;   Vol. lll LEXINGTON, KY., FEBRUARY 2, 1911 No/`Zl
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succeed J. B. Bennett as Congress- when they threw eleven of these? It force- No one that heard him can
`     man from the Ninth Congressional was more of a contest of overcoming deny that he has unusual talent and
, _ _ _ _.  .   District, is a self-made man. For a Wesleyan’s fouls than anything else power on the stage for the audience
  /z*·’   ·;', ‘ e_V`   Z A-»· . number of years, Mr, Fields was s, At the end of the flrst period the Was deply moved while he spoke and
-    ~'   _   commercial traveler. His territory score stood 17-11 in Wesleyan’s favor acted Hugos’ lines-
iv I     .. -     was Eastern Kentucky, and it is said but our men came back strong in the The other speakers were Mr. R. D.
  , _¢-··~;,   that when he became a candidate for last half and ran the score up to 20-17 Bowden- Se