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f County Agriculturel Agent — Miscellaneous _ _ <583‘59O) t I
members enrolled, homo visits made, farms or homes visitod for first time, i
office calls, tclephono colls, news stories publishcd,_individucl and cir-
· I culur letters written, bulletins distributed, radio talks made, ovents at C
which exhibits were displayed, number of forms on which changes in prac- c
tices resulted from Extension Service, training meetings hold for leaders s
or committccmen, demonstration meetings hold, tours conducted, cneampments , <
o held,_other meetings held with and without attendance of extension worker, l I
» and totals to date for year, summary of Gays devoted to each project by
extension agent and specialists, number of communities in which work was
conducted, number of committeemon or loaders rendering assistance and
days ossimting, totals for all projects, and AAA educational fcaturos for
T, _ each month, meetings held, methods used and results obtained, plans for
—l U, educational procedure next month, indicated improved coordination of pro-
i grams, change of attitude of general public toward AAA, educational aids or
difficulties, and signature of county agent. Arr, chron. by date of report, A
No index. Hdw. and typed on pr. hn. 18 x l2 x 28. l
588. DAILY REPORT Ob`LOCAL SUPERVISOR, 1939--. 500 docs. in l f.b,
Daily reports to county agent of fields checked by local supervisors, show~
ing; name of farm operator, form serial numbers for original check and rc-
chcck, photo nu ber, time supervisor began and ceased work, date of report,
and signature of supervisor. Arr. chron. by date of report. No index. Hdw, C
and typed on pr. Du. sg x 4; x lO, ~
l95o-Apr. 2, l958. 5 vols. in l f.d. t
Membership record of sheep groaors protective association and record of mem- c
boré enrolling in county f&rm_buroeu. Sheep growors mombcrship record shows: c
r mcmborship agreement, numc of sheep grower, nurber of farms owned, number of’ p
tenants on firms, oate of enrollment, number of sheep insured by association,
and compliance agreement of member; ond fern bureau mombcrship record shows; C
dato of enrollment, name of bank on which order for mcmbarship fcc is drawn, —
&mount of foo, county, signmturo ond address of enrollee, joint mcmbership
Mgreoment for fnmily, and signoturcs of momber and solicitor. Arr. elph. by G
first letter in surnxme of member. No index. Hdw. and typed on pr. BH. m
18 x l2 x 23,
2,5OO docs. in 5 f.d.
Gonorxl file of bulletins, regulotions, and other information roloting to
f&rm projrous, showing; general information published by College of Agrieul- &
ture, corn—hog ond vhoct program information, tobacco information endmcor- xm
rospondencc with tobocco groiors .‘~» seeking information, and circular letters
and othzr information relating to 1940 Agriculture Conservation Program. __
Arr. ulph. by subject m;tter, No inlox. How; and typed on gr. fm. l8 K 12
x 26, L
° N