American people have arrived with the repeal of prohibition -— l
namely, a conviction that the liquor habit could not be cheeked l
merely by the passing of lan, combined tith a firm belief in :
__ temperance as a principle of personal conduct. This is the E
3 conclusion arrived at by William H. Townsend, of Lexington in E
,f a paper entitled, Lincoln and Liquor which appears as the lead- g
-; ing article in the February Atlantic Ionthly, {
gl "'This article', say the editors of the Atlantic, *represents l
EQ the first search ever made into the original sources which reveal i
Q Eenest Abe's attitude toward drink. The author has long been Q
S recognized as an authority on Lincoln, and he owns one of the g
if largest collections of Lincolniana in the country.’" E
Z Mr. Townsend made several contributions to the point—of— E Q
T view columns of newspapers on subjects relating to Lincoln. Q
* Trm of these controversial discussions appear in the Kentucky Q
f Authors Scrap hook. One of them.concerned a misstatoment of E
Q fact about a recently found photograph of Lincoln in a national *
{ magazine, which magazine refused to print Br. Townsend's l
F authentic information in their readers' point—of-view column. Q
f The second concerned Lincoln's views on labor and capital. l
{ Quoting from the Courier—Journal of Fovembcr 26, 1956, Ir. Town- if
Q sond’s own nerds are reprinted; "’Therefore at the risk of further L
Li intrusion, I am.asking you to publish the following quotations {
~ from Lincoln which were omitted in the publication of my original g
F article. .5
_ 'That there is a certain relation between capital and 3
Q labor, I admit. That it does exist, and rightfully exists, A
Q? I think is true. The men who are industrious and sober and 1
Q honest in the pursuit of their own interests should after a Q
I while accumulate capital and after that should be allowed to
fl enjoy it in peace, and also if they should choose, then they
»,· have accumulated it, to use it to save themselves from actual ;
UV labot and to hire other people to labor for then, is right, §
lj In doing so they do not wrong the non they employ, for they E
jr find men who have not their own land to work upon, or shops to Q
  T‘!0I‘l£ in, and who are benefitted by rrorking; for otEiers-—h.iI‘o€`;  
p laborers receiving their capital for it.’" —
> l
Q Quoting further from.the Courier~Journal of Totenber 25, g
vt  l9$6, liu Townsend said: "On [arch 2l, l?36~L (Complete -.-.rOI'lCS,  
We  VOL lO, page 50), when Lincoln addressed a oorinittoo from thi  
Q V0Tking Eon’s Association of Nor;York, and repeated all of the Q
I statements from his annual message, which l have quoted, and E
{ which BT. Agar failed to quote, about the rights of labor, ho S
Ji Closed as follows; 'Nor should this lead to a war on property { N
Q or on the ownership of property. Property is the fruit of g
5“ labor; property is desirable; is a positive good in the world. Q
§ Th&t some should be rich shows that others may become rich, I
  €`·7ld l'1C11eG is just encouragement to industrij Caid Q13`COI`]Q1”`l.SC‘•  