r Onl, Gas and Coal Lands F2 I 1 f
. N. P. HOWARD rr]
201 PHOENIX—HOTEL Phono 863 E 7
- R. L. PoL1< & co’s LEXINGTON CITY mizizcrorzv 2  my m
Webb Commandery N0 2, K T Meets first and third Z
Tuesday nights in each month at Masonic Temple D M
Wm Becker, recorder ··¤
Oleika Temple, Mystic Shriners Meets first Thursday F`! •
· (except during june, july and August) at Masonic E
Temple Theodore jones, sec >_
Lexington (Chapter 110, Eastern Star Meets every third »-·
V Wednesday at Masonic Temple Mrs L Brown, sec Z ·
B P O Elks cg
Lexington, Ky, Lodge No 29 Meets every Friday in _] O
  Elks’ Bldg 117 VV Main C XV Trapp, sec; Douglas O e
T Geddes, E R T
Fraternal Order Eagles Z
Combs Aerie No 1066 Meets every Wednesday evening 5) R .
._ in Eagles’ Hall, 105 Church S L Bell, sec B 1 O
Independent Order of Odd Fellows g ”
Grand Secretary’s Office, 806 Trust Co Bldg .. i •
Richard G Elliott, Grand Secretary Q
Bethesda Encampment No 25 Meets first and_ third
Monday of each month 351% WV Short S L Myers, ¤
_ scribe
Covenant Lodge No 22 Meets every Tuesday at 35I%
W Short Wm Elkin, sec
_ Fayette Encampment No I5 Meets second and fourth
Monday in Fraternity Hall, 144 N Broadway H N
a johnson, scribe E
Friendship Lodge No 5 Meets every Friday evening at
143 N Upper VV R V\/allace, sec _ m
john C Underwood Canton No 8 Meets in Fraternity j •
Hall, 144 N Broadway S L Myers, sec 0
Lexington Lodge No 281 Meets every Wednesday eve-
ning in Fraternity Hall, 144 N Broadway j S Sut-
‘ tles, sec
» Rebekahs ( ’
· Will Poutch Rebekah Lodge No 40 Meets second and G 1
fourth Thursday in Fraternity Hall, 144 N Broad-
way Mrs Mae Smith, sec B
Knights of Columbus .4;,; -
Blue Grass Council No 762 Meets every Monday at K pg U
of C Hall, ISO N Limestone Ray Hillenmeyer, gg
Grand Knight gd N
Knights of the Maccabees   ¤
Lexington Tent No 2O K O T M Meets in Masonic $2 %
Temple every Tuesday evening john VV Lancaster, N2 _,,____
record keeper
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