X ,
Y   S » , I _  ,
  `_.    __    __v_ _ Q S y I » I -   y , T T I  
`   " “    ;~ ,   J  ._ V  _ it . , . I {
Records (Cont») Sub-headings X,•· .‘ ‘— _.ai
Protection of IV,3,D. Subject headings it = is <;y
Public use of IV,5,F. Basic records IA,5,A. I ` at c-> t
Quantity of VII,4. Each court V,5» · j ·l€
Reasons for gaps in V,9. Forms under VIlI,l,F. 5 . v_ of $3
Recommendations for General IX,5. ` A * ‘ `*' i
Changes in IV,2,0. Described in entry VIl,6,B. Q ‘ " Sli
Repair of IV,2,L. Table of contents III,2. { ‘ o ~i
y Separation of IV,2,F. Sub-sections, Records under V,4. Q e I · , Ti
Subject headings of Table of contents VII,l-2· Q ;°’
Basic IX,5,A. Terms not used ‘ I {
Under sub-sections V,4. Alphs indexed VII,l4q y
Unifermity of IV,2,G. File VII,4. V `_ V .
Reference Separate Index VII,8,C. - Q
Constitution & Laws V,7. Title VII,2,A—D. I ' oi
Subdivided location VII,5,E. Abbreviated VII,2,D¤ g .j
" " VII,l3,D Assigned VII,2,A,C. l ` _g
Removal of records Current VII,2,B,C. Q . " Z `l
Recommendations for IV,3,G. Enumerated VlI,2,B,b» E — _ V Q
Repair of records preserved IV,3,L. Full VII,2,A. [ §
Reproduction of inventory VIII,7. inslcading VII,2,C. K ‘
Second Not given VIl,2,C. f · ’ ' H
Draft of inventory VIII,5¤ Page IU i A g
Line in title VIl,2,A. Separate Index VII,l4. 2 S
Section Series varies VIl,2,B,c¤ _ l 1
Readings lX,5. Variation of VlI,2,B,a—c Q - V , .·
Fbmber V,l. Triple spacing IX,2,D. Q —_
Separate " " IX,4,C. Q q
Index Typing of inventory IX,l—2E¤ i y _
One record ?Il,l4. Underlining IX,S,9. § R *SQ
Two records VIi,8,C. Uniformity of records lV,2,G. “ ` {
Subject heading Variation of title VIl,2,B,a—o y A
Each court V,5. Verification of inventory VllI,G.
Settlement, Early lV,l,D. Volumes {
Shelving of records IV,5,B. Humber of VII,4. ` V ‘
Significant words indexed VIII,5,C. Size of VII,l2. .i · R]
Simple labelling VII,5,B. Writing, Character of VII,9. I _.
Single spacing IX,2,C.
Size I I l
Average VII,l2. y
Bundles VII,l2. V »
File boxes VlI,l2. _ I
Volumes VII,l2. g .
Sketch, Historical IV,l,A—H. -
Spacing and Margins li,2. ,
Double lX,2,B,C, .1
Single lX,2,C. i ·
Triple lX,2,D. _ .
St2‘.'bO l H U A ;V;{;R;gl1_·jY ·
Agmcms H _ _ _V1iI’8’yA‘   -€`» ¥· V W ··=;·‘ 1-;nw¤rUr~v~»
Documents rublnsned VIlI,8,C. ‘ " `r“‘
Subdivided location VIl,5,H. ,,,- 1, 4
·· " vii,is,D. `;»C.=UU 1._;T» ~
Subdivisions .
" Functions V,S. V
Records of V,4· `
-14 HRS-17
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