Be proud of Canada ...and show it.
Gulf stations are giving away Canadian Flag
decals for your car.
Put a little patriotism on your car window. Juti drive into any Gulf ¢ Cenarii station, and ask for a CanHiif Sag drcal You don't have to buy enythinf. ** jtut want you to have a Canadian flag decal, free. To wear on yew car window with pride.
Rally 'round your Gulf Canada Dealer and get a flag decal free.
1 feel Idea a new woman. Youthful. Really free. 'Thanks to Weight Watcherst They helped me lose weigh! and keep H off. 1 flipped when I tow all the foods I could eat and still lose weight.
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Actual pot party, taken at distance of 250 feet on a dark moonless night.
Too dark for pictures? Not at all. Singer-Librascope's L-378 night surveillance camera system takes pictures by starlight or ambient city light using standard black and white film of ASA 400 or faster. Can be hand carried to location. Needs noexternal power source. A few minutes of instruction qualifies the operator.;. You weren't invited? Never mind ...nobody will know you were there (until later). Long focal-length, lenses of unmatched optical excellence and superior intensifier tube allow covert sur-
veillance from dusk to dawn. And you remain at a discrete distance without missing any of the action. You need evidence? You'll get it. Individuals, license numbers, street signs can be identified photographically at distances of 400 feet and greater. Developed for the military and proved-in Korea and Vietnam, the L-378 offers performance unequalled by any available system. Your pictures will reveal when and how the party went to pot. Pn'ce S8,800. Delivery-90 days after receipt of purchase order.
5630 Fishers Lane. Rockville. Maryland 20852 (301) 427-3700
blue-tail fly/13