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§ez2&1;e1_efsiesweszx_i11ses$-rees.ts-ir¤__se2e.rele. It hes eeee esteelished by Week
done in Kentucky and elsewhere that all of the above insects can be controlled effective-
ly by either of the following materials listed in their order of effectiveness: (l) 5 per-
cent Chlordane — 5 percent DDT dust; (2) 5 percent Chlordane dust; (3) 20 percent
Toxaphene dust. While the 5 percent Chlordane or the 5 percent Toxaphene are very
effective against several of the pests, it is thought that the combination of 5 percent
Chlordane and 5 percent DDT will give better all—around control than either of the
other materials singly.
Suggested Strawberry Dust Schedule
Use eemme;siallLeke_s_de§_pQest et ees ef39;i01b;>;e;;s£e- . - . - ...
l -__r_Q;s_Ls¤1¢L'KLries ---.__.- ,,-.-__._.__c- ._Msfe;Le;lsf_ ____ ___;F§§=2;e¤ed
l, Prebloom: Dust containing Crown borer adults
Early I\/{arch, or when 5% Chlordane
leave hibernation .20% Toxaphene
5% Chlordane
_____ _, _ W ._ _   _     __   _ H _.__   W,- __   .,.-5% -Q.l2I..-.-.- -._s_.__--__-.___._;.._..._
V‘ Z, Early bloom: 5% Chlordane plus Crown borers, wee-
When blooming is 5% DDT vil, tarnished plant
well underway OT bugs, millipedes,
_ 5% Chlordane root worm adults,
is OF ants and root aphis.
" _ ;___,,o.         U   ...40}% 'l`e>