, .-   5  *  g; _   »»t_ 5  ` » S V;   j   A   _       ` .v   , ’    
        ,v»`   . ,_     .k}v    _.           ‘‘t e . I    L·.   i »  
     si b.  ’<° —  “'· - ‘~° {rv  {ns ‘ ., . rp-    ·  ,. , _ ·*’ ~_;  ' *·’&~ `j. §· ‘;__ __'·*·_ : . 7,., *-. x_ , * :;AsH“ {3 1%* ; _·4_;   J.~· ~ H bgk lil   $1,7 M';.
I   mfr  
5 ,e=;~e—4
VII (Civntinued)  ;V-·.. 
the clesixg Gate is {given in full. (Sup. 4, Art. 21),  
(sup. 5, 4.rc. is)  
C. Dates in ·lif‘f'ere1‘;t centuries: The clesirng late shrrul`. be it  
given in full precede?. by :1 hyphen.  
D. Current ·;l:‘·.tes: Indicate by twe hypl;·;>;·1s *1:.0   periycl  
i`·:l1·>wi1;g_; the begizming date, except wh·;:1·e l€)?>i5 —r 1956    
is the actual be;_ji;mi:.1g; er enclizzg; date. (Sup. Q, ..1·t. 21),  
(1,5*5. 11//1/;/,/56), (Sup. 5, Art. 16)  
  Rec..rd Gh{1.ZV.;{•C¥S <”.uri1;g year. If ch:;·.;;ge =eeurs ;=.U1’lf   rr ·n1rs·  
if year, the ninth, C.c—.y mir". yeczr ef ch;`;;ye shxull be shi-m.  
(Sup. 5, .'-rt.   ·  
F. I·:1issi2i;;, ree .·)» r=‘.s: when gaps teeur in rec.~r;`s, {Yates zinxy be    
br.·3<·:>;i ~.`.‘»w¤. lit inclusive drxtes ef the recerls which are JT?}  
wt 1"1issi=.),, as 1835-Q6, 1872-95, 1912--. This i1tf.:..rz.1e.tie:;    
b<..l·t2;;s ii: irzlezited e;»e:1;it,;_j line f:;»llewi..,_· title. (Su];.    
4, Art. 21), (sup. 5, srt. 2s)   ,·,_ li
G. LV inte: if 11·¤..`.e.te is f.;w111··I after careful check, the ,3  
letters "i;.r·ls: Dates sheult`. e;.v¤2r ..1;.tir-.2 series nf s.  
recqr`, i:;elu·‘.i:;,,j prier er subsequent recr=rr`.s, with :1 sub-  
Tivi  referexcn. te each li·e1*.’GjV 31 it Gl   `f' ®Zl'bI`}*~ (SU]-   D.  
5, lm. 21)   »,,_ _ I  
é. iyantity ri" ree iris: Ihuzber si` velusxes, file b aces, buxilles,  
2"Ҥ'.lL`. mia". ~ne sgicice.    
Wiz‘r twsn voluzeies, er ether c-:n·-    
twiner, zz lubellinij need be given.    
B. `¥.hr»rc> rec Vr`. consists cf three er mare vV;»lLu:;es, vther    
e 11t;·.i*iers, ;.r b th, ant`. le.bellin;_g is simple, it sh ul*`   `
lbe shewn   f·ll·;>ws: (1-G, ..-2) ctfter the qumxtity of   I
each type   cz ·;it1;iner.   {_;
C. ‘{H·1ere labelling; ian c,;_;jple>; but there is nly one qutntity   11
(KS v;ls.), it sh sul I be ::hr=¤.·m in   .re;;th..-sis is in the   it
eise of sixjle libellingj in "ln" ebve.  
DV. Tiiier. lmbelliziy is 0*:1,210;: but ther. is   re than wne M J
qus.nt1Et,,·· ef e nteiner, fl1llT"I'Q1C`.'t3l`.]1 en qw-.e.nt.$,ty sl; ul`. be   ` ·
Ljiven t lgpther   labelling; sh mn in   s.>_·i1·:t¢; L~~.re._j1·:*.g_>h   °3
in jL>·xrenth.::sis, with first line inllsnte  tw. :1, faces bey #110.   ·
initifxl lett >r rf title 1:1.7. re1»;:xining‘ -~nes even with the E?  
initial letter 17 title.   It
E. TV%re‘*.}:=`¤v.q1 of lrpbellingi sh) ulc`. snly be shew:]. in inC.~>nte~`V   ‘ V I
gy rtin. (Su;. —;, .Lr·¥;. 22), (Let. ll//lr;/56), (Suy. 5,   `
Arts. 27,28) . '
6·   "‘¤* ¤;2i’¤_<2;‘22_=  
J. This sh-sul?. be e myletl:   b.;·,·.i.n at yxriin, usiiwi   1
<: neise, t·Vlr ·rr;_’·hic style i` —‘.;;se1‘i‘_‘.»ti.    
B. —.`D1iT2Il   reer;1. is V’_ivi<‘.e;`. by s¤1bjec·t he:.=.`i·; s,   ».J;1n;‘~e1·e.- . J
tin; if the iuzj r lz·V:·i.·Ii;ig;s sh ul`. be gjiven. ‘ I
~5- mas-s {
?? WP; r ’ i
A  -— . ,.V _ _ ·  · ...~ _ . V.  __  -  __   ` I  r· I . · , V  ,__ . V -_ V , , _, .. . __ ` f ’