Z S n= nu NEED P ··
V W Q: A or A l
i j g F`: Phones 500 and 188
l % gi) IE Post OHice——Continued 4 ~
"`E Division of Finance—David N Zimmerman asst postmas-
E —= =
§ B ter, George   Warren bookkeeper
Money Order D1v1s1on—Open from 8:30 a m to 9 p m
M Q g Walter M Bruce, Miss Katie T Hardesty, Frank W
E *2 Smith, clerks Domestic and foreign money orders is- t
Z g 3 sued and paid in this department Thrift Stamps, War
, E g Savings Stamps and Revenue Tax Stamps for sale at -
5 E this department D
ul :3 Division of the Mails—F M Hays, supt of mails
u Registry Division—Open from 8:30 a m to 9 p m W j ,
jordan, W E Adams and Henry F Chapman (U S A) [
` clerks All valuable matter should be registered and ,.3
mailed in this division '
Parcel Post Division—Andrew Hamon, Pierre C Foushee
and Dee S Baber clerks
, Stamps and General Delivery Division—Open from 7 a m ,
’ to 9 p m Miss Susan Milward, Miss Mattie T Wal-
ker, Miss Emma S Gilroy clerks  
Mailing Division—j M West, A E Diamond, Ernest B
Foley, George A Bateman, Henry A Slade, Wilbur
W Thompson, joseph R johnson, Charles T King,
George A Fallis and james R Nunnelly clerks This
, division has charge of the classification, distribution i
and dispatch of mails I
City and Rural Delivery Division—F M Hays supt, j C
Mahoney, john B Irvine, George L Brittingham, Wm
B Prather, Wm L Green, Robert T Cosby, Millard O
\\lilson, Robert j Grehan, Charles D Lancaster, Miss ·.
Margaret Carroll clerks To this division is assigned
the supervision of all mail matter delivered in the city ,
i by carrier, through lock boxes or general delivery A
Boxes rented and keys issued and returned The de-
livery of special letters by messenger, also the super-
vision of rural carrier service in Fayette county
City Carriers—Arthur F Adams, Harry F Adams, VVm S v_
Anderson, Quincy A Bailey, Thomas B Banahan, Clar- "
` ence G Bell, james R Benge, Charles F Bowman,
` Christopher F Byrne, Frank R Diamond, \Vm L David-
son, Louis C Grifhn, George R Hukle, joseph H Hukle,
Otto T jones, David \\t’ Keiser, james B McCartt, \Vm ~
M McGinnis, Stanley M McPheeters, \Vm R Mon-
tague, \Vm H Nave, Charles \V Oaks, Robert L Oots,
\xVm R Owings, Howard T Page, Edward L Simcox,
john B Snowden, Charles B Stimson, Henry B Wal-
lace, Charles N \Velsh, Roy F VVilliams, \\/illard B
Substitute City Carriers—Orville D Crane, Lloyd Elkin,
joseph McGinnis, Charles S O’Neil