» V- .,   ‘ ,3 — . . 4   .   v_ -·   . 1_ ;_; ., g   v\__ • ` afi}., ·/Qj;·J   ,1 
  ~  ‘‘‘ ;   · ‘ 1 - I?   _.‘— ?     I   m I .`,· Q1    (`iv     ` I   . ..» ·     , ., {° -‘ : V l_   IF;
W Q  e-.   #·   °   . ‘ —’ ~  *     ··   `:*’ V ~£ ‘       ,.’  -A ;L_   ·=* éi' ~,;Y  ~.,    l   3  
VIII (Continued)  
_ (Sup. 4, Art. 16), (Sup. 5, nrt. 9)  
2.  _o_f___C_ity lnventpry: The municipal j.’l`V’.,}`.'CO1‘:,’ shouli  
have the same kind of introrluctory sections ent`. ».ntri::} as  
the county portion of the inventory uni should imm=.;Giis.t»ly  
ifollew index to county reeor`.s. (Let. ll/14/{56)  
3. l’reps.ration of Final Inzlcx: This shoul<‘. be s.lphc·.betic:t;l r~.n¤`   ,li_  
r-TT.o`£•Té@s_-s`}i·oTJT]-T`, be m:·.OE— to all sub jects ana`. not merely te  
title of record. (Lot. ll/I4/36)    
A. Index to County Inventory — This shoul?. irmnely follow  
listing of county records. (Let. ll/14/56)    
B. Index to City Inventory - This shoul?. imznediritely follow  
listing; of city recorals. (Let. ll/14/56)   VV_T  
C. Do not cspitsplize entries in index. Index ell si;;nii’ic:.·.nt    
woris in reeor:7. title an`. all subjects in <`.esc1·iption of   ··_» »  
contents not incluS.o ell new : shoultl be submittecl.   §gj··
to Washington for approval before being inclu·;‘.ec‘» in f'in·zl   QQ}
draft. (Sup. 4, Art.     {T,
6. Xerification of inventory: No inventory will be s.pprov~;.·l by   I  
Wns1iingt` Director spocificsxlly stout s thtt   `
it has been rschocked against the reeornls themselves. { ·
'/I jZ__=_pg.‘;j_`Tu_c;t_ion oii? inyentory: Approved inventory to b.; put up in   ‘ ,
in pl¤.=xsinignifo-;·;~{." Cb;;Trs_m:~.y be temporary. (Sup. 4, Art. 56)    
8· §;¤2§;>_;n=>s;>;L»J2.=   I
J»— All ruceris of state <¤.genei_es i"oun=`. in the county .2.rehives T  
shouli be listed.   _A
B. Ll]. CO1’1`i)Sl_l ·n" nee `oetw<><.>1’1   Stvtte F=.{.j·J 110;,* f‘J”1·`. Q OOl11*ty E ,“ 
oi"i`ici*;l siioull b list `. i TA 
CU Publishc;7. stwt `ocu_·.,>v;1·‘»¤";s sY;eul*X not be listt `. (Sup- cl, W
..-rt.   i _ ..7
    Recerzlsa J-ll chztrch r·.eeri‘.s zxra. te br ol:;j.tti,<`. Jjrerl I
· GO1.ll`_tj,T.T;;»,i:TiT·"-.1*y until eth<,>rw·’_r·~_ instructe·‘l. (aiu);. 4, -.1*t. 4%})   `
UN QQg};G_G1"_i_wt cell- etons: Qtll m· euuscript lhvrms are t~ b.; em;i,tt·~;—" I _'
fr<>m~ eev-i*TtE}.iTTt$it`:¥ry{nitil >th¤»r=;r;i_se instruct·tv·’7.. (Buy. 4, i.rt..$-1 T
ll· }‘Z€=.j_= The opening nn? i_n<`o·;n·t.."’ limes will {give title,  
TT? quzuitity. Description will be ;l':»l.lowe;`, by name ez" ·:uth·~r, I V
place of publicrztien, publisher, ·1tnr·r. e;{' r<>c¤r,`.7;zg;, scule,
size z;n»`. lecetiwn, in ereler ,_;:3,vei;1. (Sup. 4, nrt.   y
if IRI`; - l l
;`  I “ T?
  .  . .-    ,_, _ ___ -  ·  _,  · » . . A i..   —.    I I - T. ,  ·,‘  ’