To Edltorsz The `
awa in this bulletin THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Entered as second
is prepared for the     T   »,._ __ i   _._,e_— 2,.       rr class matter at the
press and is released         `;§iiii___i__fr"       post office at Lex·
rot- publication on   ‘       “   Ty ;,.—_         inetcn. Ky-
receipti ·:: , _.       ·'t3`_-,r_r_,_.i~;·:·€i ;;.14;_r.__,_._i¤g` IQ; 
February 1, 1921 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol. IV. N0. 7
• • • C •tt E t I Y F 7   b • •
University xtension Omml ee ll eis °““g °”“°“ “ S Universit Profe r Hold T ob c
. f T o • P br S h l T h May HGVB   Members ` y   S   9 •
Field o raining u IC c oo eac ers — Not Proved To Be Injunous
Approximately, 4,000 young Ken-
. . _ . tuckians ranging in age from 10 to 18 i /
At the mstance of Prof. George nature of things handle the work 1n , , . , On the question of the physical where smoking is frowned upon the 2
1 · st t Su erintendent of Pub- its regular extension courses be a e were enrolled m b°ys and girls Club -
Co vm, a e p V - c us _ ._ harmfulness involved in the use of to- more vigorous and independenbboys
‘ 1 t tion the Ertension Depart- of the wide scope ot territor to be Wmak durmg 1920 and pmducgd agm -
UC I1S;`U; 6 i G   Of Iigutucky covered   decided u on   yla i Cultural products Valued at   bacco, DT.     HOIIDGS, Dll‘€Ct0T of Hlily be llk€Iy to be the SI¤Ok€}°S·
ment O *8 mv_rs y t _ t ’ > f D ` le D n· m eeeerdirig ie aimurii report made by the Department of Hygiene and Pub- "The1·e is some evidence to show
Wlibhtlig f¤;ih¤0n1*;;I§;:€;1;€iO";iS;;E; Eiiiuciiftggyf§;S;‘;];;1€{r;fiestapi C_ W_ Buckner, of the Coiiege or lic Health, University of Kentucky, that tobacco may be harmful. It is i
the €_ 0 UNO hi h Schools of tha high gchools This km Omg; n?t1; Agriculture, University Of Kentucky, has taken in a recent paper, an atl. a habit forming drug. This is danger-
Study 111 Vmwus g -_ _ _ _ - _ _P C ip a B St . vanced view or the subject which has ous in itself. It especially affects the I
st t lesi ned to give training to University supervision in that it re. me leader of the Work Rgpmts . . . ‘
il? ( g h d _ th t h t h_ were Submitted by more their 40 per created widespread interest in scien- nervous system, 1mD311`1¤g ml1S0l1I3·1'
Public _S<>h°°I t€f*Qh€I`S Wifgdart? 1*;; QETBS lift; ia? mg be d°;*€ by cent Or the number erir0iied_ tiiic circles. In this discussion he control and interfering with fine
iicicnt in the training maui Y ° Y suc ms mc FIS ds-may _€ an Vmo H G f k ff d holds that the fact that such use is muscular movements. Nervous pec-
cent enactment of the State Assembly proved by the University, their se- Us H S 0 WOT WGYG 0 BFG harmfui has not been definitely GS_ pie are made more nervous by its .
to continue their work as teachers. lection being based upon recommenda- to the youngsters, all products being mby ii ri · ti- ii E , O taut e and {ind more difficult I
_ _ _ _ _ _ iassiried under the head or CTO S DT IS e scien 11ca y. xcerpts fiom c ns us y
The act referred to heiewith re tion of the authorities of schools of- C _ D Doctolv Holmes; paper ienew. in going without it Constant smok-
quires an public school teachers to fering such training, animals- P0¤IiFY_D1`0dl1¤ii0n D1‘0V¤iI ' mg irmams the lining of the bmatib
take training equivalent to the stand- The work will be given from text tc P6 an Outstanding auimal lfT0J€¤'¤ 3** mg passages and may make the user
nn high Sana.-n course and be able books adopted by tue schools and to While ¤¤i¤ led m the ¤i¤<1¤¤¤<>¤ Of TOBACCO more susceptible to mm iufegtious
to Show credit tor their delinquent such men and women teachers as °I`°pS· Premiums Valued at $1»02?·00 j The Canadian me insurance e0m_
work corresponding to the four years , those to whom such teaching would WBTG awarded the 1215 bers and gms "Today tobacco is more extensive- Denies mid the mortaiity or the Smoker
given in high school work to the end not be otherwise available or would who were 8ng‘°‘g‘°’d_ m mlsmg DOHIUTY IY USM} thm eve? b€f0F€· The ques- greater than that or the non-smoker. I
that the entire high school course be prohibited from teaching without Of We $328-O0 which was Offered m tion is, is it harmful or not? To be This of course is no absoiute proof
Shan have been covered by 1926. it. premiums my an Cmp p1`°JB°tS» perfectly frank, not as much is known iheidiie hiighegv merieiiiy is dug to
Otherwise delinquent teachers will The plan is an ambitious one and $$73-00 was "“i“’·I`d€d t0 bm and about its effects upon health as is the Smoking
ngt be allowed to teach, a prohibition its adoption is au earnest on the part girls engaged m gmwmg °°m· supposed. Things have been said mithe death rare for men Over, forty
that would affect thousands of teach- of the University to help to take care Other projects engaged iu were the that cannot be established by evi- me in the United States is HOW hi her
are in the state. of an emergency. It will be abandon- raising of pigs, sheep, beef cattle, dence. than Qisgwhew The imreasadgusc
· Superintendent eolviu asked the ed doubtless when this r emergency dairy cattle, Irish and sweet potatoes, mitobriceo contains Swami poisons or tobacco maybe one Of the Several
Univers1ty Extenswn Department if shall have passed dually in 1926, tobacco and soybeans. Enrollment in or which nicotine is Chief. The bene contributing causes. Experiments
it would add its assistance to that bei Deta1ls of the plan are being worlr- the various lines of work ranged from iiciai effects may be piwsum from have recently been madg that Seem
lng given already by the horma ed out by .W9ll1HgtOH Patrick, Di- one boy who grew sweet potatoes to use, aiding or digestion arte], maids, to prove that tobacco lowers muscular
Schools in handling the D1`0b1€m- The rector 0f_UmV°1`SitY EXt€¤Si0¤· Those 928 _Y°“¤gSt€I`S who devoted their at' soothing of the mind, increase of cir- control and accuracy, This might
Extgngjgii (}omim1ttee’s resp011Se Was Whfi 91`9 111te1`€Si€d may DTSGUT9 Speei- UBDUOH tc P0u1h`Y· culation, etc. No evidence as yet has easily go undetected on the part of
tc ¤·€€€DIi {hg duty PI`0mI’uY· AS the EX' HC mf°I`m°·t“m~ by addressing him ai? Plans are being made for C0ntiHH· been found to indicate that its mod- the user except for careful testing l
tension Department could not in the the University. ing the work during the year 1921. crate use in any marked way affects Tobacco does unduly increase the
  end M1`- Buckner has €XD1`€SS6d U19 the health of normal adults living in heart rate and blood m·eSSm·e_ Iii the
opinion that there will be an enroll- the open, Evidence would indicate smoker after physical exertion they
Andrew Qill To Be GUY B¤·t€$ P0$t Helps incnt of more than 18,000 boys and that instead or it being tneoause of are slower in going neck to normal
Wildcat Baseball Coach Sh'0llel‘s Choose Cast girls- - crime and mental inferiority in youths, than in the non-smoker, It is not at
—-— C r _ —·Y —·?——; it is their companion. Athletic train- all improbable that the unnecessary k
Andrew Gil], former football and 0mD€i1¤0¤ f01‘ Paris in "The Ad- University to Figure ers prohibit its use on the assumption extra work done by the heart and ·
`bg_Sgb3tl]()()3,(]l1 of lh€ “VVIII1Ca~t#” Squad` mlmblg Chrlchtgufn   Stroller             dimishes €iflCl€]1Cy. ThB1‘€ is b1()Od vessels Qf thg gnlgkér Over al
was erected imsebeii eeeeii gm- the scheduled for this session at the Uni- ____ but little evidence at present of this. long period of years may shorten lite
forthcoming year at e meeting dg the versity of Kentucky, was so keen that ..Th€ Heart Or the Blue i Gmssln As to its eifect upon high school boys, from two to five years.
Athietic Cmmeii ei University nf llilerncion Evans, stage manager, has Written by Miss Marguerite Mc_ those in the Cincinnati schools seem “T.I1€1‘€ is little evidence that to-r
Kemtucky held Jrmiiery 2`4_ Mi; Gil] Geenfgorced to call 1n professional aid. Laughlin, of the University Or Kem to have better grades when not smok— bacco adds to health in the sick or
Wm eriive at the University and take Lg; 2; QS Pgsb Wh;I8~PP€¤1`<§d eil the iiieky, Wiii be iiie iieme ei the iiiiii iii ing and poorer when smoking. Studies well but there is some that it inter-
up his Work iii Mayen Hg OH PGM OUSG 1H The which University activities Wiii be ari upon college men who smoke are con- feres with health at least in those who
The appointment was ei the in- Maseuerader? came out to the Uni important r€_atm,€_ iiicting. Some show the non-smoker are not vigorous and healthy. If it
stgmgg of a unanimous request bY the ;;*;ii{hT¤€Sdg¥·jeiiiiair 25i¤» mi- an buildings on are campus andthe i° bs the baits? ph’Si°i“*' and mst ““"1"€‘°""’S Wh hidiih ml g‘*“"€*“
baseball Squad that he be chosen- l G rca ine 0 Several Of the gms, dormitories Wm be Shown Tim tally. Others show the contrary. Working efficiency it should be dealt
Gi11’S Work as b3_S€l)2],1l coach at the lezidlng roles and gave Va·1u8d   in     include pictures Of thelljrcsi These DYOVB nothing. In colleges   3,5 other h3,]_‘]_]f]fU_]_ drugs aiI·G_"
· · - · na e t' b t th . `
Uiiivereity of Iiciitricliy Tran ly? thi; S9 C mg mgm BTS 0 B cast dent nt the University, the deans, rnili-  
never HGH GXCB E Q ‘ tary staff heads of departments in—
meatgg tha COHFCH ELEC; iigtgggic? IIlii€l'ScIl00l Debating dividual and group pictures of the EXti:9$w;_ PYOg;$mkRl‘:?IidY Lexington Alumni Make
was ing as a minor a ic s· L y nr · ~- or arm ee eelin D ° f M b h` I
eague to Meet acu 3, engmeeiing college, student g l’1V€ Ol' Bm BIS lp
ate SD°1`t· ——. activities classes at work Strollers ———-— ——
_ Announcement has been nigidg by publication editors and reporters, Agri- Throughout the four days of Farm- At 3 T€‘C9¤t I¤€9ti!1g cf the Yeeently
Students Give Notable the University or Kentucky of tue ap- cultural College, farm and the Ex- ers} Week, at the College of Agnieni- formed Lexington Alumni Club or the
Mgobin l—lnntl" Rendering nciuimcnt cf various district oonunit- i>e·i¤i¤¤i Siaiivii- {Hyg Univ - - · · ·
. I ersiiy of kentucky, Feb- University of kentucky, plans were
..—— tees in the Interscholastic Debating This picture will be put out by the I
_ _ _ · · . · · , · · 1 t d f i ‘ ‘ ,
··Rnbin Hood," a deKoven’s great League, which is being organized this Kentucky News Pictorial Company many 14’ Tm1uSWP’ abspecml manor comp B B ,01, id membershlp dmv?
opera, was presented by the Music year in accredited schools or the State and it nas been booked by the Phogllix A Schvci designed BSPBCWIIY f01‘ farm- The cilillpmgu will be conducted Hum
Department or the University, Jan- as an extension feature or the Uni- Amusement Company, ton tneatens of ers of Kentucky who are interested in **PPF°X1¤¤-miy 2500 Of the 3,000
. uary 19 and 20, at the LeXl1lg’t0H ODGYEL VGYSHY- The purpose of UIQ league is its circuit. power farming will be conducted as Ahlmlli 21Ild fOI‘II1€1‘ students of the
;I1°“S°· dS";FY S*“d€“iS mk pm"; m fihfggziragagiiaa  geek “;?1`};_ m U K D"——_"; a feature- The <=<>¤is€ Wii1i¤¤1¤<1¢ ii University living in Fayette ¤¤¤¤iY
e pro uc ion. · . i er Z1C'1V1 ies .
. . . i . . ebat · · ·
The Music Department IS at new among which Wm bg rm essay Writing C. . €Y$.t0 M€€t study of at least five representative 9-Hd Ii·6X1i1gIi0I1 are emelled 1H the
aepantniont ot tue University under contest. Many of tue larger nign mcmmmans In March types cf tractors. Lectures will be °1`g¤mZ¤¤<>¤» ¤¤mslY· the Whites and
the direction of Prof. Carl Lampert, SCIlOOlS have accepted membership in The Universit Of Kent 1 _H given by members of the farm engl- the Blues, and €lI10iZ3·S &DPOI`TQi0Iled to
and this was the first time that any- the league. meet me Umveriity of Ciggiglatwi neering department of the College on each division, which is divided into
thing of tue kind has been attempted. The question which has been Mime March za th b. t, ,iRn all phases Of tractor CMB and °P°>m· tive teams. John Skain is head of
The presentation was comparable to a chesen for debate this year is: re- Solved th t I D QH is su gfx ' E- tion of laboratories. th ,,BiuB ,, d J F _
professional performance in its act- solved: “That the United States gov· Rgstriétedi   gm th Miami gm Farmers} wives and daughters are B S im ' lfmk Butmlls ls
ing, singing, and dancing numbers and ernment should have a oomnnsnidn bam Of th; SBE 1 f ted at rst t B' ie reeeive ireiiiiiig during this Week the leader of the Whites?
both audiences were profuse in their with power of compulsory arbitration University of Iiggmcgis H sn S 0 hg A SDBCMI Dmgmm has been =ii‘i‘¤¤s¤<1 — —
appreciation, The undertalriug was of laber disputes between reinpioyers being coached in theynligopzfitsog; for them and the speakers include UHlVCTS1[y Woman
such a deculed success, lll [act, that and employees of public ut111t1es. The . _ V, Miss Mary Schwartz Rose, Columbia M d St t D' • •
_ , . debating by Piofessor :MlkGSBll ot the - a 6 a· 6 lehtlan
the Department of NIHSIC has decided final debate Will be held at the Uni- EH Hgh D at t ’ University; Dr. Caroline Hedger,
to put on an annual production. Vefsity May 6 and 7, at which time g ep I men ' Elizabeth McCormick Memorial, Miss Arma Mc Adams Senior in the
—-—--— tue track tournament of tne Inter- —_*—* Chicago; and D1`-Elizabeth Caiiiiibell Ho n · * D '.
DENTAL CLINIC ESTABLISHED. scholastic League will be held. COmmitt8B Appointed to of Cincinnati- Unilwigrsig?Il·;1u;{c;ntn;i;;1tigilliiiezfi 2;,8
_ _ _—_ ’"  Get Scabbard and Blade eL-? pointed State Dietitian to superintend
Dental Cl1n1c has been established MISS WHERRY HAS ;- TWO KERN ELS A WEEK NOW. preiiereiieri and Durchasg Or food u (1
in the Dispensary as a part of the ARTICLE IN SURVEY A recent meeting of the cadet of- _ j- by the seven State institutions nngir
_ work of the Department of Hygiene — iicers unanimously decided to establish At ii 1`€C€nii Inséiillg cf the €diIi0I' control of the Board of Cher-ities and
K and Public Health, University of Ken- In the January number Of the "Sur- a chapter of Scabbard and Blade in and associate editors of the Kentucky gnu-eC;i0iiS_
tneky, It w11l be conducted each vey"_ appears an article by Miss the University of Kentucky. A com- KG1‘11GL it Was dspided t0 Publish thi? As a result ot a recent ex ri
. . ,, . pe ment
Wednesday until every student 111 the Pauline Whe1‘i‘y, P1‘esent1n~g Case mittee composed of E. R. Gregg, Silas DaD€1' S€111i·\V€€I