.1t 1
V V°1· 4 Mmh, 1950 Nu. 2
¤  at Articles for "Kentucky Fruit Notes" are assembled Page
  under the direction of W. D. Armstrong, Hurticul- CI-Own Borer Cgntml ''''` " ''"''‘‘'‘‘‘ 2
    turist, at the Western Kentucky Substation, Prince- P€a°h Tree BOTH C¤¤¤¤1 `''''" ' '''’`' 4
I   ton, Kentucky. The 400 Crete Per Acre Club ----------- 5
L Some Peach Variety Notes ......... ---- 5
L New Apple and Peach Pest ----.-------- 7
t Strawberry Insect Work ----------- ---- 8
9 A .
r Parathion ·-—- ------—----- ·- ---—-----— 9
3 Hints and Observations ------—-——- -—-— ll
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station
E Lexington, Kentucky
N ‘ A