Q     S Penny Miller '65, '68 is director of undergraduate stud-
ies in UK’s Department of Political Science. The chair of
the Kentucky Commission on Women, she is also one of
Y 27 people appointed by President Bill Clinton to select
C l t the top 144 graduating high school seniors in academics,
0mm0llW€21 ll  
Alec G. Stone ’67 is an attorney in Brandenburg, where
he specializes in personal injury, criminal, social security,
divorce and custody law. He served as a state representa- i
Q tive for the 1973-74 sessions and was Commonwealth ..
Attorney for the 46th district consisting of Meade,
· n Breckinridge and Grayson counties from 1975 to 1986.
V     Kothryne SI¤te McDorm¤n ’67, an associate professor E
of history at Texas Christian University, became the sev-  
»   i enth director of TCU’s Honors Program june 1. A mem-  
ber of the faculty since 1977, McDorman was named  
Mortar Boar to ro in an receive t e onors i
/` d“ pp f"` 1981 d `dhH y
‘ Pro ram Faculty Reco nition Award the followin ear.  
-   S S S Y Q
\_\ _ y
` Q Chester P. Core '68, who serves as public administrator `
for Fayette County, is now semi-retired. I
· · 9 Robert Owen '68 has been named manager of corpo— 1
Pl?1nn1Hg_a Vacalloll Perhaps 21 rate public relations, from manager of regional public  
l)USlI1€SS [Hp? 0I` ]USl fOllOW1Ilg lll€ relations, at Ashland Oil. He has been with the company  
· ` 1984. *
Cats through their ’93-’94 season? S‘“°" 1
, 1
FOI` complete, p€I°S()H21l1Z€d travel C¤rroII Viero ’69, professor of English at Tennessee i
· · · Technological University, is the recipient of the universi- l
€1rrang€m€Ht§’ lncludlng airfare ty’s 1994 Outstanding Faculty Award in Teaching. She has i
discounts, CI`ulS€S, tOU1`S OY group been at Tennessee Tech since 1974.  
charters, contact the professionals at g .... --1  M ...,.    -- -e.e-eeeT—g——ww  
Commonwealth Travel Agency 1970s  
Present this ad at Commonwealth Travel and Diono W. Freckmon '70 is a professor. of rangeland and  
. $100 discount OH our next 7 da or ecosystem science at Colorado State University, where she
receive a _ Y Y also works in the Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory. {
longer Cmlse for tW0· _ She lives in Fort Collins.
"‘0nIy our coupon por hooking. \;1|it| through Dcccmhcr 5 l. I994. i
Murtha Schlegel '70, former president of the  
Washington, D.C. Alumni Club, announced that her ‘
daughter, Nancy, a UKjunior, was chosen as this year’s  
Kentucky Cherry Blossom Princess. Nancy is a member of E
Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority.  
Commonwealth ii
navel A 9,/lc mc. Stonley M. Billingsley ’7'I, ajudge in Carrollton, has {
g y co-authored a book, DUI Law in Kentucky, with Florence (
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28 Kvintiicky Alunmus Fall 1994 1