»·.    · V I     ° 1,__<;1*;_., .:..-i.·, ' " ~-     ,i     ·- A If., `P  ,— ‘‘`' l .(_fi°"   r;_ 
wx, - g ,;<·,~ ,’ _ _ 7               . ._:     _   ji   .L¢ ,_ '_ ` `"K _  ZY V ':_ ' gl;} _'T_
       ’ —-{»-  ..   .    .,   »i · i s · »    <»»~—   »   »- »      ...     ·4,;.            ’‘       
V, 8-—VlI, 3 , B .  
V (Cstxtihuee.)  
j.r>·  s·- :.i
8. Obselete wffices. A short Sl31‘.`b·L}1,`d.¢}l`l3 sh·ul“. be giver; showing  
by ll\"}li»1'.l succeedei. Entries sheul-1`. be E.l’7.*i—.· under the succee {ing    
effice. (wc. i/fs/sv), (sup. 5, iff. sa)  
9. Res.s~;>1is fer significrmt gwps in the r~>crrn`.s, such as fire in  
the ceurtheuse, sh ¢..: ul?. be given. Ststemezitz csncerzzihg the  
iffice sheul1‘l7'1.g current rec c‘.· r=.`.s. (Let.  ;_:§*_¥?5;J.z
1/216/Ls v )  tg 
’ ; *"~?$¤;,
VI PAIQT C: Municipwl invent cries. The rec tris ef ecmch city ir tvm sheuli.    
be listei uxicler Part "C" with C. seperate i*i‘.e;; f r each city   _’V_  
cr t lvm. ,    
l. Nuzrmbexl   th; ezztry i1v1e···te·`. 5 spaces, f`r~llr.vv.reC. by pe1·i4z~.`. ..:1**.  
twe sgmccs .  `l
z` 2-1-J-Qt  
Jl. Full title ef recerf`. in c·*.g_.;s, f»`l].3`l.‘!¤J&`. by spice @.:1* e.ssig11-·      
e` title er by csrmiie., space 71111. —”.e.tr.. If ·1 see 21 ‘. lime is  
;i,.:eC.e;`. te shew title, ¤.‘.e.tc· ·‘;:·10. qutett ity, begiiz. th. line 2 [L,.  
Iirectly uziier first letter   title. (Sup. Q, Art. 20),   .;  
(Eu}?. 5, Art. 29)  Q   
B. Ve.ri:J.tie11 ef title:  ,>   
5.. Leczttien — this sh: ul?. i:;m;<‘.i·¤.tely f llew the given I-nfl;    
° title i11pc.re2:1th».2sis ein`. in cfzys. (Let. ll/li/36)    
_ b. E:1u;.1ere.ti’21 >f virieus titles ~ ell titles sf recerf`.    
sheulf be e;1ui11ere.tel if they ire s·· iispcxrcxte that    
iC.e11tifice.tic»:1 w::·ul»1”. be elifficult. Each ve.rieti.;··12    
. sheult`. be sepcxrfxtec`. by zz ef §‘..lfL axial space. (Let.   .
11/1/I/ssl   e ,
c. Where title rrf series varies, the current title   .f_<
sheul¤.‘. be used. (Sup. 5, ltrt. li)   J
C. L»ssig11e<.`. title: Where title fur ishe}. is tree vague rr mis-   (Y
l· ..*.5.:1g _, 7*.11 ·‘·ssig:·.c3. title ;,1.—.y be r,.‘.;‘.en`. i1u;ie·`.intely f ll       M
ing th.: title given in p;u·e;s1·t}··esi.s ·:11P. s;.mll case. Where   li
1*:1 title is furnished, e;; nssigzier`. title 1.1:*.y be given but 5g * ’
O1`.C].Of3¤·` in prxretzthesis ··—_?1<”. iz; caps. (Sup. 4., Art. 20),   ·F
(su,). 5, .1ft. 14)   —-
D. Jtbbrevisxtirms ryceurri2~.,_; ir. titles. These shrull be s;>c;¤lle<   2_,. *
rut, iw §r‘.1·~i::‘:.thesis, i.u.1e`.i.etely i‘¤ll’vwi:;g "tblDI'CVZlf‘.`{3:.L..=2“.S   · _ '
if rmt serif--.>xpl:;r.:»t ry. (Sup. 5, fmt. li)   ‘ z
B. Date:   Y
Jl. Ozzly s hyphqzr, xzrithtut   s,:e.ee sheull sepzxrmte  
cpeziiinag e.2·za‘ clxxii   ¢.Te.t·;.. if peri" shvulf`. f lliwr. (Su;).   `
4, xfs. 21), (ele;. s, Im. is) {
B. Dates in; Si`..L¤· century. Clisirig ·`.e.te ;1".y be ii;·.`.ierxt<;·`. by  
lust tw. Iigits >rec-.·`. s_,~ c`. by :3 hyphei., except where beggiii- Q  
21i1;_j Cste is ~;><:;~.i:2g year pf eeigtury. In the letter cause   ·
..4- O,
lil{S—7 ; . _
SIW; ’ J  
   ,,    -  _ ,   °   K. ·_ __ gn - . _ _   __ . _,- _ »» , .     .A.. ..  .»