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Q Kentucky Stggk Farm Z1'{°.1..Z`£Li”;§ `§.,..1f°....{ ¤i.11£“ ¥’1.3' ..Z1“, ==    fl
E4 psperin Kentucky printing all th• trotting      
_ { _ horse news $2pe1·¤.nnum. r-5 f   
•-· ' " ""“"_j“—‘_"__‘ '“"? ¤    F1
g 287 . c V - .1   ;
E Bradley, J. N., "Ceder Cluse Stock Farm;" 3 miles s w George- *1, ·  ‘ 
Z _ town, p 0 Box 93; Trotting horses. I :2.: 1   
Briscoe, J. VV., 3 miles n w Georgetown Trotting horses. -% 1
. _ . ’ Z a
.  x Brooking, A., 3 miles w Georgetown; Saddle horses. •——•¤ _   `f
_ Z Brooks, J. YV., 6 miles s w Georgetown; p o Payne’s; Shorthorn E:    
Q cattle. x j   
; Brown, G. B., Georgetown; Trotting horses and Shorthorn hc     l
1-I cattle. gg ill  
Brownell, J. G., 6 miles e Georgetown, p o Newtown; Shorthorn E. i   .1
cattle. g ‘ ._ 2  A
·$Burgess E. p o Sadieville· Jacks    
== ·="° ~ iw ’ ’— ‘ 2  -4
m mr.; ., p o Stonewall; Shorthorn cattle. lr , 
gggg " T. J., p o Sadieville; Trotting horses and Shorthorrvg    
< mz; cattle. _ I;  1
m °°gCalvert, J. T., p o Stamping Ground, Shorthorn cattle. i lil li   
`·`·“()arrick, T. L. & Co., p o Newtown. Shorthorn cattle. ll  
Cook, Louis, "Edgehill Stock Farm," Georgetown; Trottingg   l   
horses. ¤= _  ,.
gw Crumbaugh, A. G., Georgetown; Shorthorn cattle. ? it    Q  
*3"’ Dillard, C., Georgetown; Trotting horses. . Fi     .
· - Downing G. VV. Geor etown· Tlo· crhb li € · il
as . , g , 1 roug rec s. ___ _
‘ Duncan, J. Geor ,
>. berguson, A. M., Stamping Ground; lrotting horses. (Q 1   Q 
__ " L. Newtown· Shorthorn cattle. 3 I, `1 ·
 Finley & l\llcMeekin, iGeorgetown; Saddle horses,       .
z)Gaines, T. S., Georgetown; Shorthorn cattle. · A L _’ Qg  l
Garth,_C. L., Georgetown, Shorthorn cattle. Si g  
Giles, l`. S., 'l`urkeyioot; Trottin ho1·ses. '” " ‘ ll 
  ` ` _ g 2 ga .
- *“ matxraves, J. B.-, Georgetown, Shorthorn cattle. Q, , gi  ,
E " W. (1.. Georgetown, Shorthorn cattle. 5 E i    
 Hall, B., Georgetown, Shorthorn cattle. E ·    .l
__  ..? Hambrick, Jesse, Stamping Ground; Trctting horses. " `§   l
G- BH3l1)H10ll(l, J. A., Finnell, Saddle horses.     E
we Hedger, J. S. Sadieville, Saddle horses and Shorthorn cattle. gl `   El  .
p Fl" EHIUIOII, W., i·linton's Station, Shorthorn cattle. ¤     il   
._ J0l1I1S011, JuI1il1S W., owner "lCdgel1ill Stock Farm," E Q., l il  A
9 Georgetown. Q ig-    
l'¥ll’,J.Y. G· · >t Y Sl · ·     "` hi 
( E] M 5 , eoigc onn, ioithoin tattlt g 5;    
‘ · nr Am. mms on THE couNT1*¢?.,9 g    
»Wu1kFurn1snu1lan11SutU wm-  s é *=· ra· ~
E:. Direct Importers ot Mgmle, G·nnitc,·l:c. S in   q
No. 45 N. BR AUWAY. I  wk? A
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· , A ‘ ,   _ _._,.   3. s