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E', l 2 - I 2 V_\., . SOI] Character1zat1o11 Program
” _   9 - _ 9   {Continued from page 3)
2 4    - ‘   . . ,
  ~     I n   ggtepsion an; Soil $onservat1<1;ntSelrvice pirsonnel.
Y A I _ ‘.   gg ’ Of €fS lll 0 er Sou leas ern s a es iavin tie sa e ·
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ets Q,. 315,    yp: ve _ _ V, Q  _ ,°   F ·   kind of soil also exchange information with Kentucky
'N. `    ~»‘ r w- "  "'·.  .3~   ·?;~*i'· .> i— f' · ~ . . . .
L   *  _=¢§l·  research agrononnsts as a means of glV1l`lg wider dis-
;  {5 »;. LE; ____ .3Y, . _’·. ‘ jk/`GP, e`;·=»=-···?“z%."·1°` .·; ,   .\P ;§irt_ ·;}Y*.`Q— · · · ·
     sflejp tI`1l)Llt101l to their findings,
6   Kgs?   ,  The progressive soil survey work being done by the
I. , -· _,. ,-¤.i·l _,.·.: »·__§':\·,Q`—, `: ’”‘·_· 6*;, ·_- *1;,,* /iq`··`¢j(g- ,—~’ ' ’s¢`;.·2» · · . . . .
_ _ __)  VIV-       Soil Conservation Service 1n seven counties involves s
5  i i ;   :__ ‘€1;`;+§‘?<  +‘ the mapping of all land areas in those counties. The
¤·.=~·, €_*x`r;¤,\’ hi =€=-_ · =_, ix     "’ ,' bw;     *‘r . . . . .
3   ,-ix {;;p»,.y·.,,_~,.s>a»·;_     field work IS still m progress; when it is completed a
¤_  __  XA:     Ii, .." gzpgfjfeglft   pir  lid? -_\ ,' ;"’ip__.>`;j“> _` li -..‘ · _ · '
 ·   s.  ii.., .¤e¢-· .Z§=$*>.Fsl.» ···r i jr-       ··’ P'.-»-   —» ~   published report and soil map will be prepared for
O Fig. 2.- Prior to the Christian County trial, similar work PUOIIOOOOIL hl other COllllll€$ tll€ SCS soil SllI`V€y'S
» was done on the Experiment Station Farm at Lexington. COV€f only the tarins of individuals for whom coopera-
Tl This photograph was taken on Junt 29i 1955, of H Ktnlimtl tive farm plans are being prepared. These surveys
Q red clover seeding in an undisturbed fescue sod. (A part of are known as ·li$llm€1lt ot legumes Oli the ¤Oll·llll€€l mine, McCracken, Madison, Mason, Rockcastle, Scott.
"‘ and disked-lightly blocks was greatly ii¤i>r<>~t~t~¤~¢d 1°"’"' i”'S°’ 9)
sward and intensity of tillage were also Cl0Sel}’ 1‘e· and less leaching. Boots grow to the surface under
T lated. Tl¤€ noirtilled >lOtS WOYO tllé l€tlSt W€t‘Cl\' 2('ro the Jlastic so that the fer ilizer does not new to ¤
l . l t it _
be and the plowed plots were the most (26%). Under applied deep to be iitilizerl
,_ the conditions of the experiment, the production ot Black polyethylene plastic costs   cent a square
dry herbage was increased by more than two-told the foot; thus an acre can be covered for about $200. On
.,2. Seeding year by the addition of leguine seed- The n yearly basis, the cost would be about $50 because
K 3.V€I`Hg€S ofthe CllSl{€Cl-lightly ZlllCl (llSl(€[l-ll€2`lVll}` plots {lie l]];]t@l·i;_]_l lglgtg {0]*   ygg_l·g_ Oil \vj(lg-l·()\v Crops
3 W€1`€1 tllOSO St‘€€l€‘Cl to Hltaltkl. $,944 l>OUn€lS; to Ltl1cE—WiNrEn 1956 11