best Lropy Mvaiiauie

'BurlavarV Show
To Benefit Guignol


a campus musicals"Burlavari."
variety show featuring Bobby Bleidt
Delta; Betsy Moore, Delta
and his orchestra, and the Kcntuck-la- n Delta; Eunice Miller, Zeta TauDelta
Abeauty queen and sorority representatives, will be presented by lpha: Evelyn Ewing, Alpha Gamma
Kappa Sigma social fraternity at Delta, and Mar' Ann Goodson, Chi
7:30 pm.. Tuesday and Wednesday, Omega.
L. C. Acton will be the master of
at Memorial hall, fraternity repreceremonies, and entertainment will
sentatives have stated.
Proceeds from the performances be provided by Lucas Floyd, poet;
will CO to the rebuilding of the Guig- jerry wrigm. Bin wnucneaa, ana
rossett. tne Andrews sisters ;
nol theater, destroyed by fire in FebRoger Whit ton, pianist; Lewis Sawin
and Ray Prior, vocalists.
Amy Price. Independent.
beauty queen, and repreThe audience will participate in
sentatives from the following soror- parts of the program with prizes
ities will give the feminine touch: awarded for the best performances.
Jo Ann Scllards. Kappa Kappa Original skits will also be given.
Tickets, priced at $1.10. may be
Gamma: Martha Sue Crosby, Kappa Delta: Grace HufTaker. Inde- obtained from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. each
pendent; Libby Reynolds, Kappa Al- day in the SUB. and at all times
pha Theta; Opal Hall. Alpha Delta iiuin nicuiucia m
Pi; Nancy Taylor. Alpha Gamma ternity.

Saturday Night Union Dance
Features Louis Armstrong
Louis Armstrong will play for the
Student Union dance tomorrow
nieht from 8 p.m. until midnight.
Tickets for the informal dance
will cost $2 00 per person and will lie
on sale in the Student Union ticket


Two UK Professors
Resign Positions

t-- d





Two members of the arts and'
Dr. James P.
sciences faculty.
Stoakes, associate professor of English and director of freshman English, and Dr. David R. Lincicome,
assistant professor of parasitology,
have submitted their resignations
d pan to lpave soon after th
end of the spring quarter.
gtc,kes has accepted a position
with . Florida State College for
Women and Dr. Lincicome will join
War-Tim- e
the stan or the medical school at
University of Wisconsin.
Came to I K In September
The University ROTC Cadet Corps
Prof. Stoakes came to the University last September. Previously he passed in review Monday afternoon
served as consumer relations offi- in observance of the opening of Arcer with the OPA in Washington, my Week, before Colonel A. D.
senior instructor in the KenD. C. and was director of the English teaching program at Centro tucky National Guard, Louisville.
one of the U.S. The more than 600 student enrol-lein the Rpserv Officer Training
Department of State's
cultural institutes, in Bogota, Corps were led by Cadet Colonel
William B. Blackford. The Univer
He is author of a textbook. "Ingles sity's marching band participated In
Engthe parade.
Practice" designed to teach
lish to Latin Americans, now in its
At the conclusion of the review,
Colonel Fisken addressed the regisixth South American edition.
He plans to spend the summer ment and assembled spectators.
travelling in California and Mexico,
A second parade was held by the
and will assume his new position cadets on Wednesday in conjunction
October 1.
with Army Week. MaJ. Gen. Percy
W. Clarkson,
Joined Staff In 1941
commander of the
Dr. Lincicome became a member Fifth division. Camp Campbell, reof the University staff in 1941. On viewed troops from Ft. Knox and
leave during the war, he served as 20 civil and patriotic organizations,
commanding officer of the 22nd Ma in addition to the cadet corps.
laria Survey Unit on Okinawa and The military department sponsored
of the 14th Medical Laboratory in the showing of several documentary
the occupation of Korea.
films during the week. "Plan for
At Wisconsin, he will teach and do Peace." a War Department film on
in human parasitology and the Universal
Military Training
the diseases caused by parasitic or- - Program, is now being shown in
SansLexington theaters and before vari- Dr. Lincicome is the author of ous high school audiences and civic
16 publications in the field of par- - clubs. "Prelude to War,"
"The Nazis
asitology and last January was Strike," "Divide and Conquer," and
awarded a lifetime fellowship in the "Battle of Britain," are scheduled to
Royal Society of Tropical Medicine be shown at Memorial Hall at 9 a m.
and Hygiene, London. England.

ROTC Cadcls
Parade Twice
Army Week
To Be Exhibited

Fis-ke- n,

Anderson Addresses
YMCA Advisory
Board And Cabinet


"The Trumpet King of Swing" is
currently appearing In the motion
picture "New Orleans." Other pic
turrs in which he has appeared are
"Pillar to Post." "Atlantic City,"
"Cabin In the Sky," and "Pennies

Mr. Brooke Anderson, secretary of
the VMCA at Brown university.
spoke to members of the YMCA ad- visory board and cabinet here on
April 2.
He discussed the YMCA National
Youth Fund for the reconstruction
of that organization in Europe and
Asia. Its aim Is $8,600,000.
Forty YMCA buildings wcre destroyed and 105 wcre damaged by
bombing In those countries, Mr. Anderson said.

from Heaven."
Armstrong was born in a New
Orleans tenement. He began his
music career as bugle boy in a New

Orleans orphange.
"Satehmo" Introduced "Ain't
a number he has featured
ever since as a good luck charm. In
the New York stage revue, "Hot
Chocolates" In 1929.

University Education College
Is Not Association Member







Candidates For SGA President
Are Sprowls Aud Eastham

Seniors, Graduates
File For Degrees
Seniors who entered the University
tor the spring quarter and expect
to complete requirements for graduation at the close of the spring or
summer quarter, and who have not
at a previous time made application
for degrees, are requested to do so
on Monday, April 14. This applies
also to graduate students who expect
to complete requirements for graduate degrees. All applications should
be filed in room Li of the Administration building.
Friday, May 9, is the last day on

19 Positions
Open In Sprin
SGA Election


Uiiivi sity students will go i thpolls Tuesday, April 29. ana ekef
a president, vice pre'ident and 1')
representatives to the Student Government Association assembly in th
annual spruig quarter election.

which applications may be made for
graduation in June. No student will
be considered for graduation who
has not filed an application. Candidates for the bachelor's degree will
be charged a graduation fee of $9.
This will cover the rental of cap and
gown, diploma fee, the Kentuckian
and senior dues. Candidates for advanced degrees will be charged a
fee of $15.00. which will cover the
above with the exception of the
Kentucklan and in addition, the
cost of the hood to be presented the
candidate. Graduation fees are pay
able not later than Monday, June 2.
Maurice P. Seay
Dean of the University





The Independent party



for president an1 vice president arc
Jerry Easth"- -. and George Goody -koontz. Constitutionalist party caname offices are
didates for th
Claude Sprowls. Aipua Tau Om
president, and Mary Hiileary Bryant. Kappa Alpha Theta, vice pre


Persons who wish to run f'r an
office in the election must fiile fnr
candidacy in the registrar's office
Mary Kieth
between April
Dosker. chairman of the SGA election committee, has announced,
Eligibility is not based on suiv,x-.r'- .
oy euner oi me cammis major political parties, but a student mu
have a standing of L3 and miL:
have atterjed the University for
two quarters.
Line-u- p
post i
in races for
as announced by patty officers follows:
Arts and sciences upper class men
Harold Friedly. Charles Bogs;, an. I
Jack Fenton. Independents. cpp
Whaley, Bub M.iyhugh. ana
Clell Despain. Constitutionalists.
Arts and sciences lower class men
Harry Cooper, Independent, competes witn I.usty Russell. Eliot
PeeL and Jameson Jones, Cciisutu-tionalist- s.
15-2- 2.

Jerry Eastham


Claude Sprowls


and Registrar

Notices Must Be Displayed
On Bulletin Boards Only

Two To Join
Law Faculty

Sound Trucks
Are Banned
For Campus Use


Both Teachers
Are UK Graduates

YWCA Elects

Dummit Head

Dr. H. L. Donovan. Dresidrnt nf
Two new staff members will be the University
added to the law college faculty signs now tacked on yesterday that i
trees must be
next year. One has been a
Vice-Preside- nt
of law for four years in New have been and that to see to police
Aits and sciences upp.T cl.tso
it that
York City, the other, a Rhodes all
Evelyn Caudel, Indeprn-den- t,
further signs' are placed only on
Scholar. Both men are graduates of authorized bulletin
opposes Betty Rhee Riic.iJ.,,
Rosemary Dunnnlt, arts and sciences
rtlawiri all cfaL ariminiKtra t ivP trail P&
the University .
Other changes slated to be en senior from Lexington, was elected Constitutionalist.
under the governors control. Edu- AnSWerS
They are: William L. Matthews
Arts and sciences woman-at-bjcators have objected to this and
forced immediately include a tight year in of the YWCA for next
Jr., who will Instruct the property
an election held Tuesday
Athena Yonkas. Independent, op- ban against use of sound trucks on
In response to the report that have suggested that the law be
courses now taught by Prof. W. L.
poses Mary Keith Dosker. Coiu-.i"
the University of Kentucky's College (changed to say that board members
Roberts; and Elvis J. Stahr, who has the campus. The president stated, la
I have had a number of complaints Phi Beta,soroniy ana is a memoerfine tutionalist.
of Education might be dropped from cculd not be removed without some
practiced law in New York
women's professional
Arts and sciences lower class woabout this practice."He added that
the American Association of Teach- - cause.
A.B. from West
Matthews has an
arts society, and the Student Union man Helen Carney. Independent,
ers' Colleges, President H. L. Dono- some educators have proposed
ern Kentucky State Teachers col campus policemen are being in- Board.
is running against Heleu Deiss, Convan said today that the University Inat au educational activities of the
lege, LL.B. from UK and LL.M from formed ot keep all sound trucks off
Leslie Toll, arts and sciences se- stitutionalist.
was not even a member of the asso- - stat4. should be Dlaced under the
the University of Michigan. Profes- the campus "unless the driver has nior from Lawrenrehnr
won th
Commerce upper class man IVt
sor Stahr received his A.B. degree in a written permit from the president vice presidency. She is a member of
State Board of Education.
or vice president of the University."
Manley. Independent, is opposing
The association discredited More-hea- d The Courier-Journ1936 at UK. making an all-standyestersaid
Chi Omega social sorority and the
Bert Cheek, Constitutionalist.
ing. He subsequently was graduated
State Teachers College last day, "Perhaps all Kentucky State
When asked about other plans for Philosophy club.
December and had threatened sev-r- Teachers Colleges should be dropped
the University, Dr. Donovan stated
from Oxford in law.
Five outstanding graduating sen;
Jean Ewbank. arts and sciences Whalley, Independent, opposesLoul.
other schools.
During the summer session, Lau- that he would "like to have Dr. junior from Warsaw was elected sec- membership unless some iors were elected bv the Student
belong to the move the
As only collges could
rence M. Jones will teach the course White's (Dr. M. M. White, newly ertary and Maybelle ReichMibacwi Ballard. Constitutionalist.
is made in the legislature to Government
womaa-at-larorpniization. Dr. Donovan said the correct the condition."
in negotiable instruments. He holds chosen arts and sciences dean) oflast Monday to be guests at the Uni
Four new buildings, valued at the doctor's degree from Harvard fices on the second floor of McVey arts and sciences senior from Anc-i - rion Taibott. Indepenaent. is il.iter
University had no cause to worry.
Association's dinner
Gov. Simeon Willis and State meeting Alumni 14.
$500,000, will be transferred to the and is now professor of law at the hall completed and ready for occu- hnrae
placed the blame
Liz Walters. Constitutionagainst
The association
and one of the
a member of
pancy by July 1." While speaking the Philosophy the French club and alist.
for Morchcad's disbarment on the Supt. of PUblic Instruction John five students will be selected by campus by the Federal Works Agen- University of Maryland.
Graduate school representativcs-at-larg- e
there are state laws which Fred Williams declined to comment the Alumni Association executive cy, Frank D. Peterson, comptroller,
McVey, he
W. Lewis Roberts, who on improvements
fact that
Mary Aull and
Five the governor unlimited control on reports that Institutions other board as an honorary member of announced this week.
will be succeeded by W. L. Matthews, added that the alterations to be
The U. S. Office of Education is retiring from the law college, made in the radio studios should be
Newell, Independents,
oppose Jik:
over governing boards of insitutions
Morehead might be discredited'
Lawson and Cordelia Alexander,
of hitrhor learning.
Hop- - authorized the transfer of the build' where he has taught 27 years. Pri completed by September 15.
dents chosen were
The reorganization act of 1934 because of stSte law provisions.
kinsville; Lenora Henry, Lexington; ings which will include a cafeteria, marily an instructor in property, he
The other change for improveEngineering upper class man J
Sue Ann Bradford, Lexington; How- to be located at the junction of has done considerable work in the ment of the campus Dr. Donovan
The department of markets and D. Caudill. Independent, is pitted
South Upper law of future interests.
ard Stewart. Hartford: and Vin South Limestone and laboratory
streets; a chemistry
to Dean A. E. Evans will teach trusts mentioned was torequirement of rural finance of the College of Agri- against Ralph Aton, Constitutioncent Spagnuolo, Cumberland.
drivers of trucks
keep on the culture held a
jig between Kastle Hand Pence halls; ' a
imiv.ritv m pavements when entering the cam- and short course Monday through alist.
,,) ,u - .iccu h hl,jlrtin
nn th. P.. Cleveland
Engineering lower class man EUi ;
and Professor Frank Mur pus.
for a centralized lost and found periment o..i.T farm;
Wednesday of this week. Meetings
and an un ray will instruct in contracts and inJam
has announced a
were held in the Livestock pavilion.
The Accounting Club, which has department andlost items will be classified classroom building.
surance at the University of Illinois
Under the sponsorship of the Am xidv.uria. uiisuiuuonaiisL.
been inactive since 1942, has been plan whereby
The FWA will begin transfer of during the summer school terms.
tmginecnng represents
office of
- turned in to the
erican Institute of
The home economics department reorganized, according to its spon- - each department. main members the laboratory and the classroom
Farnum Lewis. Independent,
r- the Louisville Bank for
Field, Louisville,
from Bowman
?r- - Rob;rt Dee Haun, profes- will make
this week that advanced
tives and the College of Agricul- - is running against Ted Eeck, Consor ui accuunuiii;. xue new uaicis
within two weeks. The cafeteria and
students in clothing, interior decora- are James A. Hoskins, president, of the articles which will be taken
ture, the meeting discussed the fol- stitutionalist.
comlaboratory are scheduled to
Agriculture lower class man MMe
lowing topics: the place of farmer
tion and textiles will make a spe- and Mary Edna Foreman, secretary. to the SGA conference room, 127, of pleted within six months. be
Vague, campus literary mag' Pfwntwrativp":
n a farMtalictif Qfw- i- Orem. Independent, opposes
cial field trip to Cincinnati Friday,
Open to all accounting students, the Student Union
Money to purchase and transfer
azine, sponsored by Chi Delta
Weakley, Constitulonalis'.
Support For Fresh Book
ety, operation of
April 18.
the club has for its purpose the
Phi, women's literary honorary,
Agricu'iure woman-at-larFive hundred dollars has been the buildings and equipment was
lic and membership relations, and
While there, students will visit a discussion of professional matters
will appear about May 15, acapprupiiaiea Dy uie last session vi
Nine graduate
Ewbank. Independent, is
membership education.
large department store, a factory concerning accounting and related pledged by the SGA for the support Congress to provide educational fa- been seleted by students, who Recording to reports from the staff
against Onie Hayes, Constitution-all- s'
the Southern
of a Freshman
Chairmen or the daily sessions
producing women's dresses, and a fields. The club meets monthly and
cilities to schools needing them.
this week.
gional Committee of the Social Scito be
were: John E. Brown, president of
tailoring establishment.
at these meetings a guest profes- campusa joint publication of major
ence Research Council, are attendIt will contain short stories,
student organizations. The
the Louisville Bank for Co - opera The party of 33 students making sional accountant describes his work publication is to be edited by stupoems, and art work by Uniing the University this quarter untives. Monday: B. A. Thomas, pres- VillS
the trip will be accompanied by the and the problems which he faces. dents and financed by student order the fellowships offered by the
versity students. The publicaive
irient nf the fCentnrlcv
following instructors: Miss Frances
tion was inaugurated by the
Council, Tuesday; and Dr. H. Bruce j
Seeds, Mrs. Lottie Sumner, and Miss
These students are: Helen Bridg-maliterary group last year.
concerning a
A recommendation
Verna Latzke.
Beatrice Weaver, Anna Quil-leThe fifteenth annual exhibition of
proposed Harlan County club at
During the
annual nir'
Another group went on a similar
Brennan, James Mott,
by the works of artists of Lexington and
the University was presented
of the Southern district of t;.e
Glen Abernathy,
trip last year.
judiciary committee and passed by vicinity opened this week at the art Peter Bcrsano,
American of El? EnAll veterans attending school on the assembly which deferred final gallery in the Biological Science George
and Kenneth
gineers, ended on the c;in.-pPublic Law 346 are required to sub action on approval of the club's building. Under the sponsorship of Barnes.
Saturday. Henry Glcixnt r. Uniat once. Dr. constitution until the temporary the Brush and Pencil club, the exOnly graduate students are eligible
mit V.A. form
versity engir.L.iirj student, w.r.
L. K. Henrv assistant director of UK president of the club. Vincent Spagfor the fellowships and are selected
hibit will close April 26.
The political science department
Dr. John E. Keller, assistant pro- awarded the second prize tor stii'lcnt
by the committee.
has announced. This form nuolo. can appear before the as
The display includes a
Their training will offer a
course on Ken- fessor
papers presented to the member,.
n sembly to explain in more detail the
jwas handed out wHh
of central Kentucky artists' is designed to prepare them for ad- tucky Constitution and government Schick, of Spanish, and Prof. B. W.
assistant profcrsor
teachers and professional ministrative Jobs in the government during the first summer term. Dr. spoke to the Henrv Clay nf French.
All women students interred in Meade's questionnaire. Veterans who purposes and objectives of the pro- with
Hi?h school
.a ...
painters represented, as well as be- service.
the form should go to posed club.
Chi Delta Phi. literary recognition d"l not fiu
deSpanish and French clubs Wedncs- - important business .in
internship in Amry Vandenbosch, head of the
After a three-monginners.
laeetim; Tu
society, are requested to submit the basement hallway of Adminispartment has announced.
day. April 15th at 5 p.m. in the Radi
Included are a complete range of government employment, the selecmanuscripts by April 16, to the dean tration building not later than SatMembers of the staff will each
types, scale and quality. Drawings, ted students attend the fall quar
of women's office, Lenora Henry, urday morning, he said.
colors, oils and lithographs ter at the University of Alabama, cover a phase on whether the conEPISCOPAL HOLY COMMUN- According to Dr. Henry the followpresident, has announced. Freshor
22 water part of the display.
ION . . . 7:30 a.m.. Wednesd.iv.
the winter quarter at the University stitution needs to beguest
are a
men women who have attended the ing information is needed:
chapel. SUB.
Altogether 56 works are shown, of Tennessee, and the spring quar revised and three
1. Your "C Number"
University for two quarters are eliWomen's honoraries will tap new
will be scheduled to give talks.
STUDENT GOVERNMENT AS2. Whether you expect to attend members and outstanding women representing 20 artists. These items ter at UK.
The course will offer two hours'
This is the second year that stu
summer school.
on the University campus will be may be seen from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
A scholastic standing of 1.8 Is redents have attended the University credit and the class will meet five
have a special meeting at 4 p.m.,
3. Whether you request "leave of recognized at the annual "Stars of daily, from 8 a.m. to 12 noon Satur
quired for membership.
days during the week.
Monday, hi rocm 204. SUB.
absence". Veterans are entitled to the Night." women's convocation to day, and from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday. on the fellowship program.
accrue leave at the rate of 2t2 days be held at 7 p.m., April 22, in Me
meet aT 4 jo
.Mcndiv. m room.
for each month in training. If the morial hall.
YM-YPROGRAM COMMIT- - 204. SUB. Officer;, for the cn:in.j
veteran asks for leave, he will be
Plans are being made by the
year will be elected
TEE . . . will meet at 5.1)0 p.m. In
paid subsistence for the amount of Women's Administrative
the YWCA oflice
leave due and this length of time composed of presidents of campus
vJfwil be deducted from the period of womcns
STRAY GREEKS . . . will meet SHIP . . . will hold a vjpie'-mfe;-in- g
organizaTions. Lenora
Graduate record exams for gradu- entitlement.
at 6 p.m.. Sundav at, the
at Brownie's for dinner at 7:00 Siui- ates or prospective graduates will This year, a veteran's training j Henry has been welected president
Christian church. A fireside fellow' day.
iu preside at the
of the
be given here on May 5 and 6. ac;
me euu ui
UNIVERSITY RIFLE CLUB . . . ship" will be held after the me'-'dc uucrrupica
cording to an announcement from musispring quarter or at the end of convocation program .
meets Tuesday at 5 p.m. in Buell at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ekloti
officers elected were Martha
Dr. Lytic W. Croft, personnel di- tlie summer term, if he attends both.
armory for the purpose of closing 230 Holiday
Rich, secretary, and Jane Garrett,
. . . vil
This is a change of procedure from treasurer. Mrs. Dorothy Evans, soail business iu the last meeting of
meet todtv at noon, room 204 SI U.
All applicants for this exam must last year. Dr. Henry added.
the season.
cial director of the Union, is advisor
PITTUN CLUB . . . will nut',
register with Dr. Crolt at the AdKENTUCKY ARCHAEOLOGICAL
to the organization.
ministration building by noon on
SOCIETY . meets tonight at 7:30 Wednesday at noon. Maxwell Sirtvi
Committee chsirmen are: Helen
Presbvtr' 'an church.
April 17.
in rocm 201. Pence hall.
Hutchcraft, program: Davis Lowery,
DAIRY CLUB . . will meet Tues-- I meet tonight at 7:30 o'clock, io iii
organizations: Martha Yates, pub- Kff.jM
Uill,.a,-,day at 7 p m. in the Dairy building 128. SUB.
to elect officers.
Tryouts for the new Guignol play, programs: Mary Keith Dosker. invi
v .1
"Joan of Lorraine" by Maxwell An tations; Marie Haick, decorations.
BSU . . . will meet tonight at 7 meet at 7 p.m.. Tuesday, in Win- i
to- derson, , will be held at 7 o'clock
o'clock in room 139. SUB.
hall. Robert Miller of the acroiu
. . ......
i . . ii . .
ODK . . . will meet Tuesday night
firm of Humphrey Robinson a:.I
Tau SiKina. UK's Modern Dance J""""; 7 o'clock in room 20t. SUB.
Group, has begun practice for the 'ur ul
"aPHI U . . . will meet Monday at
BSU . . . will meet at 7 pni..
aniiual spring concert, according to '
4 p.m. in the Home Ec building
in room 129. SUB.
the director. Mrs. Barry Shaw. The ,
ODK . . . will meet at 7 j in .
Professor A. S. Brarrsiiaw
dancers will present their 1947 rep - i
Sunday night at 6.30 at Maxwell Tuedav. in room 2f)l. SUE.
as his
sylvania collese will have
ertoire on May 23. Recent perLEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS .
Street Presbyterian Chinch. "Chris-- i
Miss F. Virginia Rohde of the subject "Mount Rainier The
formances include a program at the
. . will
meet at 4 p.m.. M"iuiav, m
tianitv on the Campus."
- tain That Was God." in addressing
University of Cincinnati on March
department has anWESTMINSTER FELLOWSH I P room 128. SUB
29. and interpretations in the dance j nounced that the Observatory will the April meeting of the Kentucky
OPEN HOUSE . . tonight at Max- -j
. . will
presented at the Friday meeting of .lie opn to the public during the Archaeological society at 7:30 o'clock
well Street Presbyterian Church, bemeet at 7 pm.. Thursday, iu th-- j
Club, and the Athletic spring quarter on Friday evenings tonight in room 201 of Pence hall.
ginning at 7:30 o'clock.
The University band and ROTC units marched Wednesday in the city observance of Army Week.
Student Union building.
The meeting is open to the public.
from 8 to 9 o'clock.
tUnner ou Saturday night.

President Donovan








Five Outstanding Seniors
Arc Chosen By Assembly.


Graduates Will Be


Four New Buildings

Alumni Guests







Will Be Brought
To The Campus



Accounting Club
Is Reorganized

Homc Ec Students
To Make Field Trip
To Cincinnati




Ag College Holds









" wtrr. n.n



llJl???1- ps

'Vague' Is Slated
To Appear May

Nine Attending UK
On Social Science
Fellowship Grants

semi-week- ly





Annual Art Exhibit
Opens This Week

Vets On Law
To Submit Form





At AIEE 3Ieetin,ir



Government Class

Will Be Offered

Literary Society

itiqULMS Arflrln


Prof. Keller Speaks


At Henry Clay High


two-we- ek





'Stars of the Night'
Program Is April



Dr. Croft Announces
Record Exam Dates






Tryouts For Guignol
To Be Held Tonight

Tau Sigma Dancers
Schedule Concert










Bradshaw To Speak
To Archaeologists


Olmprva tnrv


F::-da- y.




4-- H


