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l The UK National Alumm Assoc1at1on Book Club
i offers members these great new books at a 30 % discount . . .
/i/3   IOURNALS, 1929-1944
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‘__/) r LQ? · / Vincent Kohler and David Ward, Editors
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2: _   This selective edition of the early journals of Harlan Hub-
· _'_   i  it   , ' bard, author of Shantyboat and Payne Hollow, which com-
i __ • `hwiu u mu J,. pletes this gifted artist’s autobiography, shows the struggle
9 d;\.lli " III! ··• to come to terms with himself and his art that led to his
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,¤`§L? _` __,  __ ;,.& ’ - seeking a life of simple self-sufficiency on the banks of the
Ohio River. List price $19.00 Alumni price $13.25
New Editions of Two Kentucky Classics . . . l°h¤EdP°¤¥°° B d
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H Edwdrd ldddddddd Q§°;Za‘Z£‘i1$i;‘3;“$fcl"i,s§i.;.cgd’lE§§Z.‘3Z P°l‘*‘°‘ `
The most colorful member of Ken- prefatiori of a most important half-  
tucky's most illustrious family, Cas- decade in Kentucky’s history"—Ohi0
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figure in fh€ Blu€g1'aSS. "AI1 excep— account of the Civil War in the state Kentucky politics for nearly forty
ti}on;allyR finet andfrtiiiablt-:< biogi-1- gist gave Izresidegts to bpthksidles. yearS_aS reporter, editorial writer,
P Y — €g15 EI O E EH UC y yOIl€ l1’I €I'€S E IH €I`l UC y IS- d I ‘ f h L '  
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