The Kentucky Kernel


THE KENTUCKY KERNEL is the official newspaper of tho University.
It is issued with the view of furnishing to its subscribers all the college news
of Kentucky, together with a digest of iteniB of Interost concerning the universities of other States and Canada.

mail matter.







Assistant Editor
Managing Editor
"Squirrel Food"
Athletic Editor
Exchange Editor


Hil J I

Uart N. Peak
Miss Anita Crabbo
William Shinnlck
Miss Rebecca Smith
McClarty Harbison
J. R. Marsh
J. T. Gooch
Harry Melton
S. J. Caudill


Estill Woods



Locals and Law Julia Vnnarsdalo. . . .Homo Economics
Miss Anna L. Whltworlh. .. .Sororities
Patt. Hall
uaucauoa Miss Ell7Abeth Duncan


miss Eiisie lienor

W. T. Cottlngham
Miss Mildred Taylor.

H. J. Evans


'W. J. Harris


M. C. Finne

Business Manager

The Girls issue.
The Kentucky Kernel was a great suc"squirrel food," make-u- p
and everycomposition of a paper we're excellent.
are in the saddle again we can not rewere there with the
frain from admitting that the
With maidenly modesty the girls assumed credit for only
one thirty-sixt- h
Their modesty
of the Kernel during 1915-1is commendable but their statement does them grave injustice.
Women have always stood out prominently among the best
"men" on the staff of the University publication. Especially is
this true of the staff of 1915-1The managing editor of the Kernel is a woman. Through
her hands passes all news matter that goes into the paper, to be
The managing
and prepared for the printer.
editor also writes the heads, reads the proof and gives assignments to the reporters. Her position is the most important
and responsible on the staff.
Many other positions of importance are held by the
has charge of the news of University social
functions and is responsible for a great body of the news that
each week goes into the Kernel. Much of the departmental
news is written by the women on the staff and is written well.
The Kernel is taking this opportunity to attempt to express
during 1915-1f its appreciation of the work of the
Without the expectation of much credit or honor the women on
the staff have worked diligently and well. Best of all, they
have been faithful and dependable. Never has it been necessary to remind any of them of a duty or promise. Their work
has always been of the highest order.
In conclusion, we wish to make it known that we were
planning to have a men's issue in the near future, but gave it
up when the girls' issue appeared. We are afraid to try it.


The Girls Issue of
News, editorials,
thing that goes into the
Now that we mere men





co-ed- s.


"co-edito- r"


Spring and Love,




When the poet wrote that immortal line, "In the spring a
young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love," he expressed about
of the world's wisdom on the subject
of the immortal passion. If he had included luscieus summer,
hazy golden autumn and old winter, clad in snow and cheery
crispness, he would have said all there was to be said concerning
the young man's fancy. This observation is based on a thorough study of some eight hundred students and three hundred
on the campus in the past four years and the writer is
ready to maintain now and hereafter that almost every day in
the year, except just before Christmas, the young man's lissome
fancy runs a foolish little race in the same old direction after
the same sweet
that imagination always paints
as the fairest and the most delectable of the things man may
one-four- th



But the Kernel has no desire to take up the shillalah and
apply it to the figurative head of the philosophy of our good
friend Tennyson far be it. What boots it if the student's vagrant thoughts do journey to the same glorious realms every
day in the year? The fact remains that spring is the season for
love and love is the gentle emotion for the springtime season.
Ah, lovely spring; 'tis then the blushing dandelion takes on itself a hue as of creamery butter, the
violet and the
four-leclover, and the succulent mustard green all come forth
timidly to delight the eye too long forced to dwell on the preserved fern in the picture album and the dried butter bean in
the boarding house the latter flanked by that "prepared"
cousin of his, the navy bean. What can be more pleasing to the
sight than a field of emerald grass and sproutlets of weeds
dotted o'er with quaint blossoms as yet untenanted by the
myriads of pestiferous little red bugs, who will be the unin









Staff Is Pleased With Number Of Kentuckians


pre-histor- ic


vited guests at every summer picnic? What is, half so delicious
as the boiled jowl and greens with .the appetizing
whose medicinal virtues arc so highly praised?.. Besides, the
ruby radish and the
lettuce and the unstrung bean
and the rest of the tribe from the early garden are ready to
charge on the lasislude winter left behind misnamed "spring
fever" and to put the "pep" into the partakers of these celestial delicacies whose merits have been so long and so shamefully
unsung. We doubt if Lamb's story of the invention of roast
pork would be half so interesting as the relating of the manner
in which jowl and greens first got together back in the misty
days and delighted the dwellers in the Garden of
Eden, which, we firmly believe, was located somewhere in Old
Kaintuck. Where else could have been found the wonderful
cornbread that goes to round out a "greens dinner?"
But that is immaterial. Spring and love, and why? are
the questions at issue. Perhaps it's the jowl and greens; perlawns in the soft
haps it's the flowers and the
while moonlight; perhaps it's the balmy air and the industrious
bird assiduously seeking the early worm, and mayhap it's only
inscmnia, but certain it is that young men's fancies take on renewed activity in April. If you don't believe it, take a look at
the campus any morning. Spring and love, tra-ltripping lightly and only the jilted brethren and the confirmed
refuse to hear that call of Orphean sweetness.
J. R. M.
"pol-licke- r"

(Formerly The Idea).
Published every Thursday throughout the College year by the student body
of the Stato University of Kentucky, for the benefit of the students, alumni and faculty of the institution.

Entered at Lexington Poatofflco as second-clas-


F. O. Mayes, n sophomore In tho
College of Arts and Science, won tho
"Hustlers' Contest" and the $20 in
gold which was offered by tho business stalt of tho Kentuckian.
Miss Elizabeth Alexander was second with a total of lf0 subscriptions.
Mr. Mayes had 20G subscriptions.
The staff nnnouueed that It Is well
pleased with tho contest, since much
additional interest in the annual 1ms
Roth tho
been stimulated thereby,
man-hateloaders In tho contest were very energetic nnd deserve much praise for
their work. The contest was closo
at all times, and the winner was hot
known until contest closed, Mr. Mayes
getting a safe mnrgln only on tho last
The entire business staff will tako
subscriptions for tho Kontuckian now
and until May 1, after which date it
will bo too late to order your book.
If you have not ordpretl one copy or
as many as you want, see R. E.
H. Fried, P. A. Harrison, C. R.
the cop and the other one cops tho
The Kentucky Colonel Says:
Smith or Miss Iua Darnall.
Well, suh, the girls' issue of the
Kernel has come and gone, and about
The Eternal Fitness.
all I can say is that I am glad they
The goose that laid the golden eggs
loft me out of the paragraph colyum,
No juniors who have not paid dues
certainly do was not a chicken.
suh. Them fair
by tho end of this week will receive
shoot a mean pencil and what they
programs for the Junior Prom. ProGet This Deep One.
did to the rest of the Squirrel Food
grams will be here Monday. Pay dues
She: John, what arc you thinking now
artists was a caution, suh.
and save it next year. All dues
must be paid before graduation.
He: I was thinking what would
The girls' issue of last week warnArts and Science students will pay
ed, the basketball and track men to happen if I should kiss you.
dues to Roy Scott; law students to V.
She (coyly): You oughtn't to think
look out for a change in the length of
Chamberlain; Ags to E. MoMurtry;
their clothes if woman ever got a about that,
to J. N.
Civils and Mechanicals
chance to legislate about such things.
Why Not Fingers?
Fie, girls, fie. they are really too
N. WATERS, Treas.
M. C. Short, L. & N. brakeman who
short now.
was seriously injured in an accident
The Domestic Science freshman Is in the local yards, is getting along
doing research work. She is delving nicely at tho Bach Hospital. His left
into the mystery of where tho feathers arm was cut off at the shoulder,
(From the Files of The Idea.)
being injured
of the gooseberry are located.
the lower
limbs. Jackson Times.
told us last week that
April 21, 1911.
women are now making remarkable
Fie On Her!
Henry Woodruff, tho original "Tom
strides. What of it? Don't the men As you sit by the fire with your heart's Brown," attends rehearsal of "Brown
design the women's fashions?
red desiro
of Harvard," to bo presented by the
Can't you see that the flame fingers Strollers.
It is hoped that the bull-dowrite
Transylvania defeats Stato 3 to 1.
was taken from the Jilted Brethren That tomorrow she'll hand out to some
Michigan ditto.
will be returned at an early date.
other boob
What is Clay Hall without its bull?
The same line you're getting to- Tho Miami Girls' Issue of their stunight?
dent paper will bo published May 11.
"Every ,fall witlMqts of knowledge
Miss McChesnoy again displayed her
Small medals aro being sold for
Come tho fresh to save tho college.
ability as a minstrel producer, as is twenty-fivcents apiece at tho UniEvery spring at graduation
evidenced by tho success of tho boys' versity of Colorado for tho roliof of
There's a bunch to save tho nation. minstrels in tho auditorium, March
French war orphans.
17. Frankfort
High School Gazette.
The boys do wear sport shirts and
Ruth McChesney's many friends will
Don't forget JOHN A KELLER'S
plaid crimes known as Bhlrt waists, read this notice with interest.
flowers aro best.
but they aro never hi deadly, fear that
tho essential shoulder strap is going
to break and ruin tho dance.
dew-freckl- ed










It doesn't necessarily

follow that
you aro Presidential timber because
you have a wooden head.

Miss Gladys McAdams will entertain Monday with ai handkerchief
shower in honor of Miss Jane Frost.
Lexington Herald.
The Bright Stude Again.
Cun anyone toll us tho
difference gotweon. a .police alarm box
ami a populur actress?
Stude: Yes, sir; one. of. them calls

Have you seen those swell English Last Shoes we are showing
this season? Thoy aro sure beauties; made in mahogany calf and
gun metal calf. They fit like a
glove and stand the knocks. They
are just tho Shoe for the Dressy
Young Follow. Prices, $4, 94.CO
and $5.00 the pair.

The Special Shoe Co.
206 West Main Street,

Lexington, Kentucky.

Cy Hanks, Manager.
