` 7
Overall the records described in this inventory were in
S good physical condition with some water damage, dirt, and
general decay. They were, however, found to be in disorder,
as if they had been piled together and a half-hearted attempt
made to separate them. There were many indications, beyond
problems of poor storage, of tampering or the possible use
of the materials by someone after termination of the WPA.
There are many references to photographs, which cannot be
found, being enclosed with letters. Newspaper articles, post
cards, a book, and a letter dated after June 30, 1963, were
found in the records. They are included in this inventory,
series 60, as their purpose is not fully understood.
Arrangement of this record group followed two specific
guidelines. First, all manuals and administrative issuances
from.Washington, DC and materials from other states were
placed within the Office of the State Administrator unless ·
the particular item.obvious1y belonged in a series of another
subgroup, Second, similar but distinct collections of records
obtained through different circumstances,such as those in
County Planning Surveys (series 16), were kept intact even
though the individual items of the series might be identical.
As is normally the procedure, these records, which span
_ all of the administrative periods of the WPA, are arranged to
conform to the final period, but only down to the division
. level. Arrangement of project level records conforms to the
division sections as they were when the records were actually
generated. There are, however, some specific exceptions to be
The Division of Community Service administratively con-
tained three sections prior to February 1962 when the number
was reduced to two. Nearly all surviving records from this
division predate 1962. Final Reports of Service Projects
(series 16), written in February 1963, fall within the two
section period and are arranged by the two division sections
(Defense, Health and Welfare; and War Services), and thereunder
alphabetically by project name. This arrangement was used
because some projects did not exist during the three section
In contrast to the Final Reports, the Guides to Civilian
Organizations, prepared by the Historical Records Survey during
‘ the two section administrative period, are arranged under the
three section period with the other records from HRS. This
was done to keep all HRS records together and because the exact
administrative relationship between HRS and the sections of the
Division of Community Service was known.
The records of Federal Project No. 3, Staffing of State
TM Planning Boards, are found in series 15-19. This project
p ‘ functioned as a unit of the Division of Women's and Professional