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Kelsey Cllfd LE\dt.YOUI'lg€S’C UK Alumna?
Paducah native 1S 14 and earning a degree in biology.
By Linda Perry
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Kelsey holds her three Yorkshire terriers: Minnie, Mocha and Mazie.
Kilsey Curd Ladt is bringing new appears to be unfazed by her accomplish- to have worked at the National Institutes
eaning to the phrase “Young Alum,” ments, Okay, dare we say it? People close of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Md., and —
Kelsey, who turned 14 just three months to her say she seems so “normal” for a 14- let’s not forget this one — she is the
ago, anticipates becoming one ofthe year-old graduating from college, She likes youngest female graduate to join the UK
youngest females to graduate from the popular music, sings in her choir, has Alumni Association!
University of Kentucky as Commence- friends visiting for sleepovers, and relishes Kelsey joined the association when she
ment takes place this month, every chance she gets to play soccer and came to Senior Salute in the King Alunmi
In fact, she is one of the youngest females basketball, House to order a cap and gown and have a
to graduate from any university in the “1 like going to the mall with friends, senior photo taken for the Kemuc/emu year-
United States, Graduating from college so going to the movies, the youth group at book, Kelsey says she is proud that she is
young with a bachelors degree in biology church, and sports? she says, about to graduate from UK and that jommg
is remarkable by anyone’s account, But There are other “Hrsts” associated with the association is the most natural thing for
what is really signihcant is that Kelsey Kelsey, She also is the youngest researcher her to do to stay comaected to the university
)) 10 Summer 2009