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_ Q ·Lexi¤gLun, Ky. Aweekly record of the live g ji,    
stock interests of Blue Grass Kentucky and Q} I?  
@       an tttsttttt stun. tmarimn. rua only =° 1;   I “__‘
Z paper in Kentucky printing all tha trotting 1 I It  '.
11 . $2 V ·-: e, i= ° 
__' __,;__._.L..---,,r,_,c_,LvL?Yl?}l‘?YE,, ,,,Pf’  .....,, I; II  
OTC) i` I: Z
  "‘ ' 31 ’;· T! ° I
—---—---~»»—--~-V-.--~V ...—  1 ‘ ¢¥ ·
’ z I S3 V 
. 3 Douglas, Rutherford, "Trevilla,i’ —l miles s ir Lexington, on 2 I   _. 
Z, \7ClIS21lllQ5 pike; p 0 Lexington; specialty bliorthorn P: _    
I Catt €· 1 V ' gi i 
CO l)(»w11i|1g, \V1I1.P1. ~l§ miles s Lexington; p 0 Lexingten; spe-' "     I
Z eialty, Trotting horses. ·—•- *   I 
<1 Eagle, E, E, Mrs. ";\laple Lake," 2 miles ll Lexington; p 0 :1: IY     I
<;7 Lexno-ton; specialties, Tlioronolibrcds and Trotters; "‘d .. ;Q I
;I ¤ . ¤ . I
also, prepared to keep and winter stock for others. ¤¤ I   I I
E ' hh B {¢]\/I , _, ,_ 7}   ,' _ '_   , __ , I, tl ... E3, I:   ,|_  ii
8,Si;1I1, T Omas . i oigtuina, 111st1a11s>u1g, Ol et us ,=¤ IV _,  I I
_ ~—~——q may be addressed to Lexington; specialties, Trotters:   .:  I
I Q II mc? and standard bred colts—5talli011s Volante, 4 }'021l`S,  l` I I"-}!
i m we Watertill ‘7 *e·u·s ’·**‘ ] Ii  zi
  !·¤x¤· I y_·-7/~·· _ I _ _ _ c::> II 
I   z§¤Sl<]st1ll, Vi/allaee, “,HlUl{Nl2ll1 H1ll,·’ o nnles s e Lexington; p. 0.2   . 
  g §£· Lexington; specialty, Trotting horses. , I1 2 
I __ §Egtill, W. W. ‘°l£lH1\VOO(l,” 5 miles e Lexington, 011 Winches- W .   ‘ 
l ¤ iw ter pike; p. o. Lexington; specialties, Trotting horses Ii   ·
I I and 5ll0l`lZl101‘l} cattle.   .     I
I lg Estill, R. C. “l'llllllllll`Sl,U 4 miles e Lexingtoii, on \\vlllCl1C5t€1` :1 I; ’ Il    
`?'__, pike; p. o. Lexington; specialties Trotting horses and   Z   I 
I·•i~‘ · · V F `
’ I- lioitliorn cattle. ‘ *'¤ `I1 
. n > - , . . i
I si Ferguson, J&m6S B. bcc lxentucky x&Sr$OCl21l31()l],I). o. Lex.§ S ,    
, (See adv). § I?   ' 
I l·`o1·d, B. \V. ·‘Castleton," 4% miles ll Lexington, on Newtowng ¢ tt ' 
I $7-} pike; Ho lift, Lexington; specialties, Trottmg horses g `: I I  .
 II gt] and 5l1()l`ll)Ul`ll cattle. ,,2 21 ` Ii
Eg _IIIFyan(;g_ Wm, C, "Illigl1la11d l"€1l'll1,”I*T miles w TJ€Xll1glUll,I0I1Ei 2 I   I
  old Frnnklort pike, p. o. Lexington, specialty, {rotting Q _   I
  liorses. 3; Z I ,
 mail lirazer, Edward, 4 miles s Lexington; p 0 Lexington, specialties-; § ~ ;j I
  r,l`l'l)([ll]g horses and roadsters. 3 ·_;·__ Y I I 
 l],l*`1‘t‘l)HlLlll, J. C. `ill`1'L‘(lt)1ll1l,,   miles s w Lexington, p o Lex,§> g, I I  
  ington, specialties, Trotting horses and Shortliorng g  
E, cattle. B ` · Y I
‘*=**=’·*B (l1lll)1`()lL[l1 \V. l*`. D12. p 0 Lexiiigton: l)l'€C(l€l`Oll'l.l1`0tt.lllg l101`S€S.`r g I I. I
 _Ei(}ay \Y. D., p o Lexington; speeialty Sliortliorn eattle. g QI-I I,   
  Gentry \Ylll. ll., Lexington: speeiaiiies Trotters and Shortliorn if E , I    
\   eattle. I _ ,,1 lg   I I  ‘
Goodlgg Wm, Cassius, "L0ndon," located at corporation lme g, g Q    II
ea? eitv of Lexington: p o Lexington: raiser ot` Sliortliorn   °“ * II: ·  ll ‘
Ea ‘ ' “ <¤ 5 Y is 
cattle. 0 ¤ ~ ».I 
·¤¤¤£ .- ,,,,,,, __.____c,,.,__.___-L-. P g; . “I‘
‘"—"# . ts .n. . gl ;~ II 
· Wm.ADAMS&SON. r· _ I   I
gg           Direct Importers of Mamie, Granite, &c. T I I I I   :
gm! Na, 45 N. BROADWAY. 5 i Q      
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