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4 (Next entry 55, p. l52) C County
¢ iimed,
1 ‘ · g iwrxwg
‘ = Structure ? Bond
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Creation · _ 1 wwvrjy
U · V Y and lYU
_When anderson County was created by an act approved January lC, 1827, [ COE,O,W
the first meeting of the county court was held on February 5,»lC27,'after ’ (mtOi,l
· ~ 1 y • 1 .  C ,1.. r» L.-.
its members had been commissioned by Governor Desha, nt this meeting, COWTtv
David Hhite, Jr., presented his certificate of qualification from the .0,0,,t
· 7- -¤ · ¤4 - · ` I . I s- ,· tn,. ¤
Court of Appeals, and was appointed clerk of the anderson County Court. (U 7 Gvirq O
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Selection and Term 1 pc 1nGG
1 _..._.... .........—.. .....q- -.-.1- ~..; AL., ..` .
1 , 1 , _ r »
Until l85O the county court clerk of Anderson County was appointed i ;§§QXQl
for a torm.lasting during good behavior. Constitutional provision in l85Q 1
however, made this office elective for a é-year tern, as is the case today, TN
(O) * for bre:
‘ “ j in the
Qualifications Vhcincy
The clerk whs reouired to have been a resident of the count for l · s_
* M1
year orior to his aciointment but since nnderson was a new countv thc 1 sw _
i * _ * _’ ’ '~ ’ l.1..1.l€&i
first CLOTR must have lived for th ».l. t length of time in one of the counties ihwi Gr
- . W , . . . i ~~~~ ~
from.which Anderson was taken. (c) Later this·grovision was changed, and Cowwiw
in order to Qualify for office the clerk was required to have lived in the U
State 2 years and in the county l year preceding his election. (4) porimiq
Until l850, research disclosed no specific age qualification for the A rea
county court clerk; however, the constitution of that year stipulated thit j ,€MUyae
he must have been at least El years of age preceding his election, Q QPU- iqgwns
vision which was later reaffirmed and is still in effect. (5) { emaes
i ` iirrlf (if
The clerx, oefore qualifying as a permanent official, HHS &lf¤yS ·.°· _
been required to produce a certificate fron a ma oritv of the 'udres of ’ "““"‘r‘
L1 ., V U L7
-, *1 ~..l. ..   ~ . s .i - ~ » · -1 , - · ;
mh? tourt of ngpoals iiuro no has lnicn examined by tlxmir CLCTE and is qual: » __ Cgyr
fied to porforn the duties of his office. (6) ~ sto,
FL~¤;Q 10. Ten?
A 11. Acre
'l`h<* cowmtv ·—ouy·t »1:·—~1»-   ,~~¤—»‘ ~1¤· +- s =-pr. J-1. , .,J.;..,.   Q. we VL wm ,1, T"
. .. . _ o . o s or , star, .,,,r3_icai cc, tu._e eric or.ti-. to sriyyior t »~~ lr, ,oqT;
constitution ard to perform the duties of his office faithfvlly, (7) IH 15, own
--i--m ..... u _____ , _,,_ ii___"_,i__iii_i“i-s_i_i__i __i. ii---i--,-l"---au-~» 14_ gym
1. Co1er. 17»¤, ner. 4, etc. 10; Acr;, 1Z?C—27, r1, Ai, 57; Gouurv Ooonr oceans, Fh$T Vu sro,
vcr. Mor Lreurto, .. 1, 2, sgt_twrnw 1C4.‘ · 13. ;1TT
2. Coder. 173 , swr. 4, csc. 10; Qousr. 1CZO, nar. T, sac, 1; Comer, IQO1, sec. O9. j 1iQ}
3. Cohcr. 17®O, mer. 3, ore. Q. v 17. {os
G. CoM¤r. 1i$©, ¤ar.o, src. 2; Co~;r. Ifil, scc. 100. at Ang
5. C wor. 1 BU, sur. Q, ste. 2; Comer. ICQI, sic. 1oO. plz,
6. @@1FT. 179*, ¤¤r. 4, ssc. 10; Cowvr. IBTO, snr. 4, crc. EG; Gower. 1591, SCC. 1vW
7. Dew r. ITYC, Amr. G, ctc. 1. -
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