notification in these words:

                                     Lexington, Ky., Feb. 7, 1910.

Judge Henry S. Barker, L.. D.,

  Kentucky Court of Appeals,

Dear Sir:-

         Messrs. Richard C. Stoll, Louis L. Walker, William H. Cox, TIbbis

Carpenter and James K. Patterson have been appointed a committee by the Board of

Trustees at meeting held in the city of Frankfort, February 3rd, 1910, to inform

you that you were upon the date above mentioned elected to succeed James K. Pat-

terson as President of the State University of Kentucky, and to request that your

pleasure in the premises shall be made known to the Board at its annual meeting

in June of the current year.   This duty we now have the pleasure to discharge.

     The most responsible office in the University has by the Board of Trustess

(Trustees) been conferred upon you, an office second in dignity and in importance

and in far-reaching consequences to none in the Commonwealth.   The foundations of

the University have been well and securely laid.   Its period of probation is

already past.    It has established a prescriptive claim to life and maintenance.

Its organization is compact and effective, its staff of instruction able and

energetic, its revenues increasing every year with the growing resources of the

Conmonwealth and the increasing liberality of the General Assembly.   While dif-

ferences of opinion have existed upon policies and expediency, there are no em-

barrassing line of cleavage and factions are non-existent.   It will be with you

to perfect and enlarge this organization, to stimulate and encourage its staff of

instruction, to augment its revenues and to prevent the growth of faction and

mutual distrust, to co-ordinate all its activities to the attainment of the end

for which it exists.

     The University is an agency created by the Commonwealth for a definite end,

viz:  The education of her sons and daughters.   It differs in kind from all Other

Tune 1, 1910