6   '
10 l
Suggestions for control of various pests with parathion, as well as a list of pre-- i
cautions and other information pertinent to parathion usage, can be obtained upon re-
quest from the College of Agriculture and Home Economics, University of Kentucky,
Lexington -
W. W. Magill
Think It Over
In the years when peaches and apples sold at $3,50 and up per bushel, or-
chard run, we all considered doubling our orchard acreage. With 1949 prices,
we considered hiring a bulldozer. Lucky is the orchardist who "thinks"`before he
Good Wages For Chikdjen _
Most farm children like to earn a few dollars for themselves and have their
own money, Parents, how about creating a home set—up so that john or Mary can
have a strawberry patch of 500 plants (1/8 acre)? When crabgrass gets bad, help
them for a clay. Local retail sales will furnish a good rriarkett ·
· The 400