E ~ 575 -
General Index (Set-Tav) .A
Settlements (Cont.) State Department of Revenue, 64
executors, 206, 207 State Forestry Department, 161; 229
fiduciaries, 206, 207 State Game and Fish Comr1issE, 150,
guardians, 207 161, 229 -—
jeiierc, 22 i~Te‘5·§ip`tcT‘i*i·cci, 107 5
master commissioner, 152, 154, 155 State Highway Commission, 84, 86, 541
school superintendent, 27, 504, 554iv State Inspector and Examin—eY, @1-, -250,
sheriff, 20, 257, 500 285 "—`_` V
treasurer, 21 Stat?-Inspector of Livestock, 26
trustee of jury fund, 177 State Librarian, 165 ——
Sheep claims, 16 ` State Livestock Sgnitary Board, 26,
Sheriff-, 6, 20, 22, 24, 25, 50, 52, 54- 109 "`
se, gp; 6-2:68:-85;-87-T-88-,—‘96_T—97`,_ ste.te“iccei Finance Officer, si 7 ’
Tee, 128:15-0,- E7, 1754 ,—201T—20-2, State Superintendent cr Pub1iY:—In-·`
2%, -2-2-8`,_-257-24-5, 25E, 255, 257, struction, 20, 72, 74, 275, soi, ,
252, 26E, -2-'W-,-278,.-2.82--251, 255, 502, sos, sw`, 516,-517-;*520-,-521
"2§T§ "" “"‘ " "”""‘°‘ "‘“ stei?e"T»i3€TcitiE'é`ci'c‘iHT 1-25:151,*-1647- 1
ap-pgintment of, 6, 257 266, 268, 278 _-”__m -—-
bciicc cr, es, ei" ""` ste‘€€i·r’·?e'§ci~Te`Fj is, 242, me
records of, 246-264 State Treasury, 4-0-, 150;* 1-51`T 150,
location of, 245 517 ——~ __" '°-_ _" ,
reports, 25, 191, 248, 250, 256, 275, StaET-Veterinarian, 555, 556  
501 _ Stock law petitions,—52v -»- A
settlements, 20, 257, 500 Stray book, stool:
Sinking fund, 106, 107, 281 notices, 258
Slave affidavi_5sT 6-5,- ’__ Subpoenas, 20iii, lll y
Smallpox vaccinations, 549 Suits
Soldiers, discharges, 109 civil, 111, 147, 227 ‘
pension applications, 226 index to, 112
Specifications, turnpikes, 25ii Summons, 111 7
State Alcoholic Board, 105, 240 A Superintendent, county school
State Auditor cr Public-_1Y0colHi-ts, is, tcacc cr, is _
64, 81,105, 128-151, 160-162, —_ See also County school superintendent
E4-is's,’2°'éi~`.-§`e‘c"e‘ce bonds, iis, 250
reggiptg f`;>?1, liv-, 179- l-- _~ Supervisor I
State Board of farm reports, 578iv
Agriculture, 26, 272, 275, 555, 556, summary of, 587
545, 551 _— *_— *5-_ __— _-_' Surveyor, 6, 20, 27, 58, 97, 204, 205, 7
Edu-5?{tio_x-Y;-20, 70, 74-7s, 78, ao, ssc-s4o" “"’“ "" '°'“
500-502,-507*T-50a` 510,-521__ e§»$Ei%ect cr, s, ssc
Ele-cT€io.xT-Eomigsi-cETer,_21, TQTBT 68, bonds oi`, 46, 51* -7.- ’
287-289 -_ M- W- road S
e‘§§ci%ectc cy, 287, 2oi appointment cr, cio, 52
Examiners, 507, 516-- Surety bonds, 262 _-_  
Er Health, 81,*1-51,-22-9, 527-550 Surveys, turnpikes, 55 ap;
registrar sitciteii s-t-sT;i`sTtics, 275  
Registration and Purgation, 296 --5 Q;
State Budget Commission, 280, 2815- T -7
QE State Department of Publi-?-l={—oa—dsT S4, Table of contents, vii-ix pl
86, 541, 40 *_ Tavern keeper  
Stat? nE§eTi—tiiciit of Public Welfare, bonds of, 225 [,-2
Q4, -127, 128 licenses ol", 197,   "