Code Revisions suggests that the Residence Hall Judicial System and
        the counseling processes be thoroughly studied or reviewed by a
        committee appointed by the President and that a report on these be
        made available to the Board of Trustees as soon as reasonably

        President Singletary indicated that he would act in accordance with the
suggestion made by the committee.

       T. Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

       Without discussion, on motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded, and passed,
the interim financial reportfor thenine months' period ending March 31, 1972
was accepted and ordered made a matter of record. (See FCR 1 at the end of
the Minutes. )

       U. Receipt and Release Authorized in Connection With Estate of
Virginia Duke Kelley (FCR 2)

       On motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the Vice President for
Business Affairs and Treasurer was authorized to execute for and on behalf
of the University of Kentucky a Receipt and Release fully and completely
releasing the Executor of the estate of Virginia Duke Kelley from any further
liability or responsibility in connection therewith. (See FCR 2 at the end of the

       V. Lease of Property in Texas (FCR 3A)

       Without discussion, on motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the
recommendation in FCR 3A relative to the execution of a lease of grazing land
in Young County, Texas, for a period of one year was approved and the Vice
President for Business Affairs was authorized to make an investigation of the
current market value of this land tract with the view to selling the land upon the
termination of this lease. (See FCR 3A at the end of the Minutes. )

       W. Sale of Certain Property Authorized (FCR 3B)

The University has acquired from time to time certain real property



transfers under life annuity contracts. The Finance Committee having de-
termined that these properties are no longer needed by the University
recommends to the Board that they be disposed of.

       On motion made, seconded, and carried, the recommendation relative
to these properties as made in FCR 3B was approved. (See FCR 3B at the end
of the Minutes. )

       X. Sale of Property in Erlanger Authorized (FCR 3C)

       The Finance Committee so recommending, on motion by Mr. Griffin,
seconded, and passed, the Vice President for Business Affairs and Treasurer
was authorized to sell at present market value 10 vacant lots of the Alice S.
Hallam Estate in Erlanger, Kentucky, the net proceeds from such sale to be
added to the Alice S. Hallam Fund (Endowment) for the benefit of the History
Department. (See FCR 3C at the end of the Minutes. )

       Y. Option to Purchase Certain Lots Authorized (FCR 3D)

       Property owned by the University at 118, 120, 122 West Virginia Avenue
and 701, 703 South Limestone having been determined to be no longer needed by
the University, the Finance Committee recommended that the Vice President for
Business Affairs and Treasurer be authorized to enter into a contract with Mr.
Charles Bohmer giving him an option to purchase said property at an appraised
value relating to the purpose for which the property is to be used. Mr. Griffin
explained that the lots involved in the contract were not those in which the
students had expressed an interest as a possible site for a People's Park. He
then moved approval of the Finance Committee's recommendation. His motion
was seconded, and passed. (See FCR 3D at the end of the Minutes.)

       Z. External Auditor for 1971-72 Engaged (FCR 4)

       After careful consideration of proposals submitted from three firms,
the Finance Committee recommended to the Board of Trustees that Lybrand,
Ross Bros. & Montgomery, Certified Public Accountants, be engaged to per-
form an examination of the accounts of the University of Kentucky, the
University of Kentucky Research Foundation, The Fund for the Advancement of
Education and Research in the University of Kentucky Medical Center, and the
University of Kentucky Athletic Association for the fiscal year ending June 30,

      On motion by Mr. Alverson, seconded by Mr. Wright, and passed, the
recommendation of the Finance Committee to engage the firm of Lybrand, Ross
Bros. & Montgomery to audit University accounts for 1971-72 was approved.
(See FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes.


- 10-

       AA. Investment Committee Report (ICR 1)

       Without discussion, on motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded, and passed,
the quarterly report of the Investment Committee relative to changes made in
investments for the University of Kentucky and its affiliated corporations was
accepted and ordered made a matter of record. (See ICR I at the end of the

       BB. Student Trustee Year End Report and Resolution

       Following his year end report which consisted primarily of an ex-
pression of his opinion of the Governor and the Board of Trustees, Mr.
Wendelsdorf introduced a resolution calling for the University to divest itself
of its investments in all companies directly or indirectly involved in the
Vietnam War and moved its adoption. His motion did not receive a second.

       Mr. Eugene Goss and Mr. Thomas Bell took exception to Mr.
Wendelsdorf's remarks and he apologized to the members of the Board indi-
cating he did not mean anything personal.

       CC. Meeting Adjourned

       On motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded, and passed, the meeting adjourned
at 3:40 p. m.

                                            Respectfuily submitted,

                                            Lucile T. Blazer, Secretary
                                            Board of Trustees

(The Resolution, PRs 2, 3,
the Governing Regulations;
on Student Code Revisions;
follow are official parts of

4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10; Proposed Amendment to
Amendments to March 1972 Report of the Committee
FCRs 1, 2, 3A, B, C, D and 4; and ICR I which
the Minutes of the meeting. )



        The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky notes with regret
 expiration of the terms of:

                        Albert Benjamin Chandler
                        N. N. Nicholas
                        J. Robert Miller

and wishes to express thanks and appreciation to these men for their dis-
tinguished service on this Board.

       Former Governor Albert Benjamin Chandler brought to the Board's
deliberations the wisdom gained from his years of experience in the political
arena and in the practice of law in the Commonwealth. An alumnus and a
former Governor, he had an insight (afforded to few persons) into the
problems which the University faces. His love of the institution was evident
at all times and his only wish was that he serve the University to the best of
his ability.

       Distinguished both as a dentist and as an entrepreneur, Dr. N. N.
Nicholas served effectively and well as a member of the Presidential Search
Committee, the Student Code Revision Committee, and the Finance Committee.
He was regular in his attendance and his interest in the University's welfare
was evident throughout his tenure on the Board.

       Mr. J. Robert Miller, Commissioner of Agriculture and ex officio
member of the Board of Trustees, fulfilled his responsibilities on the Board
in an exemplary manner. He showed at all times commendable loyalty and
devotion to the institution from which he received his master's degree. Recog-
nizing that his prime concern was for the agricultural interests of the people
of the state, he was most supportive of the programs of the College of
Agriculture but he was also supportive of other programs of the University.

       With full awareness of the void which the departure of these three
members will create in their ranks, their fellow members wish to say to them
that their advice and counsel will be missed, and their absence from the
official functions of the Board will be felt keenly by all who have worked so
closely with them through these past four years.

       Now, therefore, be it resolved that this resolution be adopted, spread
upon the Minutes of the meeting and copies sent to Governor Chandler, Dr.
Nicholas, and Mr. Miller.


Missing report(s)


                                                   Office of the President
                                                   May 9, 1972

                                                       PC 2

Members, Board of Trustees:


I. Nominees for Board of Directors of the University of Kentucky Research

    Recommendation: that Mr. Edward S. Dabney, Mr. Floyd Wright and Dr.
    Roger Eichhorn be reappointed for three-year terms on the Board of
    Directors of the University of Kentucky Research Foundation.

    Background: The charter of the University of Kentucky Research Foundation
    requires Board of Trustees approval of those electe-d to the Board of
    Directors of the Foundation. The Nominating Committee of the Research
    Foundation has made these nominations to the President for transmittal to
    the Board of Trustees.

II. Approval of Degrees and Certificates for Community College

    Recommendation: that the degrees and certificates specified below be
    awarded to the persons named, upon certification that the requirements
    for those degrees or certificates have been satisfactorily completed.

    Background: At the November 19, 1965 meeting of the Board of Trustees
    authorization was given to the awarding of the Degrees of Associate in
    Arts, Associate in Science and Associate in Applied Science, and of
    certificates for those who complete prescribed programs of two years
    or less of college work. The candidates listed below are recommended
    to the President and the Board by the Community College Faculty and
    Vice President.





Associate of Arts

Anderson, Hobart Ward
Anderson, Susan Ann
Bailey, Karen Sue
Baker, Linnie Jack
Bills, Lee June
Billups, Joseph Michael
Broughton, Robert Clifford
Burroughs, Vicki Diane
Caudill, Michael Edward
Clarke, Hildegard Josefa
Click, Betty Adkins
Colegrove, Leslie Kay
Compton, Rita Sue
Conley, Jonda Leigh
Dixon, Ronald Wayne
Dobbins, Edward Nelson
Donithan, Dayle Elizabeth Dixon
Elswick, Barbara Jean
Fairchild, Logan Reid
Fannin, Glenn Richard
Frisby, John Neal
Gillespie, Sharon Kay
Gillus, Stephen Michael
Gleason, Lois Ann Keibler
Glockner, Marie Kathleen
Gore, Daniel Layne
Gray, Billy
Greene, T. Diane
Gwinn, Frank William Jr.
Hall, Joseph Millard
Hayes, William Albert
Holbrook, Leta Lee
Hugh, John Thomas Jr.
Hunt, Sharon Elaine Morrison
Irving, Mary Jennifer
Jarvin, Donna Carol
King, Tawyna May
Litteral, Kim Wiley
McDowell, Penny Gayle
Newman, Phyllis Jean
Porter, Jo Ann
Qualls, Rhonda Lynn
Richmond, David Lawrence

65 .
70 .

Riffe, Vicki Lynn
Risher, Cathy Lynne
Roberts, Cheryl Kay
Roberts, Debra Lynn
Robinette, John David
Schnitzker, Nancy Lee
Sheridan, Daniel Patrick Jr.
Shimer, Robert Wilson
Simpson, Charles F.
Simpson, Samuel Ronald
Slone, Billie Jean Huff
Sparks, Delmar Glenn
Speck, Gregory Alan
Stayton, Sharon Evelyn
Stewart, Rose Ann
Stone, Mary Susan
Strubler, William Judd
Turman, Daniel Ray
VanHoose, Michael Allen
Varney, Alexis Carol
Walker, Robert David
Walters, Denise Jean
Wheeler, Debra Kay
Wheeler, Harriet Nancy
Williams, Fannie Lemaster
Williams, Rex Dale
Workman, Rosalie

Associate in Science


Bishop, Elisa Kay
Bradley, Karen Elizabeth
Brown, John Roger
Browning, Barbara Kenne
Callihan, Robert Brooks Jr.
Church, Edgar Gene
Coleman, Lon Frederick
Cook, Robert Henry Jr.
Collins, Neil Andrew
Eskew, George Edward Jr.
Fosson, Mark Randall
Hammons, Donald Norris Jr.

1 2.
2 7.



                         Ashland Community College

Associate in Science (Cont'd.)

1 4.
2 4.
2  .

Hemlepp, Joanna Cheryl
Howard, Harold Gene
Lewis, Nancy Karen
Pennington, Rachel Sue
Ratliff, Allen Lynn
Roberts, Lonnie William Jr.
Ross, John David
Spain, John Howell Jr.
Smith, Kenneth Carl II
Temple, Donald Ray
Thompson, Norville Edward
Totten, Douglas Eugene
Wages, Robert Payne
White, Robert Thomas

28.  White, Marvin Orville
29.  Willis, Lloyd Michael

Certificate in College Studies


33 ,
39 .

Associate in Applied Science

1. Bailey, Anna Ludean
2. Blythe, Everett William
3. Bowling, Alberta Darlene
4. Boyles, Earl Lee
5. Brumfield, Terry Allen
6. Carter, Tames Burl Jr.
7. Collins, Paula Kaye
S. Cotten, Debra Lynn
9. Crabtree, Jerry Lynn
10. Curnutte, Susan Ella
11. Fryer, Larry Keith
12. Ghassomians, Marlin G.
13. Gilbert, Clinton Ace
14. Gilliam, Pamela Charlene
15. Hern, Billie Marie
16. Hood, Fern Marie
17. Kokas, Beverly Rose
18. Lacy, londa Kay
39. Leibee, Pamela Sue
20. McCarty, Eva June
21. Meredith, Lenora Belle
22. Ratliff, William Roscoe
23. Roark, William Jeffrey
24. Robinson, Thomas Theodore
25.  Smith, Sherry Anne
26.  Steil, Charlene Vaughn
27.  Stewart, Sharon Lynn Conley

Adkins, Sam Stevens
Armstrong, Rosemary
Bailey, Drema Faye
Barber, Dorothy Ann
Blake, Arthur Walter William
Blake, Rebecca Ewing
Blanton, Rita Jane
Bradley, Calvin Agnor Jr.
Burke, Charles Seamen Jr.
Bryson, Albert Manuel
Byrne, Thomas Michael
Camburn, Donald Paul
Carter, Stephen Earl
Caudill, Billie Michael
Childers, Denise Anne
Collins, Georgianna
Conley, Ronald Winfield
Cornett, James Richard
Crabtree, Robert Darrell
Craft, Teresa Ann
Daniels, Marshall Wayne
Deal, Maria Susan
Delaney, Virgil Estil Jr.
Donnelly, James Evan
Douglas, Marsha Lynn
Dyke, Mary Shearer
Eicher, James Michael
Elam, Carol Lynn
Ennis, Joel Edward
Epling, Melissa Ward
Faulkner, Marvin Earl Jr.
Faulkner, William Ballard
Ferguson, Callis Elbert
Fields, Earl Edward
Finkbone, Jenny Lou
Fuller, Renata Starr
Gartin, Michael Gene
Gibbs, Jetta Sue
Griffith, Henry Christopher



                      Ashland Community College

Certificate iM College Studies (Cont'd.)

Griffith, Paul David
Grizzle, Dona