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      The university received $7 million worth of bonding authority for the Basketball
Practice Facility. The budget also authorizes the university to complete the full scope of
the project with institutional funds.

      The university received $270, 000 in state funds to design an Eastern Kentucky
University/UK Dairy Research and Education Center. This will be a joint dairy merger at
Eastern's Meadowbrook Farm. It will allow us to remove dairy operations from the
Coldstream space and put it in a place that will be more appropriate.

      President Todd said that he is very pleased the budget passed. There will be a
final vote on the budget within two weeks.

      F.    Appointment/Reappointment of Board of Directors, University of
Kentucky Gluck Equine Research Foundation, Inc. (PR 3)

      President Todd recommended that the Board approve the appointments of Alan
Balch, Jamie MacLeod, HH Maktoum al Maktoum, Nick Nicholson, and Garret
O'Rourke and the reappointment of Nadia Sanan, Bill Bernard, and Walter Zent to the
Board of Directors of the Gluck Equine Research Foundation for four-year terms. He
also recommended that Alice Chandler, who served recently as chair of this board, be
appointed an honorary member of the board. On motion made by Mr. Shoop, seconded
by Mr. Branscum and carried without dissent, PR 3 was approved. (See PR 3 at the end
of the Minutes.)

      G.    Director of Hazardous Materials Management Emeritus Be Conferred
upon John Q. Lowry (PR 4)

      President Todd said that he was pleased to recommend that Mr. John Lowry be
named Staff Emeritus in recognition of his long service and dedication to the University
of Kentucky for more than 39 years. He asked Mr. Lowry to stand and he read the
following background information about Mr. Lowry:

      In 1966, Mr. Lowry began his career in the Medical Center, Department of
Medicine, as a Senior Research Technician. He was named Biosafety Officer/Hazardous
Waste Manager in 1980. From 1981 to 1990, he served as the Assistant Director of
Human Safety and Environmental Health. In 1991, he was named Director of Hazardous
Materials Management within the Environmental Health and Safety Division. He served
in this capacity until 2003 when he was named the Responsible Official for the
university's Select Agent Program. Mr. Lowry spend his career promoting
environmental health and safety at the University of Kentucky to ensure safe and healthy
conditions for work and study, protection of the environment, and compliance with
applicable laws and regulations.

      President Todd thanked Mr. Lowry for his years of service to the university. Mr.
Lowry received a round of applause. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)