4 -

      boost to many people such as Paul Chellgren, Deno Curris, and a few others. The
      debate team is to be congratulated on their continued excellence.

      UK's cheerleaders won an unprecedented 14th national championship. Mr. T.
      Lynn Williamson and that group are remarkable. This is 10 out of the last 11
      years that they have won the competition. They are to be congratulated.

      D.    Announcement of BBSRB Dedication Ceremony

      President Todd announced that the dedication ceremony for the Biomedical
Biological Sciences Research Building (BBSRB) will be at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, April
11. This building is a spectacular addition to the university's research capabilities.
Governor Ernie Fletcher is expected to join the administration to celebrate this occasion.
It is the largest building that the university has built ($67.2 million) and will generate
about $25 million a year in research. He encouraged the Board members to attend the

      E.    Budget Summary

      President Todd said that he would give a brief summary of the budget that had
passed. He noted that the Board would not be discussing tuition at this meeting.

      President Todd said that the University would get more state funds in 2005-06,
and this is the first increase since he took office as president. It provides a total of
$18,661,100 million in new operating funds, a 6.3 percent increase in recurring state
appropriations. That amount includes $5,413,000 million earmarked for various things.

      County Extension Agents salaries - $1 million
      Kentucky Health Care Infrastructure faculty position - $175,000
      Collaborative Center for Literacy Development operations increase
           in each year - $600,000
      Maintenance and operation of the West Liberty Technical Center - $750,000
      Maintenance and operations of new facilities, including Biomedical/
           Biological Sciences Research Building (BBSRB), the Center
           for Rural Health (Hazard), the Women's Cancer Facility, and the
           Gill Heart Institute - about $2.89 million

      The remaining $13,248,100 is available for current operations (a 4.5 percent
increase). $5,533,400 million was designated as restoration of last year's cuts. Now that
there are final numbers, we will be going through the tuition calculations and trying to
make decisions on how we will use those funds.

      One cent of the tobacco tax has been dedicated to a cancer research fund. That
tax is estimated to generate $5 million per year ($2.5 million to UK and $2.5 million to U
of L). The university must match that money, and given the success of the "Bucks for